For our second Find your ZEN Feature (where we feature extraordinary people who have found their ZEN) we shine the spotlight on Sydney based motorcyclist David Song.
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For our second Find your ZEN Feature (where we feature extraordinary people who have found their ZEN) we shine the spotlight on Sydney based motorcyclist David Song.
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Much love and respect for the one and only Luca Ionescu. This gift from him is now proudly up on the wall in my art studio!
Ron Newman, the head of design from my design school just let me know on Facebook that an old design lecturer of mine passed away yesterday.
“Hi Justin don’t know if you know, yesterday Carol Longbottom passed away after a long battle with cancer… she was always a fan of your creative verve.. RIP”
In an attempt to keep my tiny desk clean I decided against buying a desk lamp, and instead went for this lightbar which comes with a cordless puck which I can use to adjust the brightness, colour temp as well as backlight which lights up the wall behind the monitor. It came in “Apple like” packaging, which I thought was pretty damn funny as the packaging nor the design of the item is anywhere near the level of Apple products, but hey, it works and I like it!
I created the “buy now” button for the very first online shop concept for Telstra. I spoke in front of 3,000 people at Semi-Permanent design conference. I founded and ran the Australian INfront design community and we ran Field Trip design conferences in Sydney and Melbourne as well as running design events at the Apple Store in Sydney. End of the day design made me money, but the lack of respect I had for myself as an artist made me quit.