Category Archives: Bike

FS: 1997 Specialized Hardrock

For sale.

In an vain attempt to make more room in the man cave I’ve decided (after many years of deliberation!) to sell off my 1997 Specialized Hardrock. It’s the bike that got me back into riding and it single-handedly got me into tinkering with bikes. I’ve put a lot of blood sweat and tears into this bike, can’t say I’m after a lot of money for it either, it’s more about making room and also selling it to someone who’s actually going to ride the thing! If you’re keen, or know someone who is keen, let me know!

PS: Build thread can be found here.

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MC Cyclery

New MC Cyclery web site.

When I met Grant from MC Cyclery a couple of years ago I’d just missed out on the opportunity to re-design his web site for him. It turns out he’d already asked Damien and Zann to design his site, all good as both Damien and Zann are my Australian INfront business partners (small world!).

A couple of days ago I was asked to re-design the site, to make it clean and simple in order to not alienate everyday customers. It’s a new direction which Grant is taking the bike shop. Where we were once gunning for everything rad and gnarly we’re now focussing back on “suburban bike shop”.

Current site:
My new site:

Yes it’s built in WordPress, yes you can see it’s using the same theme that I’m using on this very blog. Clean, simple, flexible and most of all easily up-datable. It’s a work in progress but it’s pretty much ready to go live any day now.

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Bikes Move Us – Runner up team fundraisers

Clifton came over the other day to give me this 2010 Woodford to Glenbrook Classic plaque and a letter from CareFlight. It turns out that Team BMU came in 2nd not only in the race but also in the fundraising with a healthy $1025 raised for CareFlight. I’m super proud of the guys, top effort!

You can view images of the ride here.

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I dropped in to check out BIG today at the Object Gallery Surry Hills (an exhibition I was featured in as part of Sydney Design 2010). It’s small but really fun, especially the slides on the lightbox that you have to close one eye and peek into. They’re damn amazing (so 3D!).

A few pics:

BIG – put together by designer Stephen Goddard and photographer Keith Saunders.

Screen on entry (BMU RPRSNT!).

The exhibition space. That’s me at the back left in the lightbox.

These photo slides were sooooo good and added a level of interaction which is always great at exhibitions (if it was me I’d have done the entire exhibition in this style!).

It’s the me!

My little blurb.

Nice to see the bike path in between the foot path and the road outside the gallery too, very cool and the way it should be!

The exhibit runs until the end of this month. More details here.

Christina and I thought we’d make the most of the great weather so we dropped into Paddington Markets to buy some bread and also to consume the best Belgian chocolate waffle we’ve ever had (sincerely, don’t ever remember a waffle tasting better than this!).

Random: real estate sign.

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Fixed Up

Post See-Saw, Christina and I thought we’d duck into The Galleries Victoria for dinner and also into Kino to find my cousin a pressie for his B’day. I was stoked to see fixies still hanging up (I thought I’d missed the Fixed Up exhibit) and I was even more stoked to spot a BMU jersey from the 2nd floor. It was Felix!

Luckily I had my camera on me. Here are a few pics I rattled off:

You can view more here:

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2011 Azzurri UNO Race – Ride report

I think I’m coming down with the flu but I’ve been itching to take the new roadie out for a spin so today I pumped up the tyres to 100psi and just rode down to the beach and back (and I’m huffing & puffing, damn so unfit HAHA).

I put my XTR pedals and Shimano shoes on and damn I’d forgotten how explosive being clipped in is. Being able to pedal up as well as down feel like cheating. I just felt like doing some hills so I hit some back roads and a pinchy hill that caught me out once on my fixie was like a walk in the park.

Gears shift nicely but what’s more awesome are the brakes. My 80’s Paino roadie just doesn’t stop (it takes a lot of muscle to press the brake levers in) but on this thing it’s light and powerful at the same time.

I’ve come back and tilted the bars a little more towards me as I feel a little stretched out but not by much. Lowering the stem wouldn’t do anything but look better and as it is I can actually grab the drop bars and feel quite comfortable in a tucked down position so I’m going to leave everything as is.

Not sure on the saddle yet. My bum still hurts a little from Monday’s epic 3hr Menai ride (lame I know) but so far so good and I’ve got plenty of time to get used to the new bike before the 90km Gong ride in November.

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2010 MS Sydney to the Gong Bike Ride

Richie and I last year.

I’ll be taking part in my 5th 90km Sydney to the Gong Bike Ride this year. The ride has always raised funds for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and considering my good buddy Sean was recently diagnosed with MS I’ve got all the more reason to ride.

I’m aiming to hit at least $250 to help MS hit their target of $4 million. Please DONATE (hit the red button!) by visiting my donation page:

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Derailleur hanger straightening session

Ash getting it straight.

Ash (head mechanic at MC Cyclery) came over last night to work on my bikes (what a champ!). He brought over this big tool which he says is the tool to buy if you’re ever going to buy a tool! It was a Park DAG-2 hanger alignment gauge and it’s used to check to see if the derailleur hanger on the bike is out of whack and it’s also used to align it so it’s not out of whack.

It turns out both my Anthem and my Reign were out (the Anthem by a good inch or so) and even the brand new Azzurri roadie was out! It explains why sometimes, even with a new straight hanger I failed to tune the gears 100% perfect.

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In 2008 I designed and printed up a few of these “Bike” T’s mainly for myself and to hand out as freebies to mates. I’ve since been asked by so many people (even people overseas as I like to pack one in the luggage on trips!) to make more so I’ve done just that.

I’ve got 50 T’s and I’m keeping 10 smalls for myself which leaves 10 small, 20 medium and 10 large.

Price: $35 shipped Australia wide ($5 less for pick-up).

Payment: Direct Deposit: Westpac Bank Account
Justin Fox
BSB: 732022
Account Number: 511745

Payment PayPal:

Posted in Bike | 2 Comments

Return to Menai

Today I rode Menai with the MCC guys (Ash and Maisey). Maisey does a different loop to the one I’m used to, this time around we parked right out the front of the nuclear reactor (great huh?) which is up the road from the tip (which you can smell for the first 5 minutes of the trail). Nice trail though until we got lost! We spent 3 hours in there trying to find our way out, fun times haha.

A few pics with the old pocket camera (I doubt I’d ever take the new GF-1 along on a ride):

Parking across from the nuclear reactor.

5 minutes in and Ash has submerged a whole foot into the mud.

Maisey: “Yeah I’m just riding Menai at the moment”.

We came across some sketchy looking freeride structures and found this stash of porn that the trail fairies had left at the site.

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