Author Archives: Justin Fox

Fitting Toyo Tyres at Gordon Leven Motorsport – ZEN Rocket Bunny 180SX

M5 > M7 > M4 > Emu Plains.

Cordy’s R32. Click here for a feature we did!

Thickness. You can always bet on seeing something porn at a motorsport shop!

Oh hai! It took 5 months for these custom order MS1’s to come in from WORK Japan.

Boy was the wait worth it! They’re drop dead gorgeous wheels. Much thanks to Leo from JDM Concept for helping us gain sponsorship from WORK Japan.

Spotted! Our bad boys on the shelf.

Heat treating R888R’s!

We were chuffed to have Motorsport veterans Gordon Leven and Bill Pearson fit the tyres to our wheels today. Legends have legendary stories so we went fishing and came up with some pearlers! One story involved a customer John Gale who brought in his Surtees TS9B F1 race car (driven by James Hunt). He needed the rear tyres on his magnesium rims replaced, but the rear rims were so wide the guys had to modify their tyre machines on the fly to make it happen.


Out came the big guns!

The guys commended these WORK wheels on having a good safety contour (outer bead seat area) which made for easy tyre fitting and should prevent the bead from slipping and air escaping, even in motorsport conditions


Specs: We’ve gone for a staggered set of TOYO PROXES R888R’s. 245/40/18 in the front and 255/35/18 in the rear.

The custom WORK Meister M1’s we ordered for our ZEN Rocket Bunny 180SX 5 months ago have finally landed from Japan and Cordy and I headed straight out to Emu Plains to visit Gordon Leven Motorsport Tyres to get a set of staggered Toyo Tyres Proxes R888R semi-slicks fitted!

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New Car Project?









If I sell the Golf I’ll have enough money to do something I’ve been meaning to do for ages, and that’s to restore (as faithfully as I can) one of the cars that Dad used to own. Now… which car do I choose for the project?!

The Datsun is up there, so too the 2002. Love the Ghia, it’s all shape, but perhaps a little too feminine.

Posted in Cars | 5 Comments

Forza Horizon 3

Forza Invite

I just got in the door and my mobile went off. A number I don’t know… usually I’d just let it ring out, but this time I picked it up and it was Ogilvy, who let me know that one of my Zen contributors Lewis couldn’t make the Forza gig. I’m now taking his place! So Melbourne, see you again next week!

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Rosamina x Melbourne






Spent the last groggy hour in Melbourne with Rosamina shooting in and around Degraves in the CBD. Full set:

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They have iPads on planes now?! Whack.

We’re staying at The Hotel Windsor as Rosamina’s Photographer was going for a 20’s Oriental themed shoot.

Looks like we scored a special suite! Excitement!

Lounge room.

An old liquor cabinet.


Rosamina’s make-up artist Leah was in town and Rosamina ended up organising a shoot with Melbourne based Photographer James Juranke. I didn’t want to crowd his style so I headed out for drinks!

All the downforce!

Tattersalls Lane.

This is Brett! He’s one of the newer contributors to Zen Garage. Was awesome to finally meet the guy face to face!

Brett’s photos of me, way better than mine of him!


Mojito at Section 8.

We hooked up with some of Rosamina’s friends and ended up at The Meatball & Wine Bar on Flinders Lane. Great conversations, great food! SO GOOD!

I’d read that Whisky and Alement were doing a Japanese Pop Up. I’m not a whiskey fan, but I am a fan of mostly anything Japanese so I was totally up for it. I got educated some, mainly, do not skull Whiskey like Vodka!!!

The good stuff.

Rosamina x Pokemon.

Rosamina and I are in Melbourne for the weekend! Super spontaneous trip for me as I only just realised she had a shoot booked. I joked about coming along, nek minnit I’m here! Craziest thing is that the shoot she booked fell through, so now we have one amazing hotel to shoot and hang in, expenses paid! Just my luck, right?!

PS: Had some really lovely conversations with randoms all day and night. Hard not to make comparisons to Sydney. Also, the concierge guessed I was Indonesian/Chinese! I mean, seriously?! The first man ever to guess. Turns out the hotel is owned by Indonesians!

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Crispy skin Cone Bay Barra with spanner crab ravioli.

Brioche and candied cumquat pudding with cumquat semifreddo.

Coconut and vanilla bean jelly with pineapple sorbet.

Raspberry cheesecake.

My Aunty Lely and uncle Bernard!


Lunch with the fam at CATALINA in Rose Bay to celebrate my Aunty Lely’s B’Day. Not been back in ages and far out, loved being back! Such a cracker day, sea plane parked on the water, light flooding into the huge dining space. So rad and the food was even better. My main was everything I wanted!

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Time to sell the Golf?


I’ve owned and modified over 25 cars, most of the time it was a car a year, then I bought this Supercharged R32 Golf and well that fucked everything.

I’ve owned this car for 3 years now, that’s a first!!! I’ve never owned a daily driver for longer. The car is a trap. It’s the perfect compromise; it’s highly modified but feels OEM+ and it’s also fully engineered. Cops ignore it, the interior is a lovely place to be, especially in traffic, it sounds amazing, is super easy to drive, has enough power to take most people at the lights and I don’t find myself ever being embarrassed to be in it (sometimes in my other cars I’d wish I was in my GT-R if something flash pulled up next to me at the lights, or I’ve had to take girlfriends or family members in raw track oriented cars to dinner, not good!).

Anyways, over the past 3 years I’ve had 2 serious offers to buy the car off me, both offers were substantial and logic should have seen me let the car go, but I couldn’t.

I’ve just had another serious offer. Now 3 years in… I think I’m going to let her go this time.

Thing is, the kid buying it is half my age. I mean, holy shit this is a lot of car, even for me!!! Where the fuck does one go after owning a car like this so early in life? I feel the next owner, if young, is going to have a hard time trying to find better cars to own in life after this one (I mean seriously I’m confused as to what I’d get for a daily after selling this?!).

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Zen Garage x World Time Attack Challenge T-Shirts are at the printers! I’ve created these for our Zen Media Team and Zen Babes to wear during the event, but we’ve ordered 50 units, so we’ll have a few left over to sell at the Zen Stand during the event!

Massive thanks to Maza for helping me trace the logo into vector!

Posted in Design, Zen Garage | 1 Comment

Joyetech eVic AIO


I’ve been meaning to get my old Vape Pen going again, but it was on it’s way out, and it’s a few years old now so I thought I’d just buy a new one.

I had Alain over the other night, he was after one too so we both logged into the Vape Street online shop and bought up!

We ended up with this unit, the Joyetech eVic AIO. It sure looks sexy, right?!

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She’s finished!


Always hard to know when a painting is “finished”, but I think she’s finished!!!

Haven’t painted since high school really (where I was so obsessed with creating art that I jigged most classes to paint), but my mate Kristi inspired me to paint again and this is what’s come out!

Not sure painting is for me right now, it’s just too slow a process!!! Might save my return to painting for another time down the line.

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