Category Archives: Food

Grumpy Baker Sausage Roll

I’m off pies because of this thing. A Grumpy Baker sausage roll. It’s HUGE, like a brick and no need for tomato sauce as the meat inside is so good.

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Catchups with Chris

Chris’ C63.


Large Coffee.

Alaskan crab fritters + poached egg at The Pool Cafe.

Hey Chris!

I ran into Chris in Randwick the other day, but was with Mum and couldn’t stop to catch up. This morning I was on WhatsApp and he sent me a message asking if I was free for lunch. Usually I’d say no as I’d be too baked to be fucked, but these days I’m so quick to say yes to anything that gets me out of the house!

I met Chris many years ago through Indy So at IS Motor Racing. Indy built my R32 GT-R and Chris was the sales guy at ISMR at the time. We’ve been friends ever since. Over the years we’ve had MANY conversations about joining forces, but nothing has ever come out of it. It’s been over a year since we’ve caught up and today we found ourselves once again talking about projects we could work on together.

I’ve got a bit of a plan in mind that involves Dianne, Chris and I. Business ideas even… not that I love business, but business with these 2 could be really fun and rewarding as they both have in abundance all the things I lack, and vice versa, and we’re all working from home/for ourselves too.

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Domino’s vs Pizza Hut

It was raining hard last night and we were starving. It was 7pm so we decided to order something to eat. We loaded up Uber Eats and it was a blackout. There wasn’t one single restaurant open for delivery. WOW… so Uber doesn’t deliver food when it’s pissing down rain? Good to know! We then loaded up Deliveroo. There were only around 12 restaurants to choose from and all of them suggested long waits of 45min+.

It’s times like this, when you’re starving and there’s no good food delivery available, that you think of ordering a pizza.

Domino’s or Pizza Hut?

Anyone who’s been to Italy and had a real pizza KNOWS that Domino’s and Pizza Hut pizzas DO NOT look anything like the OG; thin crust, minimum topping of only a little bit of cheese and a veggie or two, sometimes a meat. It was the Americans who made the pizza what it is today; bigger, thicker and overloaded with cheese and toppings.

Pizza Hut opened up in Australia in 1970, Domino’s a fair bit later in 1983. I was born in 1975, Sydney Australia and never heard of Domino’s until my teenage years. McDonalds in Kingsford today was once where Pizza Hut was, in fact both McDonalds and Pizza Hut shared the same location for many years. For my family it was mostly McDonalds by day and Pizza Hut at night. McDonalds already felt like fast food chain with it’s slippery plastic booths and hard tiled floor. Pizza Hut felt much more like a restaurant with mood lighting, carpet and table cloths.

We debated for a minute. We knew Domino’s would be fast. 20 minutes flat and it would be at our door, piping hot. We then reminisced about how Pizza Hut was more about restaurants than fast delivery. We remembered having good times in Pizza Hut restaurants as children, the salad bar, the gingerbread men, and we also remembered the extremely deep-dish pan they brought out to the table when ordering a deep pan pizza.

We decided to go old school and order Pizza Hut. In a new browser window we google searched “Pizza Hut” and this is what came up:


Surely this shouldn’t be allowed? We searched for ‘Pizza Hut’ and the first result, a paid advertisement, is Domino’s and the 2nd advert underneath it is Pizza Hut. How on earth is this acceptable? There’s just something SO wrong about this that it hurts to think about it.

We accidentally clicked on a Domino’s link 3 times when we were trying to find discount coupons for Pizza Hut (we only found Domino’s coupons but failed to easily find any Pizza Hut coupons), in the end we decided to leave the coupons out of it and just go check out the Pizza Hut website.

What a mess. The Pizza Hut website has been optimised for your phone, problem is we were viewing it on a browser, on a large monitor with browser set to full screen. Content loaded in a thin strip in the centre (obviously designed for phones), but adding things to the cart and confirming steps forced us to hunt for the “next” buttons, which loaded all the way in the extremities of the screen.

We then realised there was no pizza tracking, and that it would take 45 minutes or more. Is Pizza Hut trying to NOT be competitive?!

Domino’s dominance now made total sense. Choosing between Pizza Hut and Domino’s seems to be more about the ease of ordering and speed of delivery vs actual quality of the pizza itself.

On checkout we noticed an option to pay by cash! Hey! The galloping ‘481 11 11’ jingle came to mind! We figure that opting to pay cash might suggest we were going to tip, and maybe that would get the pizza to us faster?

The 481 11 11 jingle in the video above killed it pre-internet, when phones were how you ordered pizzas.

Pizza Hut delivered in around 45 minutes. We still gave the driver a $5 tip (that Chinese red packet money came in handy!) and for that the driver was extremely grateful.

The pizzas were as expected. One bite of the Supreme and that capsicum just took us back. The deep pan wasn’t anywhere near as deep as it was back in the 90’s, but it still had that oily olive oil base that had been fried on the pan for that crunchy crust. If a pizza is all about the crust, then we think Pizza Hut wins, hands down.

In the end we tried to weigh up the difference between going for something more from the heart (in this case Pizza Hut), or going for convenience (Domino’s). But in reality it cost us more to go old school, and it took way longer to arrive.

It’s obvious that Domino’s success is based on tech and delivery. Where Pizza Hut invested in eat-in restaurants, Domino’s invested into a killer, easy to use online ordering and tracking system which gathered a lot more franchisees, which in turn allowed them to radically expand their network, thus allowing them to offer ultra-quick delivery of 20-minutes.

So in conclusion, There’s no doubt that Domino’s Pizza would have been cheaper, gotten to us faster and it would have been hotter too. There’s something to be said about how both Pizza Hut and Domino’s pizza base and crust, when not so hot, tastes like cardboard. We’d argue that Pizza Hut wins on the crust, but it’s not by a large margin.

After filling our bellies we came to a somewhat sad conclusion that the ‘feels’ didn’t quite outweigh the logic. We went old school for the romance, but the ordering system was a little clunky, not knowing exactly how long the delivery was going to take made us a little nervous, and in the end, the long wait and not so hot pizzas kinda tarnished the whole experience of wanting to support the alternative.

In conclusion, we’re on the fence and we’ll most likely be on the fence for quite some time when it comes to choosing between these 2 giants of fast food pizza delivery.

We’re sure though that most of you guys already have a preference between the 2 giants. We assume more of you would be ordering Domino’s due to their superior online ordering system and fast delivery, but what if Pizza Hut was to catch up and also implement a great ordering system and fast delivery? Would Pizza Hut once again reign supreme?

Also on Medium for an easier read:

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Monday Funday with Tendy

Grumpy Baker Pie. Nom!

Lunch by the beach with 10D today. Him and I both spent thousands of hours in the same game last year but didn’t speak to each other on the mic much. Both of us were in a shit place but both of us seem to have resurfaced at the same time. Really great catch up, a bit rushed if anything as Tendy had to pick up the kids! I’m really enjoying hanging out with friends who have gone further than I have with some aspects of life. 44 this year and back to learning something new every day. I’m on track!

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Chinese New Years 2019 @ Queen Chow

Family decided to celebrate this year at Justin Hemmes’ new restaurant in Enmore (Justin Hemmes owns Merivale and I used to do design work for the wanker). I was like oh noes, its gonna be expensive, and we’re supporting a Sydney Playboy here, not a chef…

43yrs old still getting dem red packets!!!


Always awesome to see mum happy!

OK this Alaskan crab & pork xiao long bao with gold flakes was the best fucking yum cha I’ve had in my life. This Chinese New Years special, with the fucking crazy rich asians gold leaf, was so juicy and the crab tasted like it was caught this morning, fresh from the ocean. Fucking wow. Even a local Guangzhou chinaman would lose his shit tasting this. We ended up ordering 2 more serves!

Also SO SO good. The one with the red bean that we usually find in stinky medicine, that one in particular was fucking epic mushroom goodness.

Oh de long life noodle.

#wearefamily – Was awesome to finally catch up with my cousins. Not as much awkwardness as I thought there would be as I hadn’t been attending the larger get togethers for about a year now.

This is meant to be like the flavour of the year or some shit, voted on some world wide challenge. I took one spoon and was like OMFG it’s just… so so sweet… way too sweet (funny as I loved sweet stuff when I was punching cones all day). I thought it was missing an adult coffee flavour. Lesson: NEVER ever say something is the best, ever? Hype kills.

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#MANDATE with Nick Turner







Mad hangs with slick mofo Nick Turner today; white FD, car talk, music talk, camera talk, design talk, food, life talk, what’s not to like?! Helps the guy is calm (ZEN as fuck, really), and has a calming effect on me, which is a good thing as it doesn’t take much for me to get manic these days!

PS: Nick has gone freelance, check out his awesome work on his instagram. Follow: @therealnickturner

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Australia Day/Mums B’Day

Indo food is mostly brown, even the desserts!

Happy Australia Day Mum! So awesome to see mum happy!

Love you Mum!

Karaoke even!


My brother from another mother Eugene dropped this off for me, his parents were doing a clean out and found my old Tamiya RC cars! UNREAL RIGHT?! Will do a proper shoot of these ASAP.

Happy Australia Day Mum!

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Meal Friends – Teaser


Next week on Meal Friends: Someone burnt our ramen, Nanami teaches us Japanese chopstick manners, and we have a fish with ice cream.

Meal Friends on Facebook:

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Meal Friends



Nanami and I were invited to be on Episode 2 of Meal Friends – Of-course we had Japanese! Look out for the episode soon (subscribe link below!).


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Hangs with Alain

Alain with an i!


Solid hangs with Alain yesterday. Alain’s kicked off Meal Friends, a new passion project where he and his mates visit food joints around town. Sounds like it’s been done before, right? But Alain’s got a certain something and I’m in love with the intro/first 10 seconds of his first video. Be sure to check it out, it’s shot so well too! (shot by Daniel Karjadi who also vlogs).


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