Welcome to the Fox’s Den Cacia.

Red wine stains her lips. Cacia’s never been to Sydney before. I’m honoured to be a part of her first trip.


Jess and Cacia, food hunting.

Body clock is out of whack. Late night feed at Petaling.
Artist & model Cacia Zoo, who’s spent the last 6 years in NYC, flew in to Sydney yesterday and she’ll be staying with me for a few nights. Jess and I picked her up from the airport yesterday, and straight off the bat we were having D&M’s about art and life. Emotional, driven and open, she’s larger than life (and her laugh is wicked!).
We downed a bottle of red. Cacia translated some of Ren Hang‘s poetry for Jess and I, which was amazing (it’s hilarious!). Ren’s poetry reminded me of the poetry I used to write when I was 21 so I dug it up and read some of it out loud, which in turn has inspired me to share it with the world once again.
It’s heavy, half of it is the outcome of my emotional state during the passing away of my Dad to cancer. The other half was written in relation to that stage in your life where you’re a little too old to call it teenage angst but much too young to call it a midlife crisis.
Link: http://www.justinfox.com.au/poetry
Red wine, poetry readings, late night food hunting and fiery conversations. Cacia’s helping to bring the Artist in me out to play. It’s going to be a great weekend!