Author Archives: Justin Fox

Kesii – Repost

Kesii from Quensland is staying with me until she finds a place to rent/stay. She’s also got a new job in town and has been having early morning starts and late nights so we haven’t found the time/energy to shoot yet but hey we’ve just dug up this post from when we first met to reminisce the good memories from the first day we met and shot. Love having a blog!

REPOST: 17 July 2014.











Early last month Kesii and I talked about teeing up a shoot for whenever she was next in Sydney next (she’s from Queensland), she’s in town and had an hour to spare today and although I prefer all day shoots I was more than happy to get snappy.

Kesii’s gorgeous right?! She’s so photogenic. Couldn’t take a bad shot of her. She’s currently about to graduate from Engineering, but she’s also working on JD Alterations, an upcoming side project/family business.

As usual, more shots on my tumblr:

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ZENPODCAST #010 – Alain Sihaphone

I hung out with Alain the other day, and man we had a HUGE day of talking shit, all of which we wished we recorded for a podcast. We spoke some more the day after too knowing that we had a podcast planned for today. A part of me was thinking holy shit… we’ve spoken about everything and maybe we’ll have nothing left to talk about on the podcast, but noooooo, we just hit it off and had many other things to discuss.

This time I was sober before we started recording and I think I did a MUCH better job of playing host in this podcast (IE: listening lol) as opposed to how I behaved on the last podcast with Jonno Sea.

We didn’t go so deep but we did go just as long. At exactly 2hrs in the doorbell rang and we decided to cut it there! We discuss family and growing up in Sydney with immigrant parents, making your parents your friends, working from home, red pill blue pill, taking risks, freedom, property, Meal Friends, the customer’s always right and contouring!

Also on SoundCloud:
And iTunes:

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RODE Microphones 10 Year Warranty



Not a massive fan of the RODE brand (I’m a Shure guy!), but their 10 year warranty is pretty damn impressive!!!!!!

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Hangs with Alain

Alain with an i!


Solid hangs with Alain yesterday. Alain’s kicked off Meal Friends, a new passion project where he and his mates visit food joints around town. Sounds like it’s been done before, right? But Alain’s got a certain something and I’m in love with the intro/first 10 seconds of his first video. Be sure to check it out, it’s shot so well too! (shot by Daniel Karjadi who also vlogs).


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Monday Morning Rant

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Store DJ – ZEN podcast set-up

Love the Store DJ bag all the gear came in.

Gear came in 3 different packages over 2 days.

These Procaster mics are solid and pretty much the same in design as the Podcaster minus the extra USB bits.

The Rode PSM1 shock mounts feature black hardware, the blacker the better!

A touch of ZEN and we’re good to go!

The H6 is the heart of this setup. It’s a beast that will make all future group podcasts easy peasy.

I’ve introduced a screen to the show too so I can display internet stuff during talks. It’s connected right into the laptop as a dual screen (I can choose to mirror too if I like).

These Rode PSA1 arms aren’t cheap but they’re sturdy enough. One of them is already making noises though, could be because I live at the beach!



Getting there!!! There’s been a little bit of trial and error (in retrospect I would have avoided the USB only Rode Podcaster and just gone straight for XLR mics. But we’ve gotten there in the end, and the Podcaster isn’t wasted as it’ll still be used for solo podcasts.

All the gear was bought in the one place at Store DJ. I’m not at all affiliated with them but I thought I’d share.


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ZENPODCAST #009 – Jonno Sea

As soon as Gab had left yesterday the doorbell rang. Thinking Gab had left something behind I ran downstairs and opened the door to find Jonno Sea! The interview gear isn’t here yet but I managed to get a makeshift 2 mic set-up going to record our catch up.

I’m a dick when I’m drunk, but hey it is what it is!

We discuss marriage, pole dancing, the rise and downfall of his coffee shop Black Betty, dirty secrets, haters, potential, relationships, gender debate, taking risks, living in the grey, society and so much more. Thanks to Jonno for having the balls to come on the show!

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:
On SoundCloud:
On iTunes:

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Good Morning Gabrielle


Shot with Gab yesterday, one of Lucy Fang’s good friends. We were aiming for those lazy Sunday feels but I didn’t think we quite got there in the end, mainly because I thought her makeup was way too heavy and those contacts are wild! She’s fun to shoot with though! I just think I needed to act faster, and in the moment I could have closed the blinds and done something much darker to suit her hair, eyes and makeup.

There’s always next time?

Full Set:
Follow: @senorita_gab

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ZEN PODCAST #008 – Design Talk

In this podcast I do the intro part of an hour long motivational/inspirational design talk I do at design schools all over Sydney.

Note: This is the first video I’ve made with Premiere, which is a LOT more complex than iMovie that’s for sure! The video looks to be the wrong format, and the file has ended up being massive in size (making for a VERY slow upload). I’ve not bothered with any transitions as I couldn’t figure it out intuitively and there’s no intro or outro. I’ve tried to synch the audio track to the footage and it’s come out better than the previous iMovie vids in that regard but it’s still out of whack.

I’ll get there!

PS: ZEN PODCASTS are also on SoundCloud:
And on iTunes:

Posted in Design, Podcast | 2 Comments

WTAC Merch

A box with my name on it!



Ian gave me all the World Time Attack merch which featured the logo I designed. Love the hoodie especially! You can still pick some up here:

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