Category Archives: Cars Schnitzel Run

ADV Positive – AP’s 500HP Turbo R32 on 19″ ADV’s.

Ross’ R36 Wagon.

The Bavarian. There’s a pig in there, can you see it?

Table no. 32! Max Brenner’s for coffee.

Hooked up with the Golf guys and gals last night (yes, more beers, more food!). Great night as always, plenty of laughs and seeing (as well as hearing!) R32’s in convoy was awesome. More pics here

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JDMST Lanyard + Carabiner

It took me some time to listen to the community. They’ve been wanting JDMST lanyards for years so late last year I decided to give them what they wanted. The order came in today and they look AOK! I just hope they sell otherwise I’ll be stuck with 250 lanyards!

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Kazuhiko “Smoky” Nagata. Photo by Linhbergh.

I was only just made aware of this through facebook but apparently I’m a nominee for the ‘2010 Speedhunters Personality of the Year’ award. I clicked a link and when I saw the people nominated I almost fell over! I suspect Charles had something to do with this (naughty Charles!).

As if my already humongous ego needed more! I’m chuffed and obviously not after the win!!!

To check out the nominees visit:

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I freaked out for a second as I forgot to bring a bottle opener, but then I remembered that there’s one built into the centre console of the MKV Golf, haha, how awesome!

Little bit of dish on a Golf. Jayd’s new DPE wheels.

Mr Churrasco was on the BBQ.

MK1’s and 2’s MIA.

We had our last meet for the year yesterday at Centennial Park. The rain held out which was awesome, company was great (as always!) and the food was awesome too.

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See that bent motherfather? Yeah that’s right $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Fuuuuu!

See that crack motherfather? Yeah that’s right $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Fuuuuu!

Bad month, credit card is mega minus, all my US cheques converted to less Aussie dollar instead of more and now my car has decided it needs some new parts for Christmas.

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Obsessive Compulsive Tuning Cars

Photo by Mark Pakula

I’ve been interviewed over at Benson Lau’s Blog: OCTC. I’ve always found interviews quite rewarding. I like to look at them as a ‘snap shot’ of where I’m at in this point in time. To view the interview visit: Obsessive Compulsive Tuning Cars

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Weekend wrap

I’ve been a bit out of it since losing my PC and physically out of it too since Suga and I had our 2nd training session with the Frenchman (he killed us again!). Here are some random happenings:

Christina and I have been craving Wagaya for ages, we killed 2 birds with one stone by organising a Wagaya dinner with Felix and Di who ran us through our MC schedule for their wedding next week (eek!).

Di and Felix – wedding next week yo!

Yesterday Christina and I had lunch at Marque. A friend of Christina’s Mum had to pull out of a booking. Bookings have to be made months in advance so we grabbed it without hesitation.

My angel.

$45 is a killer deal for a 3-course meal of this quality. Amazing technique, different flavours but we didn’t really like the menu this time around.

Not sure when, or how but my GTI was side swiped by a white car. Not happy at all. I’m hoping it’ll mostly buff out (I would have been furious if it was the GT-R!).

I spent a bit of time cleaning the back wall of the tank today, decided to remove the black background too (again).

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Just spotted my beast on Felix’s Flickr. I really want to put my full cage back in!

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Need for Speed Hot Pursuit On Tour

Up early, wash cars. Byza drove all the way from QLD to represent!

Tiffany coloured Volks, some punk stole his gold grenade valve caps at a servo on the way to Sydney, luckily I had these purples ones off my BMX!

Filling up as a full tank of fuel was an OH&S requirement.

1.30PM. All house lights on, no music, killer cars and conversations with car owners. The perfect meet!!!

So many people I spoke to said Fonzy’s Celica was their fave car at the show.

Hard S14.

& I.

The Lock promo girls!


Papz: I’ve come to clean ze pool!

Yesterday Suga and I both had our cars displayed at the Need for Speed Hot Pursuit On Tour event at the Entertainment Quarter. The cars on show were selected by Charles (very much the reason why we were up for it!) and later that night Big Boi from OUTKAST was performing at the Hordern Pavillion.

Setting the cars up early was awesome. once we were done we grabbed a few beers and some lunch, when we came back the bright white lights were off, disco lights were on and music was pumping. The show had started but to me it had ended. The music was so loud I couldn’t talk to anyone and the lighting was so dark I couldn’t take photos any more!

Having a car in a car show makes for a very very long day (with getting there early to set up and staying till show close to get your car out). Great car show though. Charles did well with choosing a great mix of cars and it was awesome catching up with the old crew as well as finally meeting some long standing JDMST members I hadn’t yet met face to face. The Big Boi concert in the opposite hall wasn’t my cup of tea but hey, people were into it and he seemed super into it too.

Many many more photos are up here:

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Nath gave Christina and I this poster which he had a UK based illustrator design for us. The generosity of the VWG members never ceases to surprise me.

The meat came out quick and fast (!), maybe the fact that the big boss was sitting on our table had something to do with it?!

Group shot.

Lots of laughs as usual!

We had our monthly VWG “Pizza Night” at Churrasco in Coogee this month, a Brazilian style BBQ restaurant owned and run by one of our forum members. Byron had driven down from QLD for this weekend’s Need For Speed event, we’d been hanging out talking shit and drinking beers all day so loads of meat and good company turned out to be a great way to end the day.

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