Category Archives: Design

The Death of Facebook

11 Million reach/week.

Facebook have killed the reach on commercial pages, and are now forcing page owners to pay to get their posts out in front of their fans.

About a month ago the Zen Garage Facebook Page saw massive spikes in reach. We were reaching 10 million people a week (!), and our likes were going up 1000 a day. A lot of others were experiencing something similar. I even witnessed people who had no interest in Facebook at all, all of a sudden become Facebook addicts (who else doesn’t find getting a billion likes and shares on a post you make a lot of fun?).

Then, even quicker than the reach came, it died and we literally went from millions of reach a week back to 100,000 reach a week. This happened over a week. Our likes though, for reason started to ramp up and went from 1k a day to 2k a day then just a few days ago that too died in dramatic fashion. Someone at Facebook turned something off as we went from 2k likes in one day to no likes at all on one day, then 3 likes the next day and only around 80 likes a day right now.

To put things into perspective: Zen’s Facebook Page was getting 2k likes a day organically, and now it’s getting none, and if I pay Facebook for more likes it costs $50 a day for an estimated 200 likes a day. Get fucked.

I’ve been somewhat proud of the social media marketing skills I’ve developed over the past few years. Building communities is what I’m best at and Facebook has been one of the largest “new” tools I’ve invested a lot of time and work into, but I just can’t help but feel absolutely ripped off. This is phishing at it’s worst. I understand that Facebook has to make money, but it’s how they’ve gone about it that’s wrong.

Honest truth is I’ve been dreading the thought of looking back over the past few years of my life and realising that I spent all of it on Facebook. That’s been a very real fear of mine for the past couple of years, perhaps I should feel lucky I’ve only really lost 2 years to Facebook, and not a whole lot more.

I know what I have to do moving forward. It involves a whole lot of work fucking harder, just like I did in the old days. Am I bitter? A bit, but I’ve got no one to blame but myself really.

Posted in Design, Zen Garage | 5 Comments

Facebook Fraud

I get heaps of people asking me for tips and help in regards to getting more facebook likes to their pages. It’s a strange game that a lot of people are playing (kinda sad the more you think about it).

When you run a facebook page there’s a permanent facebook advertisement prompting the page owner to “Get More Likes”. Yes, paying facebook for likes.

Sometimes you have to go with your gut. We’ve NEVER once paid for likes on Zen Garage and after watching this video I’m bloody glad we haven’t!!!

Not to suggest Facebook is in fact fraudulent, but glad to be avoiding the drama of it all. Those running pages, and looking for more engagement, be sure to watch this vid, it could just save you some money AND prevent the death of your page’s reach.

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Zen has a core group of mates, we look out for each other, share laughs and great times. We love each other. We call ourselves ‘the broners’, what better a way than ripping off the ‘brother’ logo (Alain’s idea and I just had to do it lol).

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The Design Kids Interview

Aus Infront: Damien Aistrope, Justin Fox, Zann St Pierre.

The Design Kids aim to bridge the gap between students and industry within the Australian graphic design community and they’ve just interviewed me for a little feature on Aus Infront.

Read up here:

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Alive but Dead

6am shoot with Krysti at my place.

The end result.

Bit of Photoshop fun! I’m pretty rusty, but it always turns out pretty good when you’re having fun! More on Zen:

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Scrag End


If you enjoy food, you might enjoy a copy of new food media production Scrag End. It’s a journal that’s focussed on divulging the stories beyond the plates by going further than offering photos and recipes.

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Visual Response #07: 15

Name/title cards.

Hey Zann! Setting up earlier in the day.

5.30PM, it’s beer time.

Mist spray in the courtyard.

Damien, who leaves for Seattle soon, and photographer extraordinaire Garry Trinh.




Visual Response #07: 15 exhibition went well last night at The Tate in Glebe where we celebrated 15 years of Infront and revealed the top 10 winning entries.

All 147 entries are now online for your viewing pleasure! Visit:

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COFA Grads Are Here There Everywhere

I have a BA in Design from the University of New South Wales College of Fine Arts, recently the college emailed me with some Q&A and they’ve just launched a site which showcases some individuals who studied there once upon a time.

My profile is here:
To check out what other people are doing now visit the main page:

I would describe my job as an amalgamation of passion related projects. It’s taken me many years to pull it off, but I’ve finally managed to combine all my passions; bikes, cars, design, fashion, music, photography and art into the one project which is Zen Garage. Being the brand manager allows me to curate and promote whatever it is I’m into at the moment, without feeling unnecessary internal or external pressures to promote things that I’m not into right now. This puts me in a constant state of Zen!

I’m inspired by family and my past. I figured that I was the only me in the world, so as long as I took inspiration from myself, my past, then whatever I create would be original and true. I’ve eased up a lot of the years though and I now very happily take inspiration from popular culture, especially many grass roots sub cultures where you find individuals doing what they’re doing because they totally love what they do.

The best part of my job is I’m my own boss and I’m free to push whatever it is my heart is into, seeing others get into the stuff I’m into makes me happy. I’ve got great business partners who motivate, support and inspire me and I’m always meeting new like-minded people through running our Leichhardt store and events.

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Interview on Raised By Wolves

An interview with yours truly on Raised By Wolves. Read up here:

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Field Trip Sydney 2013

So Field Trip last Friday was mad. Packed out and everything went super smooth. The After Party at Goodgod was also mad. Mad!

So much love for our volunteers. In this picture we’re about to pack tote bags with goodies.

300+ tote bags on seats!

Up the front; Beautiful Pages had fantastic books on display.

Sign in made easy thanks to Zann’s scanner.

Full house!

Georgia rockin’ the stage.

Lunch break, time to play in the sun.


Dave blowing minds.

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