Author Archives: Justin Fox

It’s More Than Just Sneakers





Just some behind the scenes shots from today’s “It’s More Than Just Sneakers” event.

We (Spacewalk) created and ran the official The Kickz Stand media wall, just left of the main stage. Awesome tunes, people and vibes all day!

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The Kickzstand Media Wall


If you’re into sneakers, and you’re in Sydney this Saturday, be sure to drop past It’s More Than Just Sneakers 2019 – We’re running a photo booth on the day, complete with this awesome The Kickz Stand media wall, so be sure to drop past the photo booth to have your shot taken! Our whole crew (Dianne, Nick, Christophe and Kristi) will be there, with Profoto gear at the ready!

Event details:

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Viv’s back!








Caught up with Viv last Tuesday (who just got back from London), drank so much I’ve been a mess ever since lol.

Cheekier shots on our Patreon pages!


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Toy Collection














Forgot to post these! A little while back Dianne created a props album for Spacewalk (our content agency). She got Nick to set up a simple one light setup to shoot all the props in and I couldn’t refrain from grabbing some of the toys I’ve got lying around the house to shoot!

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Greta Thunberg


“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

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No Saints

Screen Shot 2019-09-30 at 7.51.14 am

Just wanted to share/vent something on my mind lately.

One of my clients (which we absolutely love working with) had been a little slow getting back to us with some feedback. It wasn’t like her at all to be slow in communications with us so we just put it down to the fact that she must be super busy.

Fast forward a few weeks, we recently got an email from her, but it wasn’t from her, it was from her boyfriend using her account to let us know that sadly our client has been in a serious accident and she’s in a coma.

It’s been grey ever since. Literally raining, literally heavy on my entire crew. It’s a wake up call that shit happens.

Last week her team made it official on their instagram page:

“Our beautiful No Saints founder Caroline has been in a terrible accident. She’s currently in hospital in a coma in Barcelona surrounded by those she loves the most. We know you will join us in wishing her the best possible recovery. Please forgive our radio silence on our No Saints posts in the meantime. Our website remains fully functional. Thank you for being friends of No Saints and Caroline :heart::pray:t2:”

Post is here:

It’s good to know she’s in good hands, and there’s plenty more support in the comments on the post. I had just started making this graphic below for her using one of the shots we took of her sneakers. I’m hoping she gets well and gets to see it soon:


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Lounge room? What lounge room?!


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Goodbye Chur Burger, Hello Burger Me Up! Almost everything’s the same except the name.


I fucking love burgers. Late last week I dropped in to Burger Me Up! to smash a burger and a beer and also to meet Jo, the owner who’s taken over Chur Burger on Albion St. in Surry Hills, Sydney. Jo’s from Austria, we had a funny conversation about The Sound of Music, then we got onto more serious conversation of business, or lack thereof.

A month ago Jo spent all his pennies in the one go and took over the old Chur Burger, which was pumping. He’s using the same venue and the same ingredients, but under a different name. He expected a profit loss of around 20%/day running the business without the Chur Burger name, but in reality it’s more like a 70%/day loss. Not because the product is bad, maybe more because Sydney’s a bit fucked up like that.

When I go to a new Italian restaurant for the first time I always order a Spag Bol (if they can’t get that right then I’m not coming back!), so I ordered the classic off the menu and it was fucking awesome. Perfect bun, the Angus patty perfectly cooked to medium, the flavour from the grill was amazing, the burger was tight. The burger reminded me of my trip to Vegas (where all I ate was burgers). A true American burger, not as dry as an In-N-Out, but not as dirty as a Shake Shack.

As much as I was enjoying my burger, it wasn’t so great hearing that Jo was suggesting business was so bad that he was freaking out about paying the rent this month. Where most businesses plan to run at least 12 months, even at a loss, Jo had put everything into buying Chur Burger and didn’t expect such a dip in profits. I couldn’t help but suggest a few ideas; a flyer run in the local area, a new logo, running events, creating a new voice, better photography, using the Chur Burger name in cheeky ways via social media content (hey Hungry Jacks has goes at McDonalds all the time, Pepsi do the same to Coca-Cola), but the guy is broke, there’s no budget for my team at Threesome or Spacewalk (I paid for my burger and beer and I’m not being paid for this post!).

Yesterday my team was in the city pitching on a job, since we were in the city I thought it would be a good idea for the entire team to meet Jo at Burger Me Up! (and I was craving another burger). I ordered a classic again and it was just as good as the first one I had a few days before. It’s obvious to us that Jo is stuck between a rock and a hard place (I’ve always wanted to use that saying!). We want to help, but we’re not sure how much we can help without being paid, thus this post. It’s maybe all we can do for him right now, to take a couple of shots and share our experience and his story.

If you’re in Sydney and love burgers… if you loved Chur Burger! Definitely check out Burger Me Up! If you’ve got any ideas to help Jo from shutting down his new business perhaps leave them in the comments and we can let him know, or better yet, visit the guy, have a burger, and let him know face to face (he’s a good guy!).

Burger Me Up! 48 Albion St. Surry Hills, Sydney.

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Luci x ZEN Beanie



In the mood! Dug up these shots that Nick took of Luci a while back and thought I’d edit them too.

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