Category Archives: Pets

Maxy Day 6

Yay! Finally! :)

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Maxy Day 5

Sun is coming up, it’s Brekkie Time!


Mia, less scared, more curious, but still shitty.

Maxy hamming it up for the camera.

What a pretty boy!

After lunch on top of the cat tree (he’s a good jumper!).

Nap time.

Little Maxy has settled in really well. He’s a crazy little kitten. A lot braver and more adventurous than Mia was, much better co-ordination too (Mia liked to play with things on the ground as a kitten but would lose sight of things that were off the ground in the air). He’s also very vocal when he can’t see you and he’s a great jumper (he’s jumped up onto the toilet cover into the sink and almost managed to jump up onto a bar stool too).

Mia’s starting to get over being scared of him… she’s more curious than anything else and tends to follow him around but as soon as Maxy walks towards her she’ll grumble and most of the time she retreats. They’ve played chase more than a few times. Hilarious when Maxy chases after Mia! She’s had a few swipes at him but Maxy’s just manned up and tried to swipe right back at her.

This morning they kinda ate brekkie next to each other, all was good until Maxy tried to eat out of Mia’s bowl. After lunch they almost slept together as Mia let her guard down a little (she’s not used to staying awake all day!).

So far so good. We’re still keeping Max in his kitten room at nights, for now but we’re pretty sure they’ll both get along in a week or so. :)

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More Maxy!

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Little Maxy

Big limbs! You can see how he’s going to be a big boy in this photo.

We’ve got a collar on him already.

I’ve glaucoma.

Looking towards to door at Mia.

Mia. Very pissed off.

Who dat?

We picked up Little Maxy from the breeders yesterday, he hid in the corner of his room, under the pong table for a long time, but Christina eventually got him to hop into the Fuzzyard fuzzy bed and he was kneading and purring away by the end of the night. This morning we found that he’d eaten a lot of his food and he’d done lots of poo too (he’s already well toilet trained of-course).

MIa’s pretty scared of him, which is a bit of a surprise to us as she’s damn tough with the visiting neighborhood cats through the glass (haha). She’s acting very grumpy but we’re sure they’ll both get along eventually.

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Modern Pet Crick or Crock Giveaway

Our Alessi giveaway last month was a huge success. All people had to do in order to go into the draw to win was “like” our Facebook page and in just a few weeks we gained over 3000 Facebook fans. We thought we’d keep the giveaways going, this month we’re giving away a United Pets CRICK or CROCK pet food container designed by Italian Designer Stefano Giovannoni (the product is made in Italy too).

This time around we’re asking a little more of our contestants. They’ve got to upload an Easter themed photo of their pet onto our Facebook page. Whether it’s going to be a success or not, we’ll have to wait and see.

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Little Maxy

Fierce! Max’s Daddy Sergei appears in the ‘Dine Desire’ TV commercial.

He’s also going to feature in the upcoming Australia’s Next Top Model intro (pimp!).

Mum and kids.

Sleepy kittens.

Our little Maxy! You can tell he’s going to look a lot like his Daddy huh?

Yesterday Christina and I drove out to Raska Cattery to pick out our new kitten. We had first dibs on 3 boys and since we wanted a big boy we went for the one which was very obviously bigger than the other 2. This little guy was muscly and playful, even falling off the bed at one point (he’s going to be a naughty one!).

We’re off to Tasmania for a week (Targa!) but we’ll be picking little maxy up as soon as we get back. :)

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Aquarium Update

Salty tank is doing great. Very stable and all corals are growing nicely. My forum thread got bumped up so I thought I’d take a few pics when the T5 lights came on just a few minutes ago.

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Modern Pet ALESSI Facebook Giveaway

Modern Pet ALESSI Facebook Giveaway

Modern Pet Shop hasn’t been doing great since launch late last year. We had high hopes but there haven’t been as many sales as we’d like (in fact, hardly any!).

With Jamie and Richie expecting a baby, and Christina and I planning a wedding, it’s going to be one very busy year, but we’ve decided to give Modern Pet one last shot. We’re going to have to get more aggressive with our marketing and the first of many more promotions is on the way.

This month we’re giving away an Alessi Lula dog bowl, or Alessi Tigrito cat bowl. At $119.95 each they’re perhaps the most expensive pet bowls out there, and if we can’t sell one we might as well give one away!

I’ve noticed a lot of online shops and community sites using facebook “Like” buttons. I’m not a huge fan of facebook but I’ve decided to get my head around it a little more this year and so all you have to do to go into the draw to win the prize is “Like” the Modern Pet Facebook Page.

Also, for this month only, if you enter “MARCH” in the coupon code box on checkout we’ll take another 15% off your order. That’s a pretty decent saving, one which will see us just break even, but hey, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do!

Please help us spread the word. We’d really appreciate it!

Modern Pet Facebook Page:
Modern Pet Shop:

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Mia mao mao

Butt lickin time

Federer is betterer than kibbles

I prefer to drink out of a glass

Catch of the day

Tap that!

A little stuck

Christina’s always snapping shots of Mia with her iPhone. Here are a few of our faves :)

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Mia gets a new collar

Mia, ready to pounce!

Mia’s old collar (ew) at the bottom!

Mia’s been wearing the same collar since day 1 (August last year?) so we got her a new collar today, and a few different collars for Max, our new kitten who will be ready for us to pick up in Easter :)

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