Category Archives: House

IKEA Rudsta Wide 4 month update.

What an amazing 4 months it’s been! Keeping plants has been such a truly rewarding hobby that keeps on giving.

I’ve gotten to the stage now where I’ve started to identify which plants I love more than others, and this has helped me to stop the impulse buying (I have a fair few plants outside of the cabinet now), and instead create more of a wish-list of plants I’d love to one day own.

I’m still upset that my Alocasia Watsoniana outgrew the cabinet. It was such a great centre piece. It’s since pushed out a HUGE new leaf outside of the cabinet though. I did try to get it back in there, but 100% no go. The Alocasia Longiloba ‘May’ (Hybrid) has now pushed out a massive new leaf too (you can see it in the background at the top if you look closely). It’s also outgrowing the cabinet!

I have 2 Queen Anthuriums in there. A baby one (top right) and a bigger one I bought (it was all bashed up on purchase). Both have pushed out new leaves, but even the new leaves have come out imperfect (I swear I didn’t touch them at all!). Seeing the imperfect leaves every day is just… depressing! I’ve cut a few yellow bits off, but as much as I’m obsessed with the plant I find more joy in the plants that are pushing out perfect new leaves.

Figuring out which plants bring me joy (and which do not) is all a part of the journey I suppose!

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Terrarium update

Dropped in to Aquaristic to buy some hardscape for the terrarium. Felt a bit silly buying some tiny rocks and a piece of wood to be honest!

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Fittonia White Anne.

MyHouse Globe Glass Vase 31cm x 21cm.

Screaming out for a bit of wood, or some decorative rocks (or both!).

A month ago I impulse bought a big vase from MyHouse online as it was reduced from $100 to $25. It’s been sitting empty in my kitchen for a while (I actually liked it in the kitchen empty, kinda like a “blank canvas”), but I’ve had plans to start a terrarium for years now (years back I really wanted to try a salt water one).

I bought a cork lid for it on eBay, and a DIY light kit with plans to maybe turn this vase into a lamp with a lamp shade (may or may not do, we’ll see). It’s all just been sitting there but yesterday I found some super tiny Fittonia at Bunnings and well, that was my calling!

I’ve set up a false bottom with leca and a layer of charcoal then some orchid mix on top. For now I’ve planted the fern and fittonia as well as some ferns I found growing under an old upside down fish tank I had in the backyard of my old house in Maroubra (literally an accidental terrarium!). I have no hardscape in there right now, but will drop in to Aquaristic later today and pick out either a nice piece of driftwood or some nice decorative rocks (or both!).

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Outdoor bean bags from

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Fucking fuck fuck!

I’ve thrown out a LOT of good stuff in the move, mainly because I didn’t want to deal with morons on Facebook Marketplace. My Mum’s churchy friends took a whole lot of stuff and all clothes have been donated but a lot of valuable bike and car parts have gone straight into the bin.

I have to clear everything out by the 15th of this month and the only stuff that’s left is a huge IKEA bookshelf, my King Furniture 3 seat sofa and a very solid and heavy entertainment unit. I decided to put these 3 items up on Facebook Marketplace for free in hopes someone would take them.

I very clearly stated in my advertisement that the 3 items were free, and that the items were in Maroubra. I’ve had a lot of interest with most people sending me a message to ask if the stuff is still available (a one click auto response from FB Marketplace, so lazy!). One guy said he’d take all 3 items at 6pm today, but it’s past 6pm now and he’s a no show (annoying as I don’t live at Maroubra anymore).

I’ve since scrambled to reply to everyone else that the items are still available and I’m getting questions like “will these items fit in my hatchback?” and “are these items actually free?” and “where are the items located?”.



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Paloma Moderna outdoor furniture set

Rooftop at sunset.

My outdoor furniture set came in from Living By Design today. I love it! Not advertised, but it came with cushions for all seats too (not pictured but they’re dark grey and they’re great!).

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Do What You Like!




Much love and respect for the one and only Luca Ionescu. This gift from him is now proudly up on the wall in my art studio!

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Life’s short, listen to more music!

Wall mounted CD player.

Some of my faves!

Signed Faith No More CD’s.

CD Tower.

I was thinking about setting up my old iMac in the art studio, but I’ve decided I want to keep the studio analog. For music (essential when making art), Spotify has been OK, but it just FEELS wrong. I end up listening to the same playlist over and over again, and I don’t feel good about listening to the music Spotify tries to suggest to me. I want to take back control.

I threw out a LOT of stuff in the move, but I couldn’t throw out my CD’s. Some of these CD’s mark massive moments in my life. They’re like memory boxes. It’s been a while, but I think I’m ready to open some of them up.

Who the hell buys a CD player these days? Well I did! I bought this little wall mounted CD player so I can see the CD art up on the wall. As expected, the built in speakers (despite the adverts and YouTubers suggesting it sounds awesome) are TOTALLY TRASH. It has an AUX line-out though and I’ve got it plugged into my Bose speaker which sounds MUCH better!

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Loft Bar Stool

Loft Bar Stool from RJ Living.

I’ve been sitting on my KORG guitar stool when having meals at the kitchen bench. It’s way too big though so I’ve been looking for a super narrow bar stool and I came across this beautiful one at RJ Living. I actually spotted it a few months ago but didn’t pull the trigger on it until now. Really glad I did. It’s perfect!

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Gina practising her ZEN THAI on Leslie for the first time (I’m next!).

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