Category Archives: House

Ecosa Mattress


Mia pee’d in my bed whilst I was gone, that’s how upset she was!!! I’ve had to buy a new mattress, really wanted a Tempur as I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about them, but I’ve got nowhere near enough funds right now to justify the cost, and even if I did have the funds for a Queen Tempur, the real mission is to own a King sized bed… but it’s all such bad timing as I’ve got a legit reason to get a new bed right now, but can’t afford the King, nor the Temper Queen lol.

I ended up doing research and pulled the trigger on a pretty interesting choice. The brand is Ecosa, and you might have seen the video where a girl has wine on the bed, a guy jumps on the bed but the wine doesn’t spill. Their web site looks way better than their video, and with free 4hr shipping from time of order, as well as a 100 night free trial I was keen to give it a go.

The guy at the door came with a pretty small box. Heavy, but the box had wheels built into it. I thought that there was no way there was a Queen sized mattress in that box! But on inspection, Queen was ticked at the top. Unboxing was quite hilarious fun! The mattress came folded up and squished flat in airtight wrap, once I pierced the film the mattress literally exploded to life, filling out crazy fast.

The new mattress gave off some pretty funky plastic smells so I let it air out in my room with windows open for a day. The mattress is a LOT shorter than my old one with pillow top. I could look into a pillow top option for this mattress in future if the height bothers me (my side tables are now too tall). The mattress feels super firm too, but I love it! It’s been 3 nights so far and I’m sleeping well and feeling good when I wake up!

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I still call Australia home

Maroubra Beach.

Meow! Angry Mia is angry!

Rest? What’s that?! Welcome home party!

I came home to Ocean views, and a couple of very vocal and affectionate pussy cats; Mia and Star. :) It’s fucking awesome to be home!!!

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PC Build: ZEN PC

Goods are in! Massive order from MSY.

I think PC stuff is pretty ugly, from the packaging design right through to product design, but I won’t lie, this thing looks like it belongs on my car not my PC! Pretty fucking sick!

EVO, Turbo… what’s going on here?!

Had no idea what I was doing, never built a PC before, but I’m not lazy when it comes to research. It’s amazing how much you can learn with a bit of light reading and watching YouTube videos.

She turned on first go! No bad burning smells, all good! Pat on the back for succeeding in building my first PC. Massive thanks to Ved from Selectnine for not only putting the general list for this build together, but also lending a hand to be there during install from hardware through to software setup (he was my QA Inspector!).

Testing testing 123. Man she runs super cool. 43 on idle, and up to 70 when playing The Division (ON ULTRA!!!!!).

The case sits between the couch and the TV, making it possible for cables to reach the couch if need be (charging controllers, corded headsets etc).

I hid the Logitech main control unit under my Stormtrooper helmet, it’s the little things!

The NZXT case came with a cool magnetic gizmo which lets you hang your headphones, very nice.

The case is pretty wild at night, maybe it needs even more LED’s!



I’ve used a Belkin USB hub to hide the XBOX and Mouse/Keyboard wireless dongles in the book shelf.

Ahhhhh, WE DID IT!

Now to finally play DOOM (thanks again for the copy Bethesda!), which came on a CD (Ved’s last PC didn’t have a drive!).

The Division on ULTRA, on my couch, with a controller. WE DID IT! The console killer, now a reality. I’m so happy with this PC Build; which all went super smooth amazingly.

No blood, sweat or tears were had. Initially I was sure Ved was going to build it for me, but you know me… once the goods came in I was ripping boxes to get my hands dirty, next minute I’d built it as far as I could go, but had a couple of cable connections I wasn’t so sure about so Ved came over to look over everything before I started up the PC for the first time.

Have to admit, I was super nervous about the PC starting up for the first time. I felt like an American Chopper, turning the key over on a motorbike build for the very first time wondering if it was going to run, or melt. Amazingly it lit up in a blaze of LED lights, and WOW! She hums along real nice!

The fans that came with the case are super quiet, the cooler fans are crazy quiet, and the shitty little fan that sits on top of the RAM is the noisiest fan of the lot, go figure! I can’t hear the PC at all where it sits though. The NZXT S340 Elite case made it super easy for me to create a minimalist clean setup. Cable management on this thin is fantastic. The only issue was the cooler was too big to sit in front of the fans, as the case has a control unit up there, luckily I figured out I could mount the fans first, then the cooler, which made for a way sexier build in the end IMHO!

We had no issues installing software, and getting my games from Steam and UPLAY onto the new machine was a breeze. My Skyrim and Fallout 4 are heavily modded though, and moving mods over didn’t quite work. It looks like I’ll have to re-install all game mods again, but that’s no biggie. Sound is super bass heavy, but that low volume rumble is exactly what I was looking for to fill out the space. TV is crazy sharp and all my concerns about using a huge TV instead of a computer screen have been put to rest, big time!

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PC Build: NZXT S340 Elite White & Sony X850D LED TV

Finally putting a gaming PC together! I’ve had Ved’s media PC (his old gaming rig) on and off for almost a year now, it’s been amazing (graphics are so much more amazing than console!), but I want to run shit in ultra, and I’ve gone from wanting a gaming laptop, to wanting a PC connected to the TV (makes sense as I play games on the PC with a controller).

I’m a mac guy, so I’m in the deep end a bit. Good thing is Ved’s nuts about building gaming rigs and he’s helped out massively by giving me a base build, which I then took and went bonkers on. I posted my shopping list on Facebook and had lots of Facebook friends chime in with great advice, so a few tweaks later and my build is a thousand dollars more than what I thought it was going to cost me, but the end result will be amazing and should last me a couple of years easy.

Intel i7-7700K 4.2GHz 8MB Kaby Lake

Gigabyte Z270X Gaming 7

2 x (2X8GB) Corsair Vengeance Black 16GB 3000Mhz

8GB GTX 1080 Gigabyte Xtreme Gaming Premium Pack

Corsair H115i Hydro High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler

Corsair 1000Watt Digital 80Plus Platinum Full Modular ATX

Windows 10
Samsung 960 EVO 500GB M.2 SSD
WD 3.5″ Black 2TB SATA3 7200rpm HDD
External ASUS DVD Writer

NZXT S340 Elite Matte White

Logitech MK520r Wireless

Sony X850D LED TV
Logitech Z906 THX 5.1 Surround Sound Speakers

Alright in white (still no mac though!).

The first thing I committed to was the case (once I hit the buy it now button I knew I couldn’t go back!). Initially I thought all hope was over when I checked out what was out there. So much vomit. In the end I just went for the most basic looking thing I could find in white, turns out this NZXT S340 Elite case (I got it through PC Case Gear, a site suggested by a lot of guys on my facebook post) is a decent quality product and much loved out there in the PC community.

Super thin.

Clean (enough) design. Stand is minimalist but quite ugly IMHO.

Next I got a new TV. I’ve always had hand-me-down TV’s and when the last one broke I bought a cheap (but huge 55′) Kogan LED TV (cardboard, basically). I thought I’d test Ved’s PC on my current TV and yup, 100% no go. Jaggies everywhere which had me super nervous. I did a lot of research though, and true enough LED TV’s have advanced a lot since I bought the Kogan (2011-12-ish).

I ended up going for a Sony X850D in 65′ based off technical reviews that whilst it wasn’t the best TV for movies, it has the lest input lag of all current LED TV’s which makes it perfect for gaming (Sony’s new PS4 Pro would suit the 4K screen nicely too!). Won’t lie, pretty excited as it’s my first legit TV purchase. It’s super thin, quite light too, looking at it in situ it’s no bigger than my old 55′, but the 55′ had a huge frame where this TV almost has none. I instantly thought I could have gone bigger! Then again, budget didn’t allow in any case so 65′ it is.

I’ve since plugged it into Ved’s PC, and booyah! It’s fucking amazing! I spent a little time with my MacBook Pro on the couch tuning the TV’s colours to the Mac’s colours and now I’m set.

The rest of the PC order should come in tomorrow!

Posted in Games, House | 8 Comments

Music Room

Blank canvas.

Hunting in Newtown.

What a find!

Lunch break at Belfield on Botany.

Off to a great start!


Ocean views… so melancholy!

Love the colour of copper!

I’ve decided to move the music set-up from the lounge room (I stubbornly thought it would be a great idea to use the lounge room but I’m starting to acquire too much gear!) to the spare room.

Today Star and I spent the day brick-a-brack shopping around Newtown, Tempe and Waterloo for stuff in an attempt to make this music room something special. We just had one of those awesome days where shit off the shelves leaped out at us and we pulled the trigger on heaps of stuff (except a gorgeous leather couch which I might have to go back for tomorrow!).

The room is coming together so nice! We can’t wait to christen it with a song!

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Meet Charlotte




Mums new doggy! :) Check out her new backyard too! Lovely!

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Merry Xmas 2015

Merry Xmas Leo!

Too cute!

Miles, cheeky monkey!

FEAST! Ham was next level!

Leo and Miles were crazy at pressie opening time, they were opening so fast all my shots came out blurry!


Smart cookie this one.

So smart that Uncle Tin (that’s me) got him a drone! HAHA!

I got toys too whoo! Mum got me the Thunderbirds toys, haha, she’s the best!

Mum also bought me a new iPhone. SO SPOILT!

I’m happy with the 6s, but still love the 5s so much more in terms of design as it’s got square edges, looks more industrial and feels more masculine.

Richie got Miles the Millennium Falcon! There’s around 80 or so stickers you have to put on it to make it look more like the picture on the (HUGE) box.

Miles flying the Millennium Falcon straight into his room for nap time.


Whilst Miles was napping I had a blast putting all the stickers on HAHA.

Love from my sister, haha. So rad!

Pressies from Lewis! He’s a good kid that one.

Xmas; always feels like the end of the year right? Quite hard to boycott Xmas when you have 2 cute nephews! Miles is only 4, but I bought him a drone anyways (LOL!). Mum got me a new iPhone! I so needed it as my old one’s had it.

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Eames Moulded Plastic Chair




Designed in 1950 and looking as fresh as ever, because good design is timeless! 8 x Eames Moulded Plastic Chairs are mine, all mine!

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The sword came with this maintenance kit to keep the blade well-oiled, powdered and polished.

I’m pretty happy with the hand guard on this sword. It’s ornate but not over the top, just what I was looking for. The saya (the scabbard for the sword) is also just plain glossy black without any crazy designs, characters or artwork. Just what I was looking for!

She’s heavy, very well weighted. I love it!

I’ve always wanted a Japanese sword. When I was a kid I was crazy about Ninjas. Dad would take me to the local VHS video store once a week and I’d always pick a Ninja film to take home. At the Easter Show every year I bought the Ninja Showbag and even brought plastic ninja stars with me to school for a few years (as well as dressing up and climbing trees!).

I’ve been aware of cheap Samurai swords for sale at Paddy’s Markets for years. I always assumed they were rubbish so this morning I set out to buy a Hanwei swords from Lawrance Ordnance on George St. in the city. The cheapest being around $500. On my way in I thought I’d drop by Paddy’s to see if there was still anyone in there that sold swords. I walked around for a while not seeing any, and thought that they must have stopped selling them for legal reasons, then I found a guy selling some.

I asked about his prices, they ranged from $60 up to $300. He kept passing me down the more ornate crazy ones, none of which I liked. He kept asking what I wanted it for. I just said I’d like to photograph it, so it had to look amazing. I’m not sure why he avoided handing me over the one that caught my eye, the one which had no graphics on it, no characters, just a plain glossy black scabbard. When he finally did hand it to me he said that this one was for real training as it had a better quality steel blade and more importantly was weighted correctly. I had to have it, and at $100 I think it was a steal!

I’m sure the more expensive (up to $2k+) Hanwei swords sold at the shop on George street would be superior to this one I picked up, but as much as I hate saying “that’ll do”, this sword I picked up is much more than what I was expecting for $100. I’m happy and can’t wait to shoot it with a girl whether she’s Japanese, or not, which will surely ruffle a few feathers out there, but hey culture mashing is my thing and those that know me know that I’m more about cultural appreciation than cultural appropriation.

Posted in House, Toys | 8 Comments

Australia Day

Hey Leo.

Happy Australia Day!


Miles doing his rendition of Billie Jean on the keyboard, with vocals even, amazing!

Cheeky Monkey and B’Day girl.

Miles’ painting, framed! So good.

And his B’Day card for Mum.

Opening pressies time!

Cats doing what cats do best on rainy days!

Haha Leo!

Teach’em young!

The Wholesome Pod, my sisters new business. She’s been dealing her amazing goods to the family for some time now, it’s all going to hit the market this year!

Despite the rain, Richie got the BBQ fired up and cracked out these amazing prawns.

Feast on!

Celebrated Mums B’Day (again!) & Australia Day today at my sisters house with her kiddies. I’m drunk on champagne and so full I feel like I’m about to explode.

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