Category Archives: Design

Gearing up for Field Trip

Goodies from Sharpie!

Hilarious hats from Mailchimp, really nice heather grey T’s too.

All sorts of goodies, by the box full, are dropping at Zen Garage! All this stuff will go into the show bags that every Field Trip ticket holder receives on entry. For more info, visit:

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Field Trip


Field Trip conference is so close (Dec 7). The team will be pushing hard to get bums on seats over the next couple of weeks. Come along if you’re a creative. I personally promise it’ll be an enlightening experience :)


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Pushing Field Trip!



Spoke to the lecturers and students at CATC, and lecturers at COFA this week, pushing Field Trip hard and tickets are selling very well. For more info, visit:

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Pushing Field Trip

University of Western Sydney.

St. George College.

Meant to be a picture of Billy Blue in North Sydney, but forgot to take a pic so snapped this instead :)

I’ve been spreading the word about Field Trip. It’s been stressful, but super fun and rewarding as well. I’m quite a good public speaker… nerves do come into the picture, usually the night before, but I love it once I get rolling in the moment.

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Field Trip Highlights

We have put together a highlights reel from the first Field Trip which was held in Melbourne earlier this year. Take a few minutes to see what the day is like and then head over and pickup some tickets for the next event which is happening in Sydney on December 7th.

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Shillington College Talk

Oh snap!

Had another Shillington College talk the other night, this time in front of the part time class who are just about to get ready putting their folios together. Found it a bit harder than talking in the morning, bit tired, bit of brain fade… not quite in the zone but I still managed to say the things I wanted to say (I think!).

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Hehe. Nike, Converse, Top Gun… just having fun. I crack myself up sometimes :)

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ALL STARS ‘Spring Picnic’ was a massive success so we’re doing it again, but this time with a European Flavour. ALL STARS, and Euro Style Tuning would like to invite all European car enthusiasts to enter their European cars into the EUROFEST Show ā€˜nā€™ Shine. We’re sure there will be a huge assortment of street, show, go, slow and everything in-between, gathering on the grass for a social day by the river. :)

Events page:

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Field Trip Sydney

Field Trip Poster.

Whoo hoo. We’re doing it again, this time in Sydney! Like the bastard child of an outdoor music festival and a live cooking demonstration, each presenter will be performing a unique ‘act’ which will reveal the creative process from start to finish.

Melbourne sold out last time, hoping the same for dour Sydney show! Please do come along (and help me spread the word!). For more info, visit:

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Monster Children

Care package from Monster Children. Love what these guys do!

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