Banned off Facebook for 30 Days

Never put all your eggs in one basket, right?! I hate that I haven’t been able to control my Facebook Business pages, nor respond to the daily messages I get from Messenger as I’ve been banned for 30 days off Facebook. I’ve been here before, 3 times, maybe more, but it never gets less frustrating, nor any easier.

I’ve been replying to most messenger messages on Instagram. I can see the messenger messages but can’t reply, and when I log into Facebook it suggests that I’m actively on Facebook so I get a lot of messenger messages when I log in, even though I’m banned from replying. Sad thing is that direct private messages on Instagram tend to sit there dormant, until someone finally, months later, realises there was a message sitting in their Instagram inbox all along.

I’m over it, but I have no choice. Sadly I’m genuinely looking forward to being on Facebook again once my ban is lifted (another 12 more days now).

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