Thanks to THESE beautiful people I’ve doubled my fund raising goal of $250 for this weekend’s Sydney to Wollongong ride!
I’ve got to run out and buy some hardcore padded shorts for this one, gloves too… it’s going to be painful!
Thanks to THESE beautiful people I’ve doubled my fund raising goal of $250 for this weekend’s Sydney to Wollongong ride!
I’ve got to run out and buy some hardcore padded shorts for this one, gloves too… it’s going to be painful!
Been a long time since I’ve ridden with the boys (very long time) but once I heard they were hooking up for dinner I was in without hesitation!
The Crew.
So Pho So good. Pho Tai at Pho An in Bankstown.
Jing, Clifton and Andy.
Kevins minter S15. So nice.
Cliffy playing with Kevin’s new bike.
Great night, lots of laughs, highly recommend.
This year will be my 5th Sydney to Gong ride and I’m in search for sponsors!
This year the ride will be a little more relevant as my good long time friend Sean Torstensson has recently been diagnosed with MS. I’ll be riding for him.
I’m also a little nervous about the ride this year because I’ve been so lazy with riding lately. I’m quite unfit but I’m sure my determination (ie: my stubbornness!) will get me to the finish line.
I’d really appreciate it if you guys took the time to sponsor me. Even if it’s $5. Thanks in advance, much love.
To donate, visit:
2 prominent members + a clash of nerves = the most exciting debate on Bikes Move Us since forever.
When I read the thread I Initially laughed at how serious and into it everyone was (hey I’m into fish tanks at the moment so I’m definitely on the outside looking in, detached and less emotional), but after reading a few posts I couldn’t help but get involved.
Here’s one guy who makes it a priority in his life to maintain the trails that mountain bike riders ride on yet he’s aggressively pointing the finger at everyone who fails to do as he does. I’m sure there are riders like myself who simply enjoy riding the trails, full stop. I absolutely respect that there are people out there who are maintaining the trails, but as I posted on another cycling forum (yes this BMU thread has spread): In the end of the day I think people like Grant (the guy who has his panties in a bunch) need to exist and I’m always up for respecting extremists (each to their own). I’m glad someone’s out there chaining themselves up to whaling boats for Greenpeace but if that person was trying to bring me down for not joining them out there they can go screw themselves.
You can view the thread here
Yeah right!
The Sydney to Gong ride is coming up soon. It’s going to be a VERY tough 90km ride for me this year as I’ve really not been on the bicycle at all. I’m pretty sure I’ve got the mental determination to make it though. I’ll just try to roll as much of it without pedalling as I can!
Please consider donating (all proceeds go to MS Australia). I’d really appreciate it!
Oh yeah Boston Beans with Pork Sausages and a poached egg @ Deus.
Honda Zoomer. Still $4k. Still want it.
My single speed is now up on eBay! So sad, but exciting at the same time. I’ve been offered $350 but declined it. I’m hoping it’ll go for $500+
Suga and I are trying to keep up our Monday morning rides at Centennial Park. This morning we hooked up with Richie as well as my old mate Eugene (who runs a Trek bicycle dealership overseas) and his mate Paul.
Eugene and I go way back, we grew up in the same apartment as babies and we hung out all throughout high school years. He’s responsible for getting me into bikes and it’s so cool to know he’s just as into bikes as ever. I gave him one of my Bike T’s today and he brought out a bike that he had stored at his Mum’s place. The first ever dual suspension Trek, carbon frame too!
1995 Trek Y22.
A few years ago they widened the bicycle path but some parts are really bumpy. They really should re-surface the entire park!
There was a group of school girls there today and one of them stacked in front of us. Eugene (reppin the Bike T!) was quick to pull over and give the girl a hand up.
It’s spring! Big mama came right up to us to say G’day and her fluffy little babies followed.
So cute!
My mate Stevey (and his girl Vicky) invited me out to the Red Bull XRAY event out at Picton today. The event had an interesting format. A mix of racing + fmx. A lot like drifting where 2 riders go against each other and points are given for style (big tricks equates to points deducted from their overall time).
I really like the idea but felt like we were all fenced too far away from the action. Great fun though and damn those guys can fly.
Stevey gearing up.
Vicky nomnomnom.
The barbed wire fence to keep us out suited the theme pretty well I thought!
Kids getting signatures from some muscley rider.
Red bull thing.
Suga’s recently gone part time (she’s got Mondays and Fridays off) and the sun was out so we hit Centennial Park early this morning for a quick ride. I had a bit of a sprint at th3 end of our ride and when we got back to the car I felt a dizziness I hadn’t felt in a looong time. So unfit!