Category Archives: Design

Web/Digital Industry Meeting @ Shillington College

This morning I was invited to discuss the industry and web/digital design issues at Shillington College.

The meeting focussed on the industry’s current state, expectations of junior graphic designers as well as content that they should be teaching students. There was a group of us, a mixture of teachers and industry representatives which made for some great chatter, and lots of great opinions as well as ideas.

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Shillington College Talk

Yesterday I had the opportunity (thanks to Corrie!) to speak to some ‘soon to be graduating’ Shillington College Design Students. I’ve not done a Shillos talk in years, was a little nervous (always am before a talk) but I absolutely loved it and got so much out of it myself (I hope the students got a lot out of my talk as well!).

I find talks a great way to take a step outside of myself to see where I’ve come from and where I’m at right now. I spoke for about an hour but could easily have gone on and on for many more haha. Be sure to visit:

PS: No photos because I forgot my camera! :(

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Finally got off my bum and got these T’s printed. Initially I was using Redbubble, a print on demand service. Whilst they print on American Apparel T’s the print itself was crap (digital printing). Screen Printing > Digital Printing any day. Find them (and a lot more new goodies) in the Zen online shop:

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New goodies @ Zen Garage


Back (big enough?!).



Some of my new designs got delivered today. Looks like this is the stuff I’ll be wearing for a few months from now on! Like uniform, every day. Hehe :)

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Gearing up for ALL STARS this month @ Motorex! It’s going to be awesome. I’ve just launched this new site, but facebook is where it’s at!

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Aus Infront Presents: Movement

Aus Infront Presents: Movement at the Apple Store Sydney.

Last night’s Infront Presents at the Apple Store Sydney was a little quiet. Blame it on the rain, or more likely that State of Origin was on, massive shame as I think it was the best one we’ve done so far.

Was great to catch up (albeit briefly) with my mate Ash who’s killing it right now. He’s just directed the Olympics advert you’re seeing on TV at the moment, and for those who missed last night, be sure to watch his short film: Never Extinguish.

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APA Books now shipping

Narada and I packing all the APA books into padded bags.

Gotta love IKEA bags. Each book is 800g, we had too many books for 2 bags!

We got stung HARD at the post office! HARD! :(

APA books FINALLY got sent out today. My hand got so cramped up writing addresses, then filling out declaration forms for each and every parcel to go overseas, reminded me of being back in high school doing the HSC!

We’ve got quite a few books left over, so we’ll be selling them to try to re-coup our massive loss (we paid out of our own pockets for printing and shipping). If you’re curious, you can view the entries here:

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JDMyard 10th Anniversary


JDMyard are having their 10th Anniversary soon and Zi’s asked me (nicely) to mock up a design for some stickers and T’s. I’ve always wanted to use the hipster cross on something!

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Seven Times Down, Eight Times Up

Zen Garage Daruma Doll.

Got up at 5AM this morning with a massive urge to re-write the Zen Garage ABOUT US PAGE. Have been in the zone pretty much ever since (almost time to go to work!). Have been playing with this new Daruma Doll T-Shirt/Logo Symbol design too.

What is Zen Garage? We get asked that question all the time. Whilst it’d be nice like to nail exactly what we’re all about in one sentence, ultimately we don’t want to pigeonhole Zen Garage and instead instead we’d rather keep open minded about what we could become.

Founded in 2011, in a run down warehouse space in Leichhardt Sydney, Zen Garage opened it’s doors to a community passionate about automotive culture… but we’re not just about cars.

Our aim is to explore, and through our website, celebrate creativity and culture whether it’s found in cars, bikes, art, photography, music, skateboarding, anything in which one can reach a moment of zen – be it in the build, striking the perfect chord, capturing an amazing moment, or hitting the apex in the perfect corner on the race track.

Our 300sqm warehouse space pushes the online offline. Forum communities are welcome to drop in and check out our dedicated art gallery, read books and magazines in our library, play games and peruse our retail shop which focusses on stocking creative culture goods.

Check it out here:

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Folio – Australian Infront

I’ve just uploaded a folio of logos to the new Australian Infront Folio section. The process is pretty damn amazing and super easy. You can literally drag images from your desktop into your Folio, hit publish and bam, it’s live! Best of all the service is free so if you’re an Australian Creative get busy. Visit:

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