Author Archives: Justin Fox

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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“ZEN” Wheels.

To all of those on my friends list sending me videos of Sergio in Ozzy Tyres videos these past weeks: Please stop. I’m not sure exactly what it is you guys were trying to get out of me, a LOL? Honest truth is I don’t find it funny.

One of the main reasons as to why Sergio left ZEN was because we weren’t making money. To this date I am not paying myself a salary from ZEN, and that’s exactly what Sergio needed at the time.

I’d assume Sergio has what he wants/needs now at Ozzy Tyres. I’m not sure what the thinking was with using our name and logo for one of their new wheel designs (pictured), but if some sort of response is what he/they wanted well this is it.

No hate, just regret. Wish you all the best Sergio.

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Last Night’s Party






Full Set:

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My GT-R at EOMM painted by Kristi, be sure to get in touch with her if you want to commission her to paint your car (or portrait, anything really she’s amaze!). Follow her: @kristi.jayde

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Little Bay with Kristi Jade








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Home Cooked Japanese Dinner with K-POP

So proud of this girl. Haunting Asian Grocery shops like an Asian local. Kristi’s gone next level! Just a few years ago she’d not eaten much more than steak and 3 veg!

Making her own Gyoza! For reals?!

Oh man.

OMFG that marrow. Japanese Curry! My Slow Cooker finally put to good use haha!


Perfection, so good and made even better that the coriander came from Kristi’s garden!

MAN SO GOOD! So proud of this girl. Perfecto!!!

Early morning after Grumpy Baker run saw us in luck as the croissants JUST came out of the oven!

Mad catch ups (as always!) with K-POP. Was a cold but super sunny day so we headed out to the rock pools down by the cliffs and I collected 3 hermit crabs for the tank, amazing as the water in the rock pools is freezing and yet there’s still so much life in them. We then spotted whales breaching the water and man they just kept on coming! We spotted at least 5 whales out there, so rad.

All this time out Kristi had a Japanese Curry slow cooking back at home and man, what a treat dinner was last night. All the textures, flavours and complexities of Japan made in front of my eyes in my kitchen! All these amazing women in my life, treating me to amazing food. I’m fucking blessed!

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Fluval Edge 2 Nano Reef Update

Not only have I got a new shelf waterproof shelf to put the tank on, I’ve also got a powerpoint so I don’t have to run ugly cables around the wall to where the power is.

You can see in this picture where the power cables used to have to wrap around to get to power (frag tank used to sit on that bench with toys on it now).

And a little phone vid for now.

My house is falling apart, literally. I had a handyman over recently to fix up a few things in the house and whilst I had him I thought I’d FINALLY move the tank back to where it belongs (fish tanks aren’t the cleanest things and really shouldn’t ever be in a kitchen, bad feng shui!).

Over a year ago (time flies!) the tank used to sit perfectly above the aircon vent in the lounge room. The tank leaked one night and the MDF board under the tank absorbed all the water. If I left it any longer the tank would have fallen through the aircon chute!

So Robbie was over last week and he helped me move the tank (it’s an awkward move which I did solo last time, but made a LOT easier with Robbie’s help!). Man the tank was dirty as. SO much gunk in and around the filter, salt build up all over the insides and outsides of the tank and the back wall of the aquarium hadn’t been cleaned in forever.

I’ve lost the hammers, the cat and the acan, my peppermint vanished and aiptasia has appeared (funny that). I’m also down to one turbo snail from 3 (from memory) and I can’t see any hermit crabs. The clowns are doing awesome, so too my cleaner shrimp which I never expected to live this long in my hands. The fungia is still around (makes me want more!), some zoas, the 2 nassarius snails are well, so too the huge brittle star under the rockwork. The leather is still there and he’s HUGE. He’s been closed up for ages as the finger leather next to him got so large (literally took over the tank!) that it stung the leather so bad on one side that the leather started dying so I’ve moved the finger leather to the other side next to the pump, which it doesn’t like, and now it’s 1/3rd the size and staying that way for the moment.

The star polyps have covered a whole lot of the rock which is rad, the monty is holding in there (I heard they were tough but damn they’re tough!). Xenia tends to get out of control at times, but my big water changes tend to cull it back a little, till it comes on strong again (in all sorts of strange places too, it’s now finally growing on the back glass which is what I always wanted it to do!).

I’ve spent some time cleaning up the corners of the front glass (it was a mess), but have decided to let the back wall and left wall (as its up against the wall) go for now. Looks ugly as but I have some plans in mind which might just let me leave those walls unattended, but still look good/interesting.

The Two Little Fishies NanoMag I had on the tank had rusted out so bad you wouldn’t believe. I’m sure my phosphates are through the roof! I’ve bought another one though as I’ve tried a fair few nano mag cleaners and none have been better/stronger than this one.

I’ve been doing 20 litre water changes every 3-4 months on this tank, yup, SUPER lazy. Goes to show how strong everything in the tank is (though I don’t feed heavy, never have). I’ll get water changes back up to bi-weekly at the very least. I ordered a couple of peppermint shrimp from Reef Secrets in hope that they will rid the tank of aiptasia, and I also got me a couple of turbo snails. I ordered 2 huge ones by accident, but that’s probably AOK as there’s a shit tonne of algae on the back wall!

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When mum brings you treasures from your childhood

Mum dropped off these 2 books which I hadn’t seen since Marcellin College (year 5).

Blast from the past! I’m pretty sure I was meant to be bringing in a ‘proper’ book to class on reading days in year 5, but fuck it, these were the only 2 books I found interesting at the book store!

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Best girl in the world

Woke up to the doorbell, angry, then realised it was McDonalds delivery with a note sent from the best girl in the world. @star.santillan I love you too. #bestiesforlife

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Finally unpacking my suitcase of trinkets from my not so recent trip to Japan (yup I’m hopeless!!!). Mia wearing a Daruma collar Mum got for her on our trip.

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Lane 8 Loving You Cover

This track is coming along real nice after the weekend!

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