Category Archives: Food

Reuben Hills

Brunch with Cacia and Jess at Reuben Hills in Surry Hills today. Nanami took me quite a while ago (and it was great), second time around was just as great! Delish as expected!

I felt like eggs, so ordered scrambled eggs on rye w onion, coriander, lime and cumin salt with jamon (so good) and avo on the side.

Cacia went for the Baho Beef Nicaraguan brisket with plantains, yuca, gallo pinto & papaya slaw. Pick of all 3 dishes for me. Earthy goodness.

Jess went for the NOT reuben (which she can’t go past every time apparently!), wagyu salt brisket, pickled slaw, manchego and horseradish mayo on rye.

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Cacia Zoo

Welcome to the Fox’s Den Cacia.

Red wine stains her lips. Cacia’s never been to Sydney before. I’m honoured to be a part of her first trip.


Jess and Cacia, food hunting.

Body clock is out of whack. Late night feed at Petaling.

Artist & model Cacia Zoo, who’s spent the last 6 years in NYC, flew in to Sydney yesterday and she’ll be staying with me for a few nights. Jess and I picked her up from the airport yesterday, and straight off the bat we were having D&M’s about art and life. Emotional, driven and open, she’s larger than life (and her laugh is wicked!).

We downed a bottle of red. Cacia translated some of Ren Hang‘s poetry for Jess and I, which was amazing (it’s hilarious!). Ren’s poetry reminded me of the poetry I used to write when I was 21 so I dug it up and read some of it out loud, which in turn has inspired me to share it with the world once again.

It’s heavy, half of it is the outcome of my emotional state during the passing away of my Dad to cancer. The other half was written in relation to that stage in your life where you’re a little too old to call it teenage angst but much too young to call it a midlife crisis.


Red wine, poetry readings, late night food hunting and fiery conversations. Cacia’s helping to bring the Artist in me out to play. It’s going to be a great weekend!

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Chinese New Years

39 and still getting red packets! #winning


The 3 sisters.

All the girls.

The Fox Family.

We ate at Sky Phoenix Chinese Restaurant in Westfields, we were shoved in a corner with broken lights (in the dark) and they refused to split bills (in order for us to qualify for free parking), manager had heaps of attitude too, so my Auntie/Mum’s younger sister decided to do this. LOL!

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Wine Selectors

Yup, the charming lady at the airport got me! Reeled me in hard, caved and now this!

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Eggplant stack with chorizo.

Coconut Chicken Salad.

And what we were really here for, that amazing Brewrista’s cold brew.

Took Jess to Brewristas today for some cold drip. Boss man Kevin was a legend and let us taste all 3 of his brews, the originalCold Brew (which is still my fave), the Brewmonade which I’m liking more every time I try it, and Brewtea which Jess liked the most.

They’re selling so much cold drip that they’re always low on stock! I managed to take home a couple of bottles of Cold Brew though, and Jess took home a bottle of Brewtea! Bzzzzt!

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Pub Life Kitchen

Look for this sign! Tucked away on a quiet street in the suburban part of Ultimo.

Krysti and Rob.

Polenta was about as good as polenta gets.

I ordered the Cheeseburger, so did Robbie. Krysti and Ved went for The Bird Dorito fried chicken burger.

Change?! The entire game has changed!

Pub Life Kitchen. Hands down. Best burgers in Sydney. Robbie, what a find mate. Best cheeseburger I’ve ever eaten in my life, and I took a bite of Krysti’s The Bird burger, crunch explosion! I’ll definitely be back for more!

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Hangs with Jess

Wake & Book! Jess’ new spontaneous nature has me in a spin! We’re off to Melbourne this weekend!

A quick feed at Hotel Harry.

Yup, both of us cameras out shooting food…

Got Nutella?!

I’ve been missing music in the bedroom so I bought another Bose bluetooth speaker from JB Hi-Fi. This time I went for a much smaller (and cheaper) unit. I surprise myself for choosing teal over white!

Jess picked up this awesome pair of dotty Roche’s.

Some cold drip goodness and a crofin (yeah that’s right, not a cronut, but a croissant crossed with a muffin of sorts!) from Black Betty Espresso Co.

Been meaning to buy one of these lightboxes from Typo for a while now but they’ve been out of stock on the black letters (only coloured letters in stock). Today I scored one with black letters and they’ve come down in price by $20 too. I love it!

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The Wholesome Pod




My sister has just launched her new business. The Wholesome Pod. She’s always been amazing with cooking, and over the years she’s really nailed the healthy/organic/earthy foods which I find really aesthetically pleasing, and of-course, delicious!

She’s done all the design and photography on her own too! Yes, the creativity runs deep in the Fox family! So proud of her, love the site, her healthy munchies are going to add years to my life! I’m sure she’ll do really well.

Visit (and please share!):

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Chinese Noodle House

Spag bol! LOL.

Pork and Chive!

Been a while. Chinese Noodle House at the old Burlington Centre in China Town. I’ve been eating here for a lifetime, and it’s cleaner than ever (I’ve seen them drop dumplings on the floor in the kitchen, pick them up off the floor and throw them back in the tray, no bull!). So good!

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Australia Day

Hey Leo.

Happy Australia Day!


Miles doing his rendition of Billie Jean on the keyboard, with vocals even, amazing!

Cheeky Monkey and B’Day girl.

Miles’ painting, framed! So good.

And his B’Day card for Mum.

Opening pressies time!

Cats doing what cats do best on rainy days!

Haha Leo!

Teach’em young!

The Wholesome Pod, my sisters new business. She’s been dealing her amazing goods to the family for some time now, it’s all going to hit the market this year!

Despite the rain, Richie got the BBQ fired up and cracked out these amazing prawns.

Feast on!

Celebrated Mums B’Day (again!) & Australia Day today at my sisters house with her kiddies. I’m drunk on champagne and so full I feel like I’m about to explode.

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