Category Archives: Games

Skyrim x Popped my Game of Thrones cherry

I managed to play a little bit of Skyrim just before I left for LA. Sydney to LA is a 14hr flight so I figured that I had plenty of time to catch up on movies. Once we were in the air I was hunting down a movie to watch that was in the theme of Skyrim, that failed, then I came across Game of Thrones (Season 6) and booya! I hadn’t ever watched an episode of GoT so I just dove right in and ended up watching every single episode straight in one sitting (as you do).

Loved the music, worlds, architecture, characters, death, gore and special effects; all of which set my frame of mind up nicely to come back home and play Skyrim.

Whilst I was away I got a message from my friend Amanda Sierras (who’s a DJ/Model I met through Breanna Espina/Zen/shooting). She needed a place to stay for a couple of weeks before she jets off on an Asia tour. I figured playing games on the couch would be a pretty geeky/bad guest thing to do but hey I just had a 14hr flight back home, I was buggered as fuck and needed some down time, she’d totally understand right?! I loaded Skyrim up and Amanda instantly lit up and showed me her fingers, which had games from her childhood tattooed on them.

She asked what I was playing. I said “Skyrim!” and she replied “I know Skyrim! What are you? A mage, or warrior?”. Gahhh! This girl is amaze!!!

Yup, that’s the Lucas Arts logo tattooed on Amanda’s finger (and yup we had enough of the Trump debate and played Skyrim instead!).

Trump was winning. “Stuff politics, let’s play Skyrim instead!”.

There’s SO much undulation in this world. You can climb up and over mountains if you choose to.

Apparently these Sweet Rolls are a bit of a thing in the game. I’m lucky I haven’t gotten to to know the game for long enough to know this, otherwise missing this event where Bourke Street Bakery lovingly re-created the Skyrim Sweet Roll would have been devastating.

Exploration, finding a companion and looting. So many instant similarities to Fallout 4, except you can’t really modify your home (let alone create settlements like you can in Fallout).

Lydia’s an awesome companion in battle, but as a character, she’s nowhere near as deep or developed as most main companions in Fallout 4 (which I felt I had genuine connects with).

The world sure is beautiful at times.

Entering a cave is often like entering a new world.

Puzzles like this kill me. I ended up having to youtube this one unfortunately.

But it got me my first Elder Scroll.

My character ended up being more of a combat character, lots into one-handed skill, spells with the other and shouts on top.

I’m glad I’ve gotten to play a game which SO many people out there have been raving on about for years. I’ve now got Battlefield 1 to play, and the post man just dropped off a copy of Dishonored 2 earlier today. It looks like I’m more up to date on games than I’d originally thought!

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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Battlefield 1


I got to briefly (it’s always super brief these days sadly!) catch up with Charles Kha (formerly Autosalon Magazine Editor, Editor of SpeedHunters and now VP at EA Games). Although brief, it’s always great. We parted ways after a few drinks and ciggies, but then Charles buzzed me a little bit after to ask for my hotel room number as he’d forgot to give me something! BF1!!! #omfgtheregoesmylifeforthenextfewmonths

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition

My copy of the remastered Skyrim for PS4 is here! The game only came out today, and I leave for LA tomorrow morning so I thought I’d come home to it in a week’s time… but NO! Thanks Bethesda for express posting me a copy to play today.

Being truly done with Fallout 4 (until mods come out for it on PS4!), and struggling to get back to The Division after downloading the 1.4 update (which after a few hours play really feels like how the game should have been from launch). I’m going to give Skyrim a good go despite not being a huge fan of magic/fantasy like realms.

I’ve only spent 2-3 hours on the game but I’m enjoying it so far! Really helps that the Fallout 4 familiarity is there with the controls, and general gameplay too. Sure, the graphics aren’t as great as Fallout 4, but one thing I’ve noticed is that the game loads SO fast! Loading screens flicker past in an instant, unlike the 30+ second wait at times when opening a door into a building in Fallout 4 (worst way to kill immersion IMHO).

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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I’m still playing Fallout

I’m still with Piper, though I lost Cait AGES ago. If you’re on PC you can use the console to find any lost companion, no luck on the PS4 though! I googled and found a lot of others out there had the same issue, and the only way to find your lost companion is to remember where you left them. Fallout 4 has a HUGE open world and I looked for Cait for weeks and I finally found her again, SO RAD! The intense feelings this game can provoke, so awesome!

I’ve completely finished the game and discovered nearly every location on the map, yet on rare occasions when free-roaming I still do find places I’ve never been to, and secret rooms to loot.

Yes I’m guilty of googling “things to do in Fallout 4 once you’ve finished the game”. One of the most common suggestions was to play the game again, but go with a different faction. I tried this and went with The Brotherhood of Steel (BOS), which was rad for a bit, but I couldn’t stand the grind so I stopped as soon as I boarded the Prydwen.

I’ve instead continued my addiction of collecting Power Armour (PA). I’ve now got enough money to keep on buying new frames, but instead I’ve tweaked my character from a gunner into a sneaky sniper, and my fave past time now is to sneak up on enemies in power armour from behind and shoot their power cores out, which forces them to leave their power armour so you can then kill them and steal their power armour frame and whatever bits they have on it (this vid shows the process well).

Even more stolen suits.

Stolen Raider PA.

Yeah even more! I’ve got over 50 PA suits now!

I’m still playing Fallout 4. The music draws me in SO hard. I love love love the soundtrack, so much! Listen to it here, and the retro-post-apocalyptic world, it’s just so awesome. I can understand why so many people loved the game (and have so much love for Bethesda the company who make the game), and I’m truly glad I’ve managed to play it despite being almost a year late to the party.

Watch this guy react to the first Fallout 4 teaser trailer (which features the epic orchestral Fallout intro piece). It pretty much captures how I feel about Fallout 4 right now (haha!).

PS: Bethesda are the creators of Skyrim, also an open world RPG, but more in the style of Lord of the Rings, which I love, but not as much as the retro-post-apocalyptic world that is Fallout. I’ve read a lot of good stuff about Skyrim (PS3 game so much older than Fallout 4). Bethesda are re-releasing Skyrim Special Edition (comes out tomorrow), it now features remastered art and effects and all DLC content too, so it’s a good time to give that a go me thinks (goodbye!), good thing then that when I return from Vegas, there should me a copy of the game in my mailbox!

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The Division Update 1.4

1.4 update installed.

I’ve not played The Division for months. The times I did log in to play I just found it boring (mainly because nothing had changed). I’ve been waiting for the next update, and yesterday I downloaded it and gave it a go. I immediately noticed a supply drop in the open world (outside of the dark zone), that was pretty fun. I then noticed that I could choose different difficulty tiers for the open world (higher tier = better loot). Rad!

Of-course everyone was online, game updates tend to bring the crowds back. I joined a crew and hit the Dark Zone and yup, they really have changed a LOT. The game doesn’t feel any harder, or easier initially, but you instantly realise that NPC’s are dropping more loot (good loot too), and you get caches for levelling up and completing assignments. There’s just so much more loot everywhere! Then you realise your armour has dropped, and you can’t do the Lone Star ammo trick, and that they’ve released new gear which will force you to work on your character, which was expected to be honest, but within 2 extractions I was already getting better gear than what I was wearing, so I’m thinking that min/macing a new character won’t be so bad.

Having said all that I’m still feeling like I’m quite done with The Division. I do have the Season Pass though and will most likely come back to play the next DLC, Survival (trailer below).

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Fallout 4 Merchandise

Game merch is usually pretty meh, but holy shit there’s some EPIC next level Fallout 4 stuff out there. I’ve got a few bobbleheads already, they’re awesome! And I got myself one of these babies (I hunted down a first gen release on eBay), which houses your iPhone (you download an app to make it fucking real!). Cray!

PS: Still on a high from WTAC. I say it every year, but damn it was the best WTAC so far! Things do not slow down for me though this year. I’ve got a big meet next Thursday night. 3 months ago there was a defect set-up a few km’s down the road from our EOMM. The last 2 meets have been down on attendance as expected, but we’re coming back with UNITED. A meet run by the community, namely Downshift, Street Cover and Tuned.

THEN I’M OFF TO SEMA! Las Vegas, baby!

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Nanami Cowdroy – Gears of War 4



Shots I took of her finished piece (1:1 scale guys! SO RAD!).



I’ve got a huge mouth and it’s been hard to keep this one under wraps but I can share away now! Nanami’s been invited to create art for Gears of War 4, specifically armour and a weapon too!

There are 10 international artists in total, the top 5 get immortalised in the game! Getting ZEN logos into in Need for Speed was pretty special to me, so I’m gunning for Nana’s armour to win.

Her piece is inspired by her Japanese heritage (SAMURAI!), and the Biohazard symbol was inspired by the tattoo on my arm (so cool!).

PLEASE VOTE FOR HER DESIGN!!! You just have to click on her design and vote by signing in with Facebook (one click!). Thanking you all in advance!

TO VOTE Visit:

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Fallout 4 DLC Season Pass

Strong Back, Basher, Locksmith


One of 3 sheds I’ve built to hold my Power Armour collection (I’ve got 33 of them and all paint jobs!!!).

The Automatron DLC let me contruct this robot builder, which has been pretty fun (you can create all sorts of crazy robots which you can then assign tasks too, or even have as companions).

ZENBOT! He’s pretty hardcore.

The best Power Armour in the game, took a lot of work to get it, but it’s all mine!

Little toys I’ve collected during gameplay, now displayed on a shelf in my workshop.

Vim! Some of the Power Armour paint jobs you can score in the game are pretty crazy!

My bae Piper looks amaze in her Nuka-Girl rocketsuit outfit!

My stolen Atom Cats Power Armour lives at my other pad, the Red Rocket Truck Stop.

Level 73. I’m done!

I wasn’t done with Fallout 4 so I decided to buy the DLC’s. I went for the season pass which gave me access to download all DLC’s made for Fallout 4. Whilst most players would gave done them one by one I ended up being a little overwhelmed with having so much to do, especially with 2 new “worlds” to discover, Nuka-World (a twisted Disneyland like experience!) and Far Harbour a really eerie, dark foggy land.

I’ve loved it all though, such a great game! So smooth, hardly any bugs, or crashes (at all! Bethesda you’re amazing!). I’m kinda still wishing I played it when it initially came out a year ago, but I’m really glad I’ve played it nonetheless!

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Fallout 4 – End Game Review

My companion Dogmeat in armour!

My bedroom, all decked out!

Complete collection of Bobbleheads. Excuse Bae, who’s photobombing hard!

The comic book art is awesome in Fallout 4. Each comic you find builds up your character and you can display them all on a magazine rack.

My workshop where I work on unfinished power armour.

Hey Preston! I’ve dressed up all my main companions and settlers as gimps haha!

Gorillas in the mist. Bae and I exploring together.

I’ve turned the Red Rocket Truck Stop into my 2nd base, an all women settlement (stealing clothes off characters is one of my fave things to do in the game lol!) which houses this stolen Atom Cats power armour.

My most powerful power armour (of all 20 in my collection!), with jetpack!

I’ve spent the last week (quite literally!) playing Fallout 4 and man, I’ve been loving it! Initially I didn’t think I was going to get hooked, but I got into the story and once I did I had to finish it. Once I finished the story I didn’t want the game to stop, so I started doing my thing, tweaking this and that, min-maxing this and that, and that’s where this game really kicked in for me.

Things I’ve done since finishing the main story:
– Build up my settlement (Sanctuary) and made it feel like home. I’ve set up supply lines too so I can share junk between settlements.
– Find, collect and modify lots and lots of power armours!
– Find and modify weapons.
– Collect every single bobblehead!
– Collect comics and magazines.

I’ve reached the end of the dialogue with my fave companions (Preston is my first man and Piper is my bae who my character has now romanced) and now I’m considering purchasing the various DLC’s which with further expand my Fallout 4 world (oh noes!).

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Fallout 4


I’ve not so secretly been pretty excited about the re-release of DOOM. Bethesda, developers of the game sent me a copy for PC which I’ll be playing soon (once I figure out which PC gaming laptop I want to purchase!), but included in their care package was a copy of Fallout 4 for PS4 so I thought I’d give it a go (game has been out for almost a year, but better late than never, right?!).

I’m new to RPG’s but I’ve had a great introduction to the concept via 1400+ hours on The Division, so I wasn’t at all daunted by the sheer amount of things you can do in the game straight off the bat. I’ve done a couple of things to help me “catch up” though; one is setting the difficulty on easy so that I waste less ammo (as ammo isn’t that plentiful in Fallout 4’s post-nuclear landscape), two is watching a bunch of YouTube clips on tips and tricks which end game Fallout 4 gamers wish they knew when starting out to help me avoid investing into the wrong perks.


Intro: Fallout 4 is set in a post-apocalyptic Boston in the year 2287. Your character emerges from an underground nuclear fallout shelter and subsequently explores the world to look for his son.

I generally hate game intros, and I kinda hated this one too. Installing the game took a very LONG time on the PS4, perhaps longer than any other game I’ve ever played, and the story intro was just so forced, linear and boring that I found myself nit picking at the character realism (lack of) and environment (say the house interiors, furniture, TV’s etc), which initially to me just really looked and felt like a 90’s PC game.

It’s not too long though before Fallout 4 sets you free in it’s huge open world, and before you know it you’re looting, exploring and getting sidetracked left right and centre en route to specific locations. The various YouTube guides I watched helped me to get to level 10 pretty quickly and I’ve distributed my perks into lock-picking so I can crack more safes to stock up on ammo, being able to carry more inventory and gun smithing so I can mod my guns for more damage. I’ve already gotten a few powerful weapons and also a few power armour suits, which are so so cool! The animation of getting in and out of them tickles me, lots!


Characters: Meet Dogmeat, he’s my loyal companion! You can choose various companions as the game goes on, but he’s my fave so far, roaming the scary post-apocalyptic world would be super lonely without him!

Looting: You can pretty much pick up everything in Fallout 4’s open world. Managing the weight of your inventory is a constant pain in the ass though. Once you’re overloaded you can’t run and this has to be the single most frustrating thing about the whole game for me so far as I just want to pick absolutely EVERYTHING up!

Shooting: There’s always a bit of adjustment that needs to be made when hopping from one shooter to the next. Fallout 4’s crazy guns feature crazy crosshairs, all of which take some time getting used to. Fallout features an auto aim feature called VATS, it’s a kind of bullet time slo-mo thing which I find absolutely frustrating so I’ve avoided it completely and I’m relying on aiming with the controller. I’ve found that going in guns blazing works much better for me than taking cover and executing sneaky kills. Running out of ammo mid fight is a common thing though so I tend to save VERY often in order to proceed through harder quests.

Crafting: Building up settlements is pretty finicky in the game, and a bit of a steep learning curve with lots of trial and error, but it’s bottomless. What some people on YouTube have done with their settlements, turning them into amazing towns, is waaaay beyond me! I’m determined not to get caught up in a SIMS like game experience though, and have been crafting just the basics to get going; harvesting water, food, making beds, adding power, just the simple things to help me level up.


Diamond City. Don’t quit the game until you get here, at least.

I’m sitting on level 16 now, and I’ve managed to reach Diamond City, which isn’t exactly where the game starts, but it feels that way as the story of your missing child kicks into high gear and there’s a lot you can do from the city, and it acts as a great marker to let you know you’ve at least played the game past the “intro”.

Design: Man, the worn out retro graphic design and steampunk-esque weapon designs in this game are made with SO much love. I can’t get over it, and how much awesome art there is in this game!


The Pip-Boy is green screen (reminds me of old macs!) device you wear which you will be using a LOT in the game as it’s your main interface to pretty much everything. You can even change the colour of it. I’ve changed mine from green to Zen Teal! #findyourzen

Hours: Gaming is grinding, especially when it comes to RPG’s so I’m not sure how many more hours I’ll be putting into developing my character, or environments, but I can say that it’s been a great play so far. So, better late than never? Definitely the case when it comes to Fallout 4!

EDIT: I’ve since put in a fair few more hours into Fallout 4 and focussed on the story missions, and within a few days I’ve almost completed it! Be warned though, the story gets pretty heavy and there’s more and more dialogue as you go, but I’m enjoying it and I think I’ll finish the game (and perhaps even do a few more side missions in future!).

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