Author Archives: Justin Fox

Soul Burger

Coconut shakes! Go the vanilla, it was awesome. I went for the straight coconut, which tasted super Asian, refreshing but conceptually I think the vanilla shake, which tasted just like a milk shake, was the way to go.

We went for both the green fries, and red fries, both with aioli, both good!

I went for the cheeseburger of-course! It actually tasted like a cheeseburger, not the best but definitely not the worse I’ve had!

We also shared a fish burger (beccause I’m a fan of fish burgers!). The relish was interesting, the fish looked like fish, or chicken… and it tasted like, um… chicken?!

Amanda went for the Sumo! You go girl!

Vegan, in in food heaven!

I’ve been to a handful of vegan restaurants and enjoyed them all (especially the buddhist temple feasts), but I’ve never been to a vegan restaurant quite like Soul Burger, which Amanda introduced me to today. Soul Burger is a plant-based burger shop and have shops in Glebe and Randwick. Randwick’s way closer to home, and a place I used to hang out at a lot during high school/uni years, so we made the call to eat there and we ordered up a feast!

Whilst I can’t say they were the best burgers I’ve ever had, these guys definitely push the notdog hotdog thing. IE: It looks like meat, it tastes like meat, but it’s not, and there was no doubt that what we were eating was healthier than any other burger I’ve eaten this year. Just seeing how happy Amanda was made me happy, and I hope that the commonality of the American fast food chain store concept makes it’s way to healthier/vegan fast food too.

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Watch Dogs 2

In the mail today.

Official game trailer.

Thanks Ubisoft! Super keen to give this a spin!

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Ghost in the Shell

OMFG THIS LOOKS AMAZING. Probably always going to love the original anime way more (there would be no MATRIX, my fave film of all time, if there wasn’t Ghost in the Shell first!), but it looks like they’ve really lovingly re-created some of the original scenes. Love the whole CG feel. I’m SO pumped!

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Jacks Newtown


The only thing I’m really missing about the US is the junk food. Jacks Newtown is Sydney’s answer to Shake Shack, in that they’ve ripped off the Shake Shack logo, and pretty much the entire concept right down to the small burger bun and crinkly fries.

Glenn (who took the above photo with an iPhone 6 Plus in portrait mode!) and Robbie have been hyping up this joint. We dropped past a week or so before the Vegas trip, they were shut (they close when they sell out and close often apparently!). Since then I’ve been to LA, and had Shake Shack (for the first time) twice, and I really rated it too, so with the Shake Shack taste fresh in my memory we hit Jacks last night and whoo! They were open!

So how did I rate it? The fries were bang on! Super crunchy, if anything I wish they had the option to have cheese on top (just like they do at Shake Shack). The burger itself was bang on too. They had the tiny bun thing happening, loved the taste of the tomato/pickle/sauce, perfecto, patty was good too but the patty was where all the difference was between a Jacks burger and a Shake Shack burger. That dirty meat flavour in the Shake Shack patty just makes the Jacks patty taste almost too clean, having said that, Jacks is probably serving the best burger in Sydney right now!

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Battlefield 1 vs Dishonored 2 vs Skyrim Special Edition

Released 5 years ago, now remastered, it’s amazing how Skyrim holds up to the other 2 brand new games below.

Dishonored 2, this story/action/adventure style of gameplay is more new to me than the other 2 games.

BF1’s first person shooter all the way, definitely gameplay I’m more familiar with.

I’ve spent a fair few hours on the games above since I’ve been back from LA but I’ve failed to get the bug with either of them. Out of the 3 I’ve spent more hours in Skyrim where I’ve followed the main quest and finished the main storyline. I felt I needed to at least give it that much, but I don’t have the urge to keep on exploring Skyrim’s huge open world mainly because I’m just not that into the world of Skyrim (LOTR/dragons/magic etc).

Having said that I’m actually not into the worlds of any of these games and that probably plays a huge factor here. Dishonored 2 has a gothic/magic/dark mystery adventure style gameplay that’s visually spectacular (the animation sequences where you’re actually murdering someone are pretty intense), but it also left me with the feeling of not really playing the game, like I was steering more than truly being immersed in the world and free to roam and discover.

Then there’s BF1. Yup EA know how to make a game with a really polished feel. Clean menus, clean type. I threw myself into a few campaign modes and hated being in the tank, and then in a plane. I then loaded up some multiplayer and found it super frustrating as I was being one-shotted for hours at a time. I went back to campaign play but stayed out of vehicles (I played Gallipoli) and saw what all the fuss was about. The Gallipoli campaign was fantastic, great character development considering how short the cut scenes were, great music, great combat too.

I’m quite sure I’m done with Skyrim, and I’m really not keen to keep on playing Dishonored 2 despite it being the prettiest world out of the 3 games above and also having the most interesting gameplay. If anything I’ll most likely just play a little BF1 multiplayer from time to time, but one thing’s for sure; playing all 3 of these games has really left me yearning for the release of Fallout 5! The boxes I now need ticking are: rpg, shooter, looter, open world, character development & storyline (yeah not that much to ask!).

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I’m almost back

No haul. Definitely not used to coming home empty from an overseas trip!

It’s nice to have a woman around the house again.

The struggle is real. Some girls love putting on makeup, Amanda hates it. I just love that I often get to watch the process!

Beautiful with, even more beautiful without (trying to convince a girl to shoot without makeup is another thing altogether though!).

I’m still without an iPhone, but I’ve got my bank cards in order, an interim drivers license and I’ve even managed to figure out how to instagram without a phone. Hilariously my internet went down over the weekend as I had an overdue bill on the previous credit card, which I then cancelled from Vegas, and Telstra figured I’d done the runner so they cut my internet, which almost killed me as getting that back on without a phone was pretty fucked up.

I shot with Amanda yesterday though. Photos from the session can be viewed here. She’s here for another week so I hope we stop talking, and shoot some more before she leaves!

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Good Morning Amanda

Waking up to this is awesome, then reality kicks in…

Braindead as fuck right now, but Amanda and I click, and we’ve been D&M’ing lots despite me being super jet-lagged. Like the ouroboros, we’ve been trying out to figure out the meaning of life and stuff (lol!).

So refreshing to meet a girl who looks like Amanda does, but carries none of the usual negative associations. She’s not “just” a DJ, she’s not “just” a model either, she’s just a super rad human being (full stop really) who doesn’t take herself too seriously, and is fumbling through life like lots of us are.

I had “LIFE” written in bold in my calendar today. I woke up at 5am and was ready to go, only to realise phone service and shops were not going to open until 9.30AM so I tried to do as much online as I could, but it was soon apparent to me that without a phone you can’t do jack shit these days.

I tried to pay someone some money; internet banking now forces you to enter in a code that’s sent to your mobile before you can finish an online transaction. No mobile phone means no banking then! I then tried to cancel and activate cards online, again, the banking site sent codes to my phone so I couldn’t activate my cards remotely.

I then tried to get a new drivers license online. I got pretty far, but the final step required me to pay for a re-issued license by credit card, which I obviously don’t have just yet. Fail!!! /rant.

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Skyrim x Popped my Game of Thrones cherry

I managed to play a little bit of Skyrim just before I left for LA. Sydney to LA is a 14hr flight so I figured that I had plenty of time to catch up on movies. Once we were in the air I was hunting down a movie to watch that was in the theme of Skyrim, that failed, then I came across Game of Thrones (Season 6) and booya! I hadn’t ever watched an episode of GoT so I just dove right in and ended up watching every single episode straight in one sitting (as you do).

Loved the music, worlds, architecture, characters, death, gore and special effects; all of which set my frame of mind up nicely to come back home and play Skyrim.

Whilst I was away I got a message from my friend Amanda Sierras (who’s a DJ/Model I met through Breanna Espina/Zen/shooting). She needed a place to stay for a couple of weeks before she jets off on an Asia tour. I figured playing games on the couch would be a pretty geeky/bad guest thing to do but hey I just had a 14hr flight back home, I was buggered as fuck and needed some down time, she’d totally understand right?! I loaded Skyrim up and Amanda instantly lit up and showed me her fingers, which had games from her childhood tattooed on them.

She asked what I was playing. I said “Skyrim!” and she replied “I know Skyrim! What are you? A mage, or warrior?”. Gahhh! This girl is amaze!!!

Yup, that’s the Lucas Arts logo tattooed on Amanda’s finger (and yup we had enough of the Trump debate and played Skyrim instead!).

Trump was winning. “Stuff politics, let’s play Skyrim instead!”.

There’s SO much undulation in this world. You can climb up and over mountains if you choose to.

Apparently these Sweet Rolls are a bit of a thing in the game. I’m lucky I haven’t gotten to to know the game for long enough to know this, otherwise missing this event where Bourke Street Bakery lovingly re-created the Skyrim Sweet Roll would have been devastating.

Exploration, finding a companion and looting. So many instant similarities to Fallout 4, except you can’t really modify your home (let alone create settlements like you can in Fallout).

Lydia’s an awesome companion in battle, but as a character, she’s nowhere near as deep or developed as most main companions in Fallout 4 (which I felt I had genuine connects with).

The world sure is beautiful at times.

Entering a cave is often like entering a new world.

Puzzles like this kill me. I ended up having to youtube this one unfortunately.

But it got me my first Elder Scroll.

My character ended up being more of a combat character, lots into one-handed skill, spells with the other and shouts on top.

I’m glad I’ve gotten to play a game which SO many people out there have been raving on about for years. I’ve now got Battlefield 1 to play, and the post man just dropped off a copy of Dishonored 2 earlier today. It looks like I’m more up to date on games than I’d originally thought!

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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Amanda is trying to figure out which country to move to. I’m trying to figure out how to get off the planet!

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Import Bible Old & New

Original photo.

David’s artwork.

David from Import Bible sent me a message the other night to ask if I could try and take a front on shot of the Old & New 997 Slant Nose at SEMA for him. I did, and this is what he’s come up with (so good!).

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