So last night’s never ending jug of sangria saw a fair few of us get pretty pissed. Lots of lols were had. This morning I woke up to the sound of coffee being made, and then as expected, an amazing Colin and Mei breakfast, this time baked Spanish eggs!

And grilled halloumi!

Julia showing her awesome instincts putting baby Alyssa to sleep.

Straight after brekkie Colin was prepping this coffee rubbed pork butt!

And yeah, outdoing himself once again, this time he brought his own smoker!!!

It’s raining harder than yesterday today, so, laptops out!

Steve’s still rockin’ his Nanami Cowdroy Nuvango skin.

For lunch Colin and Mei made takoyaki with the squid Stevey and Zi caught.

And pancakes too!

Then Zi, who was the only guy who was super committed to fishing for hours in the rain caught, caught this 80cm monster flatty off the jetty! Posing with Mei.

Family photo lol! Done! He’s now got a great fishing story to tell, forever!

Despite the neighbours on both sides urging us to keep the monster female Zi decided to let her go. A billion kharma points his way!

So no flathead for dinner, but Colin’s smoked pork butt came out of the smoker after a huge 9hr stint, and amazing pork butt, slaw, crackling and BBQ sauce burgers were smashed, followed by the late arrival of Willie, who’s been unable to make it the past few nights due to food poisoning! He brought along boat number 2 and bottles of cognac!
Weather is looking up for day 4! Now that Willie and his huge tackle box has arrived… it’s game on!!!