Author Archives: Justin Fox

Prey PS4

In the mail yesterday!

No character customisation but hey I get to play as me! An Asian guy with facial hair! WHOO!

I love Bethesda games, and this game is made by Arkane Studios, the same people that made Dishonored 2 (you can instantly tell by the retro art deco style fonts and UI). I didn’t get into Dishonored 2, but I’m loving the solitary sci-fi game world of Prey MUCH more.

I remember watching the Prey preview at E3 a year ago, at the time I didn’t think much of the graphical style (I’m really hungry for high res textures and more realism lately!). A few more previews since and I’ve not changed my mind much, but giving it a spin last night changed everything!

The game has a fear in the dark/Alien and art deco retro/future Bioshock kinda vibe and reminds me of many sci-fi films where solitary and paranoia are the main themes. I’m a guy (almost chose the girl but didn’t! Always a hard choice for me with games) trapped on space station with hostile aliens and I need to find a way off.

I’m playing Prey on PS4. For the first few minutes (during the intro) I was already wishing I was on PC as the PS4 just can’t render buildings in vast outdoor scenes without jaggy edges! But before long I was hooked in the world and story. I’ve already died a billion times. The game sure isn’t easy in normal mode early on in the game and resources are actually pretty damn scarce right now. I’m roaming around on 20% health most of the time!

I’m into it. Right now I’m stuck and there aren’t any guides out there yet to help out (game officially comes out today!). Looks like I’ll have to use my brains instead of cheating!

EDIT: I finished the game on PS4 and loved it so much I bought it for the PC too! My review is up on Zen Blog:

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Chilli & Vanilla Update








Caught up with Dianne yesterday and it’s so good to hear that her new Food Subscription Box venture Chilli & Vanilla is doing well. She’s onto her 3rd Food Box already. Time flies!

She’s running with the templates Star and I designed, check out these photos of all the latest box inserts which Di designed herself. Her branding is all looking so awesome together!

Her web site is looking good too, visit (and buy yourself, or your Mum a box!):

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Catalina Briceno Logo Design


One on the left one on the left! She said yes!

I’m on a roll! I started out grungey, but ended up clean (because less is more!). I looove the one on the left! It’s sexy as, and Cat loves it so I’m double happy (first logo anyone’s ever done for her without curves she says!).

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New ZEN x TOYO R888R collab design.

Because 8’s my number!!! I’ve placed a small sticker run on order with Nippy, but I kinda need this on a T too though. Will see if I can make that happen!

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The Wheel Man

I lose sleep when I gutter a rim. My mum does too!!!

Thanks to The Wheel Man for repairing my mums guttered wheels on her A250. These wheels were a little harder to touch up than usual, but then again so were bronze Japanese wheels in the past. These guys come to you (mobile wheel repair). Great job as always!

Their web site:

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WTAC Logo Mocks

In the zone!

Getting somewhere!

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In search for the best Batman & Transformers games out there

Original G1 Optimus Prime packaging. As a kid I’d stare at the art on the back of this box for hours.

I’ve played a LOT of games growing up; Atari, C64, Megadrive, Playstation, Mac & PC. I can’t recall any good Batman games though, and I’ve only played one Transformers game (2004 on PS2) so I’ve been on the hunt for the best Batman game out there, and the best Transformers games out there. Being a child of the 80’s (born in 75) I grew up on Transformers. I watched it every morning before school, I’d get Transformers toys from my parents when they came back from overseas business trips to Japan and Hong Kong every year and I’d get Transformer toys every birthday and Christmas too. I watched the Transformer animated movie in the cinema with my Dad (who slept through the whole thing). I literally had hundreds of robots and I still own and proudly display my original Takara made Generation 1 (G1) Transformers.

Batman I got into a little later in high school through reading DC Comics. I was a huge 2000AD fan (Judge Dredd) and DC released a Judge Dredd vs. Batman issue which I had to buy. Batman was pretty damn dark in that comic, so I dug up the darker Vertigo Batman comics and bought a fair few back in the day. The first (89) Hollywood film wasn’t so painful as Jack Nicholson made for an awesome Joker and I was a Kim Basinger fan, but Keaton as Batman? COME ON!!! Then I think everything after that turned to shit until Christian Bale (2005).

I put a call out on Facebook for suggestions and I got plenty! In the end I’ve narrowed down my choices to Batman: Arkham Knight & Transformers: Generations.

Batman: Arkham Knight.

This game came out in 2015. It got pretty damn good reviews on console, but they released such a bad PC port that the game was unplayable… until now! #justmyluck Now 2 years later the PC port has been patched and the game runs super smooth on the Zen PC. The graphics look great. Gotham looks awesome! It’s always night and it’s always raining too. Perfecto! The game world feels like the best bits of the better later Batman movies, and some of the darker earlier DC Batman mixed in.

It’s new school but somehow still manages to feel old school, which I really like. Batman is way overpowered in fist fights but so he should be! Just perching high up and gliding over Gotham City is worth the $20 price alone. You get to drive the Batmobile in the game too, and apparently there’s so much Batmobile gameplay in the game that it polarised gamers down the centre. I personally don’t mind it so much so far, but I’m only 15% into the game, and man it already feels like I’ve done at least 3 times more than that so I’m impressed at how big this game feels so far.

Transformers: Devastation.

There’s been a fair few Transformers games but I’ve only played Transformers on the PS2 back in 2004. I remember that being an AWESOME game. The art was a bit too cute for my liking (with the robots looking more like mini bots), but it had an open world feeling, sound was on point, transforming was fun and the boss scene with Tidal Wave literally blew my socks off. It was the first time I felt scale in a game, and is still one of the best boss fights I’ve ever experienced to date in a game because of it.

I’ve been searching for something G1 and I’ve found it. Transformers: Devastation (2015) which brings back the G1 Transformers big time. The developers even went as far as hiring the original voice talent from the cartoons I watched growing up as a kid! Add to that being able to play as Grimlock and the game being 80% off on Steam for $10, how could I not buy and play this game?! Just bought it and gave it a quick spin, it’s SUPER arcade styles with frantic action and pace. I’m actually really enjoying it! I’ll most likely give some final thoughts on both games at some point (or not as I’m quite happy with both purchases!).

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Breakfast in Bed


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Alain’s Grom








What do you do when you break up with your girlfriend? You start spending more money on mods, and then you buy a grom, and then you start modding the grom, and then you visit old mate Justin for hangs by the beach!

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Ecosa Mattress


Mia pee’d in my bed whilst I was gone, that’s how upset she was!!! I’ve had to buy a new mattress, really wanted a Tempur as I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about them, but I’ve got nowhere near enough funds right now to justify the cost, and even if I did have the funds for a Queen Tempur, the real mission is to own a King sized bed… but it’s all such bad timing as I’ve got a legit reason to get a new bed right now, but can’t afford the King, nor the Temper Queen lol.

I ended up doing research and pulled the trigger on a pretty interesting choice. The brand is Ecosa, and you might have seen the video where a girl has wine on the bed, a guy jumps on the bed but the wine doesn’t spill. Their web site looks way better than their video, and with free 4hr shipping from time of order, as well as a 100 night free trial I was keen to give it a go.

The guy at the door came with a pretty small box. Heavy, but the box had wheels built into it. I thought that there was no way there was a Queen sized mattress in that box! But on inspection, Queen was ticked at the top. Unboxing was quite hilarious fun! The mattress came folded up and squished flat in airtight wrap, once I pierced the film the mattress literally exploded to life, filling out crazy fast.

The new mattress gave off some pretty funky plastic smells so I let it air out in my room with windows open for a day. The mattress is a LOT shorter than my old one with pillow top. I could look into a pillow top option for this mattress in future if the height bothers me (my side tables are now too tall). The mattress feels super firm too, but I love it! It’s been 3 nights so far and I’m sleeping well and feeling good when I wake up!

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