Category Archives: Bike


Still being spoilt!

Nanami surprised me this morning with some pressies. :) A book on Bike Art (both bikes in art, and bikes as art, it’s awesome and very much in tune with a thread I started on BMU a few years ago), a moleskin which is so dead sexy I’m almost afraid to mark it with my doodles and horrible handwriting… and some naughty bull-clips too which have been a hit in the Zen office hehe.

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Happy B’day Jing!

The boys (lol @ Matt Mead – KKK!) – instagram shot by Jing.

instagram shot by Jing.

Happy B’day boy. Ladies take note – Jing’s wonderful wife Shirley let’s him put his bikes in their lounge room, yes she does. :) – instagram shot by Shirley.

Wasn’t exactly Jing’s B’day as his B’day is 10 days away from today. Chinese B’day maybe? Or pre-Valentines Day? In any case the BMU guys got together and hit the Karts, we then (only just) pulled off a surprise party by all being there to spook him as he got out of the shower at his new apartment. Together we bought him a new Next Level Racing GT5 set-up. You’d think we had enough driving with the Karts?!

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Monkey Obsessed

In the mail today (from Japan). Not completely obsessed yet, but I like to get scale models of the motors I own :)

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Honda Monkey 50R

R as in Type-R! HAHA. :) Now at Zen Garage (finally out of my boot!).

Old mate that I bought it off used it as a Golf Cart!

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Monkey 2

Never one to do things in halves, here’s my 2nd Honda Monkey which I’ll strip to bring the other one back to life. That’s in my boot by the way! I can’t get it out myself so I’ll be driving around all weekend with it in there haha.

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The new retro.

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Monkey on the brain

Why do I always have to see the potential in something? This little slideshow video presents some pretty radical Monkey transformations. Inspiring in an expensive, wallet out, cash in the gutter kindof way!

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Strip the Monkey

The more I look the more I notice missing parts. It’s so far from operational right now. I’ve spent hours on Monkey Forums, and found exploded diagrams which show just how many small specialised nuts and bolts I’m missing. I’m still sticking with the plan of getting it rego, so instead of making it a lovely perfect restoration, using OEM Honda bolts, spacers, etc etc I think I’ll just scrounge around for random bolts and just get this all operational first, then modify to perfection AFTER I get rego.

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Honda Monkey

It fit in Aarons boot!!!

Quick release foldable bars for easy transportation/storage.

So cute!

In a desperate attempt to stop myself from modifying my Honda Type-R I’ve bought this little bugger to play with. It’s an Australian Delivered 1974 Honda Z50J1 (Monkey). As far as I know it’s got a 50cc 4-stroke and a 3 gear transmission.

She’s in need of LOTS of love. The frame has been powdercoated black, which is a great start. With the bike I got a box of bits including a wiring loom, rear brake light, rear parcel shelf, fenders and a few more bits and pieces. The Monkey is road registerable so I’ll be restoring her first, then modifying her later!

Build thread on Zen Garage. More updates as they come! :)

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Return to Loftus!

My Reign fits in the DC2R without taking the front wheel off, pretty cool.

My old K20A powered Jazz!

$100 Kmart bike, what a legend.

EP3R, car guys turned bike guys!

Group shot.

A couple of guys were first timers. No chamois, no camelbaks, no gloves!

The single trail has changed a lot since I last rode Loftus.

I’ve not ridden at all for so long. I rode Loftus once in May 2010, and once again in March last year. Crazy right? Especially considering I used to ride there every week.

I got news that some guys were riding this weekend. I also heard some newbies were going to be in attendance. The promise of a nice and easy slow ride was too tempting to pass so I found myself at the carpark 20 minutes early, excited and ready to roll!

My fitness levels are whack. I didn’t make it up the big hill. I always make it up that hill so I’m a little disappointed in myself. One guy had a very old Giant bike, doing it tough I thought until another dude rocked up with a $100 Kmart bike, complete with kick stand! All the new guys did awesome, all great guys too which made the ride fun.

More of this? I sure hope so! I want to get fit!

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