The day after bike night I cleaned up every single component and put the Reign back together (had to otherwise it would have just stayed in bits!). The day after that I tuned it all up and today I took a shot of it. Out of all the bikes I own, this has to be my fave bike. I’ve learnt so much through it and I’ve got it set up just how I like it.
Whilst cleaning it and putting it back together I realised that he’s (it’s a he, see, not a she) pretty beat up. There’s scratches on every single component and the frame’s a mess (powdercoat finish has cracked and it’s really flaking off under the bottom bracket). The rear wheel isn’t rolling like it used too, maybe the rear hub needs a service.
Whilst I’m not ready to sell up I do know what I’d be looking out for in a new bike to replace the Reign:
– Unlike the reign it’ll have to have full jacket cables all the way through from shifters to derailleurs so that cables will last longer and operate smoother.
– I don’t want to see cables touching the frame at all, anywhere. Over the years the cable rubbing from turning the handlebars as well as suspension movement has really damaged the paint on the frame.
– I want the frame to be a LOT lighter than the Reign.