Magic gold arm band.
Burnt paint from tyres getting crazy hot and scrubbing the guards (pic from last time when I also had -2 on different tyres).
Track damage is dead sexy (not my car!). Check the chunk taken out of the tyre too.
The Advan guys were representing and launching the Neova Cup Challenge (I did the logo design for it a while back).
A few weeks ago I committed to going to the next Circuit Club track day at Wakefield Park on the Queen’s B’day. I thought I had plenty of time to get my set-up right but as you might have read over the past few blog entries, it’s been a tight squeeze as things have gone wrong. Despite still having issues (the rear wheels are scrubbing on both sides), as well as the horrible weather today I decided to go.
I left late at about 9.30AM (most guys were meeting up at 5-6AM to get there at 8AM but that just ain’t my kinda style!) and it was non-stop rain all the way to Goulburn. I thought about turning around half way as there’s really not much point to tracking a front wheel drive car in the rain, but I forged on and when I got there the “dry line” that a few guys had earlier in the day was gone, and it was raining and miserably cold.
Narada and the boys hooked me up with a gold armband though, that special arm band let me go in any class on the day (A, being fastest and D being the slowest) at any time. I ended up doing only 2 sessions, one in with D, and one with the boys in B.
The first session out was wet, and the GTI surprisingly oversteery! I think the -2 degrees camber in the rear has made the car more fun, shame that has to change though as it scrubs really bad back there.
2nd session out I had Rob in the car, and I was surprised at how quick the GTI is. I could easily overtake an S2000, RX8, WRX and even an Exige on the straight.
I wasn’t at all going for a time though as the track was slippery and I was paranoid about damaging the rear guards any more than I already have.
Traffic on the way home was bonkers too. 60km/hr all the way from Picton to the M5 tunnel! I stopped off at McDonalds, chuffed down a Big Mac meal and now I’m home. Ultimately, despite all the dramas… I still had fun!
PS: Note to self: Book in a wheel alignment to push the rears out to -2.5 and see how that goes before going for -3.