Category Archives: Bike

Paino Decal Set

New decal set.

Original decals before frame respray.

Frame after respray with all decals but the large Paino logotype on the downtube, also issing the ‘spade’ headbadge logo which also appears on the seatube.

Super happy today as I just found and bought a Paino decal set from the one and only Cyclomondo on eBay (he makes the best quality retro road bike decal reproductions out there). Yes they’re different to the original decals on my frame but it’s about as close as I’m going to get. More updates when the decals get here! :)

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Spotted: My old Basso

Spotted my old Basso on this (Dutch?) blog:

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El Jannah’s

BMU guys drink Zero.

THE garlic sauce.

Charcoal Chicken.

Caught up with the BMU boys last night for dinner. It was Pho last time but last night we made the trek to El Jannah’s in Granville to try their charcoal chicken and legendary garlic sauce.

Got to say, not overly impressed with the chicken (thought it was a bit burnt and dry) but damn the garlic sauce is good! Super intense and very moreish. I was dipping all sorts of shit into it…gherkins, fries, pita bread, chicken, the lot and despite chewing 2 pieces of gum afterwards I was burping garlic all night (even woke myself up a few times in the middle of the night!). Epic!

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Centennial Park ride

8am light.

Brendan (who just bought my Azzurri).

Shida (who after riding Brendan’s Azzurri is now planing to buy one to replace her flat-bar roadie).



Nath’s here! Ready to ride!

Love the 80’s. Love the Paino.

Got together with some car and bike friends today for an early morning Centennial Park ride. Super chilled, really nice just hanging out post ride too. Especially funny seeing how into it Nath is. Just half a year ago he was one of those cyclist hating drivers, now he’s very much converted…in fact, more than that, he’s onto his 3rd bike already and I can’t see him slowing down any time soon!

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Goodbye Azzurri

Azzurri Uno Race

Sold the Azzurri tonight for half of what it’s worth to car friends Brendan and Shida. Great guys so I was more than happy to see it go to a good home. The money will go straight into paying my huge $9k credit card debt (not much of a dint unfortunately). *Looks around to see what else can I sell?!*

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Bicycle Christmas Tree

Spotted at the Harbour.

Cycling in the city. Sydney’s got it going on!

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Photo by Cirkel.

A while back Grant from MC Cyclery (that’s his girl Miki 2nd from the left) put me on to his mate Christian who I’ve done some web work for. Christian needed some web tweaks and I spotted this shot on his site yesterday. 4 Sydney girls +his summer gear +a bike = so much win!

Visit: The Velovixens Thread at Bikes Move Us (170+ pages strong!).

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Friday daze

New Westfield Centrepoint.

I had 2 bad night sleeps in a row, way too much beer and smokes and the car show absolutely killed my legs (strange!) somehow I managed to (just) keep on rolling. Yesterday we planned to hit the beach but it was a crap day so Jess, Byron, Christina and I hit the city to check out the new Westfield Centrepoint.

Parts of the centre reminded me of some big Asian malls, maybe Hong Kong and Singapore. My mum ran a fashion business in Centrepoint for many years so as kids my sister and I practically grew up in the heart of the city. I didn’t at all recognise any of the old Centrepoint though, they’ve really gone all out on the new centre. It’s still dark like the old but each store front has it’s own concept (unlike the old centre having generic shop designs on the outside), some of the shop designs are pretty rad too.

New fixie shop at the Galleries Victoria.

Later that afternoon Christina and I hit the refurbished Strawberry Hills Hotel. I was feeling pretty tired until they served me this cool bottle of Asahi. Made in Japan unlike the made in Thailand Asahi everyone else seems to be stocking. Makes me so happy.

We then hit Jazushi, a small Japanese fusion restaurant in Surry Hills. We’ve walked past before and wondered if it was any good, turns out the food was awesome, we’ll definitely be back for more. We were there for Michael’s B’day, Michael and his partner Kerri run fashion label Amar. Really nice people and they’ve got some really interesting friends which made for a great night.

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2010 MS Australia – Sydney to Gong Ride

The boys at St. Peters Station for a lazy late 7.30AM (we decided to ignore our differing allocated times and start together). Waking up this morning to birds chirping was a good sign, looking out the window I saw that the sun was out. Despite the rain forecast it was a beautiful day!

Seeing Jing in tights took some getting used to (lol).

Brandon and Felix at Loftus Oval. At this point I was completely gone. My groin was very sore, shoulders too and my legs were jelly. In a few past rides I’ve not even stopped here! Considering Loftus is the 1/3 way point. I knew I was in for a hard day.

The view is the reward at Stanwell Tops. I somehow managed to make it up and out of the national park. I knew I was unfit after not being on the bike for a year but I didn’t expect it to be so hard. I relied solely on mental strength and even then I was completely crushed. I thought so many times about hopping off the bike and walking up some the hills. I somehow managed to stay on though and made it up without walking.

The boys at this stage were really starting to wait for me. I was about 10 minutes or more behind them.

In so so so much pain!

I love this bridge so much. Left is the ocean, right is an amazing high cliff face.

The finish just never came. The last 4-5km’s were the hardest and I’m lucky I had the boys urging me on. Brandon especially who really helped me to make it.

Richie had a great ride.

Eddie, Jing, Richie, Felix, Brandon and myself.

This had to be the hardest ride of my entire life.

I’ve never had a cramp before, ever, but I felt my right calf tighten up every time I tried to get out of the saddle and mash it so that forced me to stay seated. At times I had to just look down at the road and take it one pedal at a time. I had my BMU sticker there, it helped in an odd way. I also thought of my mate Sean who was diagnosed with MS this year and I also thought about my generous sponsors and their messages of encouragement. That combined with the BMU guys waiting for me at each main stop saw me through to the finish.

I’ve got to say I’m shocked at how much fitness you can lose in just one year of not exercising. Scary when you really think about it. It’s a tough lesson learnt for me. I’ve got to get fit again and this time stay fit!

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Night before the big ride

War paint is on.

Thanks to Graeme at I’ve got No 5. Chain-L on too. I applied it directly onto my chain as my chain is new. Graeme says the application should last about 1000km (ie: overkill for the 90km tomorrow!).

Also, thanks to MC Cyclery I’ve got myself some bibs and some gel gloves to make the ride (hopefully) less painful!

Rain or shine I’m getting ready for tomorrow’s Sydney to Gong ride. With the help of my generous sponsors I’ve managed to raise $550 for MS! I’m pretty happy with that! :)

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