Author Archives: Justin Fox

Cave Hangs


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Cat’s Zen Babe Photoshoot






Loving these great crisp shots by Cat. I sent Cat a box of Zen goodies before I went overseas and it’s been AWESOME seeing her shoot it on her babes. AMAZE! There’s so much to come! First up, Kat Barry. Del Rey eat your heart out!

For the Full Feature, visit:

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Goodbye Watanabes



Finally SOLD! Didn’t mind that it took a few years… always thought they’d go on another NA8 one day (or even Ved’s MK1 Golf!). Needed the money though, Mia pee’d in my bed whilst I was gone, that’s how upset she was!!! I’ve had to buy a new mattress, really wanted a Tempur, but nowhere near enough funds right now to justify the cost. I ended up with a pretty interesting choice, might blog about it after a few more sleeps.

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Hangs with Kristi



Tunes, D&M’s, Junk food, booze, weed, smokes, Youtube, Netflix and more D&M’s until Kristi crashed out on the couch.

Epic hangs with my good friend Kristi last night. Kristi’s the oldest person in the youngest body I know (she’s 23 and well capable of putting me in my place!). She’s always one step ahead of herself, sometimes I think she needs to grow ‘down’ some! K-POP no longer comes to me for advice, or a shoulder to cry on. She’s so aware of who she is now, and we’re such good friends that we just process our own problems through hanging out with each other every now and then and talking shit for hours.

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Wolfenstein: The Old Blood – Review

Nier: Automata left me a little frustrated. I do think the replayability of the game is conceptually interesting, but I just rage quit a few too many times half way through the 2nd playthrough. Ultimately the gameplay and graphics killed it for me, and the story, nor the soundtrack (I had the music on for the 2nd playthrough) just didn’t grab me, full stop really.

I’ve had a review copy of Wolfenstein: The Old Blood gathering dust around my lounge room for a year now. Initially I couldn’t install it on Ved’s PC because it didn’t have a DVD drive. I ended up getting an external with the Zen PC build so I finally got around to installing the game yesterday and finished it today (more a DLC, it’s super super super short!).

Published, and sent to me by Bethesda (so you know it’s going to be good!). It’s made by MachineGames, but I had a feeling it was going to look, feel and play like Doom, which it did! But what it did even better than Doom was take me back. I soon realised this game was made for me, for Bethesda fans and most importantly for other oldies who played the original another lifetime ago.

Fast gameplay, BJ, dual wielding guns (silly but it’s OG!) and something I didn’t expect, stealth, which was actually quite fun (not at all serious as the AI couldn’t detect dead bodies). Over the top Bethesda Easter Eggs and references to the original Wolfenstein are dropped throughout the game; even a simulator of the original game within the game! Loved it’s world more than Doom’s SCI-FI world, and it kills Metro in every way. I was shocked it ended so quickly, definitely left me wanting more.

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Dalrymple Racing Logo Design


Earlier mocks. David couldn’t explain why he didn’t like the first one. I prodded a bit. The guy’s into Heavy Metal. It’s something we share in common. Maiden, Slayer, AC-DC. I didn’t go as far as pushing the type like these bands but I got the horns in and Dave’s a happy man, me too as I like what came out in the end.

Initial concept. Still like this one, might use it for something else in future.

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Nier: Automata – Review

Sold as an open-world action role-playing video game, but in reality it’s everything but. I was super happy to give Nier: Automata a miss despite the rave reviews (people out there literally calling it a masterpiece, 9-10/10’s and reviewers saying they were literally brought to tears with the storyline, or at least very deep in thought about it post game.

Man have these guys played Fallout 4?! To me, Nier: Automata feels very Japanese in an old school Indie Sega Mega Drive game kinda way. It’s story is cool, but nothing new in the post-apocalyptic gaming world. The soundtrack is getting HUGE praise, but I always turn music off in games, that’s just how I play. The graphics are really low definition and over-stylised, it’s such a low saturation and hazy environment which doesn’t look good despite running in 4K and on max graphics settings. I suppose it’s just not that kind of ULTRA high res textures gaming experience (with a full screen bug and laggy cut-scenes I’d say it Nier would have been better on the PS4 than the PC).

The gameplay is super arcade style. The game goes from 3rd person to 2D side and overhead like old school coin operated games like 1942 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (which I sank lots of 20c coins into as a kid!). It’s hilarious that Nier is blowing people’s minds as it’s just old turned new again. Think iPad, and how Angry Birds blew minds (but in reality it’s a really simple game). Old platform games came back to star on “new” technology (tablets). I see it as a low-tech, going back to go forwards kinda thing.

A quick dip back into Ghost Recon had my PC’s fans on full blast minutes in, and I found myself in the dying light, in the rain, gawking at the detail on my Ghost’s wet backpack.

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Trinkets from Japan




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I still call Australia home

Maroubra Beach.

Meow! Angry Mia is angry!

Rest? What’s that?! Welcome home party!

I came home to Ocean views, and a couple of very vocal and affectionate pussy cats; Mia and Star. :) It’s fucking awesome to be home!!!

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OMFG we missed our flight!

Goodbye HK, train to airport.

OMFG YES! Blew me away in the US last December, had to have some!

Cathay Lounge.

No number 13, or 14, super superstitious!

We had to check out at 11AM, but our flight wasn’t until 9PM so we had plenty of time to kill. We ended up getting to the airport pretty damn early as we trained it to avoid HK traffic (being a rainy day we thought it would be the smart thing to do despite never having done it before).

Mum & I got to the Cathay Lounge (as we were flying Business Class on the way home too), I got into a bottle of red, Mum had a nap. At some point mum said to me “hey the screen says our gate is closed”. I got up and asked the front counter about our flight, as we hadn’t heard any announcement that it had been delayed, or anything.

The lady behind the desk kept telling me us go upstairs, unable to communicate simply that “we had missed our flights”, this bad communication sent both mum and I into an instant state of panic and shock.

I got upstairs and the guy up there spoke much better English. He explained that we missed our flight. I let it rip that we’ve never once missed a flight in our lives, and that with Qantas Lounge we’re used to them calling us late, so that we can just enjoy and relax in the lounge until the time came to board. He let me know that’s not what they do at Cathay so that customers in the lounge can relax (although PA calls for delayed flights were going off as he was explaining this to me).

Fair call, so it’s not their policy. I acknowledged that. We asked about the next flight, but unfortunately there wasn’t one until 8am in the morning. What made matters worse was that we would have to pay extra for a booking fee, and we would also have to get out of the lounge, as it shut at 1, but then would re-open again in the morning.

I then asked why didn’t they just call us call us, from Cathay gate to Cathay Lounge, knowing we were in the lounge? He said they called at the gate, in the airport, but not the lounge. Doesn’t make sense to me as it would have taken them at least 20 minutes to get our bags back off the plane and back into the airport.

At this stage I was pretty desperate to get home, really desperate. I’m a dick, so I dropped “UNITED”. I just had to. At this stage some other attendant jumped in. He managed to calm me down, though I wasn’t really that worked up as I was already half defeated. He asked us to have a seat and come back to the desk in an hour to see if they could get us on another flight home, even if it wasn’t business class, and we couldn’t get a refund on the tickets, it was still worth considering in the moment (despite mum insisting we fly business home as she did fork out $5k/ticket!!!).

Whilst Mum prayed to God, I cussed loud enough for others to hear. I’m sure I went to the desk a couple of time before the hour was up, but on the hour, Cathay came good and amazingly, somehow got us 2 Business Class tickets on a flight home, within 2 hours of missing our flight. We literally had to piss bolt to the gate as the flight was taking off right then. The seats were right next to each other too so I’m assuming they might have pulled the same trick, leaving another couple in the lounge without a call?!

Lucy, who got on the right plane home without Mum and I then tells us, when we land, that the staff contacted her on the plane to ask us where we were, she told them we were in the lounge. The staff then told her they called the lounge, and apparently we were not there. The plot thickens!

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