Category Archives: Games



A couple of my Discord gaming buddies and I have just kicked off the GEEK’D OUT podcast! Join myself, Hawk and Jase as we have multiple orgasms of the mind over video games, science fiction, Japanese animation and more!

In Episode 01: ZEN, Hawk and Jase geek out over Gaming, Star Trek and Star Wars.

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Mass Effect Andromeda.

Still gaming! I’ve gotten to the end game in Fallout 76 and have nothing left to grind for so I’ve been playing other games. I logged in to Destiny 2 for a couple of sessions but despite there being some new content there I just felt like the grind loop hadn’t changed, and that if I got back into it I’d be up for more of the same so I turned to the Steam store and found a few titles I had been curious about on sale.

I tried Rage 2 as I loved the Mad Max game by the same devs. Sadly, as expected, the story was so cheesy I had to put it down. I bought Control, a game I’ve always wanted to play (I never bought it as it was on Epic Games and not on Steam). Super stylish, great gameplay but the story lacked an emotional I’m always looking for in a game, and it didn’t quite do it for me. I then tried something a little different; Wasteland 3, an isometric CRPG by the people who created Fallout. I loved every minute of it and was so sad when the game ended some 50hrs in (I definitely wanted more!).

Right now I’m playing Mass Effect Andromeda, a game that launched with really harsh reviews, but the community has managed to save the day with mods, and man I’ve modded the hell out of my game and I’m loving it!

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All my Fallout 76 CAMPS

Just a quick tour of all of my Fallout 76 player C.A.M.P.S. None of them are 100% finished (I need more plans!), so please consider them all W.I.P.

Much thanks to AquaNova for the inspiration, especially on the first cylindrical build. Her work is amazing! Be sure to follow her.

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Fallout 76


I’m really REALLY enjoying Fallout 76!

I was a massive fan of Fallout 4 (check out my previous Fallout posts here). I fell in love with the world and the characters and I put a lot of hours into that game. I modded the hell out of my game too (being able to modify a game was new to me, it still blows my mind). I even bought and played all previous Fallout games too (yes New Vegas was amazing).

When Fallout 76 launched late 2018 it received a LOT of negative press. One of the things I loved about Fallout 4 the most was the NPC’s and to find out that Fallout 76 wasn’t going to have NPC’s really put the nail in the coffin for me. Fast forward to 2020 and Bethesda has introduced NPC’s to Fallout 76. The game was available for purchase on Steam, discounted too, so I pulled the trigger.

My initial thoughts: I felt like I was playing Fallout 4 again. Same graphics, same janky gun play (coming from Destiny 2 the gun play in Fallout was never going to be great). I instantly missed the theme song from Fallout 4 when launching the game, but the radio still works, and that awesome Fallout 4 vibe of being alone and playing the radio whilst roaming the map was still there.

I started doing the NPC questline and before I knew it I was hooked. So hooked that I stopped playing Destiny 2 all-together and Fallout 76 is now my main game. Within a few weeks I got 2 characters to the level 50+ end game, and both builds are worlds apart. One a bloodied stealth sniper, the other a full health melee build. And speaking of builds, the new perk system is awesome (so too the mutations) and working on a min maxed build to suit my playstyle has been a really rewarding process.

The community is pretty active too, and I’ve spent a lot of time watching great guides on YouTube and checking out other people’s builds on Reddit.

A few days ago I decided to subscribe to a 1 month trial of Fallout 1st. A service which grants Fallout 76 players some pretty huge benefits like currency to spend in the shop, an unlimited junk stash box, the ranger outfit from Fallout New Vegas (this is really why I paid up tbh!) and even a private server. I’ve just managed to influence a few of the boys to also buy the game and we’ve just started playing as a crew on a private server.

Gamer for life? Maybe. Sometimes I game hard, sometimes not at all, but I always feel a little guilty for gaming too much when I do. Either way, right now I’ve got the bug, that’s for sure!

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Playing D2 with Amanda

Playing Destiny 2 with Amanda!

Watch live video from ApandaY on

Follow her:

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PC is back

Back on PC with the Fireteam.

I searched for a local Eastern Suburbs PC repair shop and found Eddie of Eastside Computers in Coogee, just up the road from Maroubra. He was quick to reply to my messages and came to my place to pick up the case and once fixed he dropped it back off for me too.

I had to replace the motherboard and chip but everything else was good. Lesson learned though, from now on I must clean out the PC of dust at least a couple of times a year.

I did spend a bit of time playing Destiny 2 on the Playstation when the PC was down. 30FPS is just so janky and the really tight FOV is ridiculous. What’s worse is the insanely slow loading times for simple things like loading the character screen. PVP was a bit of fun though. I play D2 on PC with a controller which I feel has given me an edge when playing competitive on the PS4 Pro against other controller users.

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Din Tai Fung + Timezone

2019-05-18 - Din Tai Fung Threesome 001

2019-05-18 - Din Tai Fung Threesome 007

2019-05-18 - Din Tai Fung Threesome 010

2019-05-18 - Din Tai Fung Threesome 003

2019-05-18 - Din Tai Fung Threesome 004

2019-05-18 - Din Tai Fung Threesome 005

2019-05-18 - Din Tai Fung Threesome 006

2019-05-18 - Din Tai Fung Threesome 011

2019-05-18 - Din Tai Fung Threesome 022

2019-05-18 - Din Tai Fung Threesome 019

Great vibes on a night out with Threesome Crew. We’re really getting along, it’s fucking awesome!

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The Division 2 is fucking up


First there was maintenance 3 times in a row (nothing worse than finally getting some free time to have a solid sesh only to find servers are down), and now there’s a skills bug which renders the game completely unplayable at higher levels (as your skills work for a few seconds then they literally vanish!).

The bug only just started for me last night, but people have had the bug for the past 3 days. I’d imagine those guys are even more frustrated than I am!

I hate to be nervous… but it’s starting to look like the same old Massive, at it again. Why I thought the company would be any different this year is beyond me… I ‘hoped’ I suppose?!

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The Division 2 Open Beta Impressions


I spent 1,953 hours on The Division 1. That’s a whole lot of hours on a game that’s stuck in what feels like December, Christmas time (a snowy city full of Xmas decorations).

I was always nervous about expecting too much from The Division 2 but one thing I was sure of was that they would take us out of a snowy NYC. I’ve avoided most YouTube videos to date and last weekend I dove into the Open Beta. I thought I’d share some of my thoughts on spending a few hours in the brave new world.

At first there’s an instant familiarity with the controls (I use a controller on PC). Walking slow to admire the world feels smoother now and the fantastic cover system is still there. At 4K and ultra I was only getting 30–40FPS so I ended up playing the Open Beta in 1920×1080 in full ultra instead for a solid 60FPS. The world is super colourful, and missing the spooky dark snowy NYC vibe, but it’s more packed with details like rubbish and overgrowth. I appreciate the slight boost in graphical detail over The Division 1 for sure.

Shooting feels more weighted. Recoil is savage on the controller and I like it. Many audio bits are lifted directly from The Division 1 which is a good thing. Panning out to get an aerial view of a newly discovered landmark feels a little Far Cry to me, but that’s nothing major, the same old audio collectibles and ECHOs are still here and just as boring as they were in The Division 1.

All in all I had a good time in the Open Beta. The Division 2 feels a lot like The Division 1, and that’s not such a bad thing though I was secretly wishing for more. I did encounter some bugs, specifically some AI glitching and skating. That really worries me as it’s crazy immersion breaking. I’m not so sure I like all the UI changes either. Going from a cleaner linework style UI to a more photographical UI makes everything look a little heavy. I would have liked to see a more tech/minimalist approach to the UI rather than the old UI tarted up to look new.

NPC’s still look really gummy, cartoony and fake to me, especially their faces but my main gripe is the NPC chatter. I hated it in The Division 1, mostly because it was repetitive at places you often hung around at like the Base of Operations. It’s worse in The Division 2, where random NPC’s yell out things like “Hey, there’s that Agent!” or “You’re the best, Agent!”, why is this dialogue always so cheesy and juvenile? It makes me feel like I’m meant to be 15yrs old to play the game.

I’m still on the fence about spending up to get The Division 2 when it launches on March 15th. I don’t feel any sort of urgency to pre-order it, but I do have an urge to go back into the Open Beta, which sadly ended yesterday.

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Anthem Downgrade

E3 2017 Anthem gameplay reveal.

One of, if not the biggest reveals at E3 2017 was Anthem. Watch the gameplay reveal in the video above, ignore the fact that the game is being made by EA Games/Bioware, ignore the cheesy dialogue, look at that lush world. Quite impressive, right? When I saw this reveal in 2017 I called absolute bullshit. The scene in the hub where your character speaks to that random guy, come oooooonnnnn, that can’t be live?! It looked so pre-rendered to me, there was just no way the game was going to look that pretty live and too right, the game is out now and the downgrades are savage.

All the YouTube reviews that matter are strongly suggesting that right now, gamers DO NOT BUY THIS GAME as it’s an unfinished and unbalanced buggy mess. Whilst it might be safe to buy the game in a few months when they’ve sorted out a few teething issues, some things might not be able to be fixed at all such as the abundance of long loading screens (oh this is a deal breaker for me!), dead hub, a map that looks the same wherever you go, repetitive game structure, weak story and cheesy dialogue.

A comparison between the Anthem E3 2017 Gameplay Demo and the Public Demo (2019).

In reaction to E3 and downgrade culture I did a podcast in January 2018 outlining the importance of TRANSPARENCY, especially in relation to business. Sadly, the lack of transparency in the gaming industry is still just as rampant today as it was when I made this podcast despite the big guns on YouTube calling out the devs and firing shots this entire time.

The internet is smarter than you — Transparency and being an honest business will get you far.

Am I surprised about the downgrade? Not at all. Am I upset about it? Nope. Would things be different if I bought in on the hype and pre-ordered the game? Most likely. I’d say all those who pre-bought and are currently playing the game are already defending because they’ve already committed so much time into living with the bugs, the server disconnect and reconnect issues and sitting through loading screen after loading screen.

You’ve got to be in it to win it, but in this case I’m glad I went with my gut and made the choice to sit on the sidelines.

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