Author Archives: Justin Fox

The Golf is SOLD!


Going to a good guy who’s a mate of a great guy. This car has been the longest daily driver I’ve owned. It’s the car that killed the modifying bug in me (as I was buying and modding a car a year before this car). Where I often wished I was in my GT-R when a nice ride would pull up next to me at the lights when I was in my daily drivers, I never felt that way in the Golf. It holds it’s own and nothing I’ve owned has ever sounded so good from the front and the back.

#hooraynomoretyrekickers #lessismore

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Warframe Volt Prime Captura Screengrabs








Love spending time customising my frames in Warframe, then playing around in The Matrix like Captura screen grab application (where you can free roam with a 3D camera). This is just one of my looks for my Volt Prime (my current fave fashion frame!). You can check out what the standard Volt Prime looks like here.

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ZEN Garage – Need For Speed Payback Intro

Was a surprise to me to see that we’re on the cover car (main character’s R34 GT-R), and feature in the intro of the game too! Check it out!

Need For Speed Payback is now available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC!

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WTAC 2017




driftking_signing (1)


My WTAC photos are up! FEATURE:

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Screenshot (26)

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So how’s ZEN going?

Just a few post WTAC thoughts: I had a lot of people come up and ask me how ZEN is going, and I found myself repeating myself throughout the day, and refining the story as the weekend played out, so I thought I’d share.

EOMM shook me up a little. I’ve spent 10+ years fighting for a carpark for us car guys to hang in, we finally get it but within a year the kids have ruined it for themselves. Truth is the guys who were fighting along side me have moved on in life, had kids, etc IE: they’re not the guys rocking up to the meets today, and the guys at the meets have little to no idea about the past.

The disconnect is real.

I’ve done a lot for various communities, focused outward a lot but lately I’ve been spending time on me, focusing inwards, and realising that I might not have the energy to do both ZEN, and me at the same time.

I’m working on family relations with a councillor, and I’m also working on getting over the guilt of doing less in life. Producing less, and just doing what I want to do for me (right now, family and gaming!).

I’ve also started to think about putting my house on the market. When you’re complaining about your council rates being so high you’ve got to realise they’re that high because your property is worth way more than when you bought it 10 years ago. I’m 42 now and whilst I might have blown all my profit if I sold the house too young, I’m sure I’ll be fine now.

Back on the topic of ZEN.

It’s gotten to the point where I almost despise the customers who are buying our goods now because it’s 5 cents cheaper at $39.95 not $40. I know we have the potential to be in General Pants Co. but it’s not the go.

Going forwards I need to go backwards; When I meet someone like-minded, someone I click with, someone who gets it. It makes sense for them to like me, for me to like them, so if I GIFT them a ZEN hat, it feels right. There’s a lot in this. I want ZEN to be free for those who get it. I’ve just got to figure it out, but thanks to all who asked at WTAC, you guys are the best sounding boards/mirrors ever and have helped me to get all the above out. Much appreciated!


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JDMyard, WTAC winners… AGAIN!

So surreal, so unreal, so… lost for words. My mates at JDMyard have won WTAC again!

I was done at 5PM on Sat at WTAC, as usual, no idea how the guys managed to muster the energy to hold a meet after the win, but damn! What a way to celebrate!

Sam Law was there (when is he not?!) to capture the vibe. Full feature on ZEN BLOG:

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I was just as excited about the huge Warframe Plains of Eidolon update as WTAC (LOL!). I ended up spending all day on the plains yesterday and I love it. Must get all my WTAC photos up ASAP though, there’s some hilarious shots on the card which I cant wait to share!

PS: The Warframe girls will be in Melbourne end of this month. I’ve grabbed a ticket to meet them (at a bar which is rad), but whether I commit and book a flight or not we’ll see.

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Collecting Warframes like Pokémon – Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

Collect them all.

717 hours into Warframe and I’ve finally got every single currently available frame in the game. It’s probably not how you’re meant to play the game, but it’s truly a game that lets you play how you like and I felt like going all Pokémon on Warframe’s ass.

It’s been a really fun journey, constantly progressing, and having new frames to rank up along the way has made for a never dull, always experimenting and fairly painless grinding/farming experience until Vauban Prime, my last frame which required more materials than anything else in the game.

The journey doesn’t end here though, of-course! Plains of Eidolon comes out this week, a huge game update, and with it soon, a new frame (and many more to come!).

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I’ve been playing with a girl in Ukraine

For reals.

Haha, it’s not what you think. It’s actually a lot more sombre, sadly.

Early on into my Warframe journey (it’s a free game and it’s taking over, download it here) I met a girl. Always refreshing in a shooter but over time I’ve realised Warframe’s community is 50% female/gay guys just as much into customising their frames to look good as well as kill efficiently!

Anyways, the game is super social. And just like The Division, sooner or later you end up talking a lot more about life than the game itself. Turns out this girl I’ve met lives in Ukraine and earns $120/month. In this game you can either grind for gear, or you can fork out cash for it. She’d been after this frame for months, farming hard, and one of the really nice things about this game is that when you’re in the shop, you see a little gift box icon which allows you to essentially buy anything for anyone in the game.

I gifted her Volt Prime, which costs 100 Platinum (in-game currency) which equates to about $8. Nothing for me, but something to her so that’s cool.

She’s since told me more about where she lives. She’s a developer looking to get out. The view out from her window is horrible, yes she can see those stacks and she tells me they glow at night.

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