Category Archives: Bike

Easy laps @ Centennial Park

Suga’s Giant + Paino.

Sun is out, bit windy, and chilly but a mid week ride at Centennial Park is always nice (even if there were a couple of tosser Sydney drivers going twice the designated speed limit in there).

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Cycling Express $200 Facebook Giveaway

Photo: Top model and professional athlete, Jenny Fletcher for BMC Bikes.

Those who know me, also know I’m a lover of everything 2 wheels. I’ve just started working for Cycling Express, an Australian online cycling shop that has the balls to take on and price match the 2 largest and cheapest online bike shops in the world. Wiggle and Chain Reaction Cycles of the UK.

I’ve convinced the guys to do a pre-launch and give away a $200 gift voucher to spend in the upcoming Cycling Express online store (should be later this month if everything goes to plan!). Open to Australian residents only, all you have to do to go into the draw to win is “Like” the Cycling Express Facebook Page.

Cycling Express Facebook Page:

Spread the word (I’d appreciate it). Winner will be drawn 1st of July!

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Just spotted this photo I took at the BMU bike night at MCC on MCC’s home page! Visit:

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Kuwahara V3

Re-issue Dia Compe brakes from the states.

Name and shame! The brakes came wrapped up in this freaky double page spread of a local newspaper.

North Georgia Busted!

The new frame (came with BB + headset which I removed to replace with chrome bits).

Dropout detail.

Brake boss detail.

All done.

I managed to find myself a genuine Kuwahara re-issue frame in chrome as I didn’t think the black frame I had was cutting it. The frame came in today. I was meant to get to Top One to work on the car, then fix the alignment but I had to wait around for a live stock delivery (peppermint shrimp for the fish tank) so instead I worked on the car (removed spacers to stop the rubbing) and I got busy working on the Kuwa too.

It’s come up like it was before, except now it’s a genuine Kuwahara frame as opposed to some knock-off cheapy. I’m happy, hands are sore, it’s 4.30PM, where are my shrimp?

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Melbourne Trip – Day 1 – Cycling Express

Got warehouse?

Goods on display in the showroom.

Verite concept bike (1 of 3).

Weird and wonderful.

I always pay respect to Reynolds tubing.

Intense power meetings call for serious fuel.

Around about 5 months ago I had a meeting with a couple of guys who were planning to launch a new Australian online bicycle shop to rival 2 of the largest International online bicycle shops in the world: Wiggle and Chain Reaction Cycles.

These 2 shops buy in bulk to pass the discounts on to online shoppers world wide. Their warehouses are massive. I’ve heard first hand from local Australian bike shop owners that they’re selling goods for what Aussie shops buy at. IE: There’s no way for local bike shops to compete.

Initially I was a little pessimistic about the idea of an Australian online shop being able to come anywhere near Wiggle and CRC prices but after last weekend all doubts I ever had about how serious these guys are have totally been put to rest.

The guys flew me to Melbourne last Friday for a meeting. I was given a tour around the warehouse which is already starting to hold some stock. I got to meet more of their team and over 3 hours or so we shared a lot of ideas. They’d like me to look after the social media side of the business and it’s looking like everyone’s on the same page. I’ve got to submit a proposal (I’ll be working from Sydney) and also a technical outline of functions I’d like to have in order to run it right.

I’m excited. It’s not going to be easy work (getting new businesses off the ground is rarely easy) but I’ve decided that so long as we meet eye to eye on a retainer I’m happy with I’m determined to give it 100%, and with that I’m confident that I’ll help them succeed.

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Kuwahara V2


All NOS (new old stock) parts now on the new (genuine) black frame.

I bought these model/period correct V-bars years ago, just never got around to fitting them until now.

As pictured in this 80’s advertisement.

I also had this model correct NOS Suntour stem from years ago, never used it, such a shame to rip it out of it’s original packaging but I did it, and now I’ve fitted it.

I caved in after a bottle of wine the other night and got into a midnight build (as you do).

I still want to replace the rear brake caliper with a model correct MX1000 one (which Dia-Comp are now re-releasing which is great news). I liked the chrome frame a lot more than the black one, but this is the real deal (where the chrome frame was not a genuine Kuwahara). Ultimately I’d love to track down the same frame, but in chrome. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out.

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Zoomer Timeline

Day 1. Previous owner Paul had already bought an exhaust, stretch kit and lower seat frame.

Stripped plastic panels, frame brace with forward pegs, new exhaust. Painted. New seat frame. Low and flat handlebars, removed blinkers and put them on the sides of the battery box. New seat, fat rear wheel and tyre, painted mid section of frame, new front-end (brakes, wheel and shocks), JDM headlights.

It’s always nice to see before and after pics :)

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Zoomer update

This morning I dropped in to Racecourse Motors to get the guys there to swap my front tyre for me. They’ve got a really nice and neat scooter shop across the road from the Randwick Racecourse which is pretty close to where I live.

I spotted this strange Zoomer like bike. The seating position with the pegs forward actually wouldn’t be too unlike my Zoomer.

Old wheel left, new right. The guy that greeted me was a champ. He swapped the tyre over in no time and it only cost me $20.

NCY rotor installed. Kinda ugly. A plain cross drilled completely round rotor would have been nicer.

Braided line is pretty long (a LOT nicer than having the crazy long drum brake cable before though) and I’m still not sure I’ve routed it the best way.

Other side. Glossy black wheel suits the rear wheel now and this new alloy wheel with tyre weighs the same as an original steel wheel without tyre.

Super happy with it!

I’ve installed everything. Just need to buy some brake fluid. I’ve had issues with spacing the front wheel. The kit came with everything I needed, except the speedo housing and the wheel doesn’t sit flush against the stopper on the fork (to stop it rotating) as I had to use a spacer on that side to centre the wheel. It’s not rotating at all though, so it works fine, but it’s definitely not designed to work this way.

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Zoomer B’day Session

Couldn’t help myself, started ripping into the Zoomer right away. I grabbed a trusty milk crate, put a sheet over it and lifted the bike up onto it. Bit tricky to do on your own, but the Zoomer’s light enough. Taking everything off is a little annoying but I’ve done it enough times now to do it pretty quick.

Right at about this time Christina yelled out from upstairs “LUNCH TIME!”. Usually I’d be shitty as I was in the zone working on the Zoomer, hands covered in grease, but hey Christina made me a B’day pie! Pie’s are one of my fave foods of all time. I love a good pie, this one had my name on it too! Mmm mmm, it was delicious!

Tummy satisfied, head buzzing on a nice glass of red I got back to work. New front brake caliper to replace the OEM drum brakes. I hate it that it’s annodised red. Thought about stripping it down to bare metal, but I’ve decided to leave it as is for now.

I bought an axle puller for giggles. Didn’t fit on the OEM forks but with a little dremel work they fit on these new ultra-low forks perfectly.

Front brake master cylinder and throttle (grip not installed yet).

As far as I can go for now. Notice how much bigger the new brake lever is, so ugly! Waiting for a starter switch (I can kick start though) and tomorrow I’ll get the tyre fitted to the new disc brake front wheel.

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