Author Archives: Justin Fox



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Almost Sober

Tool’s ‘Sober’ is a song about a friend of the band whose artistic expression only comes out when he is under the influence. “A lot of people give him shit for that, if you become addicted and a junkie, well, that’s your fault.”

I put hammer (significantly I used my Dad’s hammer which I’ve managed to keep with me ever since I was 18) to bong on January the 9th. I’ve not smoked a cone since. 

Does this make me sober? 

The dictionary says: To be sober is to not be affected by alcohol; not drunk. Does that mean ‘in the moment’? Or does that mean forever? I’m so confused. 

I still smoke rollies, but only at home. IE: If I venture out of the house I do not bring tobacco and rolling papers with me, but sometimes when I’m out for the day I do get cravings. Last week I visited a friend’s tattoo store and immediately felt like smoking a cigarette. I ended up going down the road to buy some, but for whatever reason I didn’t even open the pack to smoke one, and that packet is still on my kitchen bench unopened. 

In the past, if I quit smoking bongs I’d drink like a fish, but that hasn’t happened this time around. By myself I’ll have a glass, 2 at most, but add a friend into the mix and I end up smashing bottles and smoking cigarettes like a chimney. 

Then there’s the medication. I’m still on Quetiapine (200mg/night), on top of that I have a bunch of herbal stuff from my Naturopath to help me sleep and to work on my insides. I also take a CBD oil capsule a day to manage body aches. Taking this stuff consistently, every single day blows my mind as for years there I could never dream of doing anything consistently at all, period. 

In the past I’d often research ways to get off drugs and often I’d read “ditch the friends you do drugs with”. I always thought that was impossible, and a ridiculous ask, but when I was trying to neck myself I managed to push all my friends away, and right now, if I look at my current circle of friends I can’t help but notice all of them are straight AF. 

So what’s it like to be sober? 

I think I’m just as expressive creatively as ever, if not more so as I’m not gaming 10hrs a day. I’m sleeping better than I ever have. I weigh more than I ever have and life’s far from short. IE: The days feel so fucking long I have to watch TV at night to wind down and pass the time. Balance is at play in that I take breaks from designing. I play only 1–2hrs gaming/session (often I go for days without gaming too). All of this normality and consistency felt impossible when I was abusing (smoking bongs from 4.20AM - midnight), but now it’s a harsh reality. 

What confuses me the most is that I’ve given up weed. I always planned to smoke weed forever, but I’ve well and truly broken up with Mary Jane. A close friend suggested that I’m no longer in denial about smoking weed… that blows my mind as I still don’t exactly understand how I managed to stop smoking bongs. But I have and I have to say life feels pretty good on the rails. 

My next step is to get off the medication and start exercising. Dropping the dosage from 2 pills a night to 1 to none is a priority, so too getting back on the bike. I’m also going to start driving again, and have started the hunt for a daily driver (which in itself has been super fun as I’m planning to build a stripped out rally car for the streets). 

Life’s pretty straight without a bong, but being straight is pretty hardcore in itself, and where I used to look at straight people as being un-trustable, I now admire straight people for being able to deal with life head on. 

More updates as they come!

This is also on Medium for an easier read:

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Keiichi Tsuchiya T-Shirt progress

Front “pocket” print.

Just sharing some process/progress on the Keiichi Tsuchiya T-Shirt I’m designing for WTAC this year.

The shield logo on the right appears for a split second in the 2003 Drift Bible DVD (and also on the DVD jacket design). I’ve decided to use it on the front pocket of the T-Shirt (saving the big cross design for a large back print). I’ve taken inspiration from MASH for the shield shape and the OG Keiichi cross logo (left). Not 100% sure on the shield shape just yet, might tweak it to look a little bit more like the original shield (right).

More updates as they come!

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Monday Meeting @ The Pool Cafe










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3 Sisters

















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Consultation with Dal at Tora Sumi



Dianne went in to see Tattoo Artist Dalriada at Tora Sumi today to discuss her next tattoo. Dal’s work, of animals especially, is awesome! Check her Instagram @dalriadatattoos

Di’s booked in for next Thursday! Will be there to take a few photos and offer support!

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Black Betty, Asahi Black & Gyokai Black Ramen

Jonno brought Black Betty out to play, top down baby!!!

Aaand we got table 8 at Manpuku!

Asahi Black.

Manpuku’s Gyokai Black Ramen!

Late night ramen run with the rodent! Conversation was heavy AF, brutal at times. Thanks Jonno for letting me vent, AND for questioning me on the hard truths. Always look forward to our catch ups, always much appreciated.

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Art Gallery Hangs with Jasminia G.




Before Dali, there was Gleeson!


Trippy AF.

The “keys to the shell”.

Ciggie break.



Super fun day with Jasminia today. I’m sure I talked her ear off, but she didn’t seem to mind!!! We checked out the AGNSW, ate lunch there, then walked through the Botanical Gardens (which are looking damn fresh, so so healthy!), then Opera Bar for a quick drink and finished off with the MCA. We’re both loaded up on inspiration now!

Check out Jasminia’s photography here:

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Keiichi Tsuchiya T-Shirt mood board


I’m working on the official Keiichi Tsuchiya T-Shirt for World Time Attack Challenge this year. I had the opportunity last year but I was in a hole and failed to even get started on a design.

This year I’m on it early AF and determined to get it right.

I want to take it back to where it all began. Best Motoring released The Drift Bible DVD in 2003 where Keiichi runs viewers through 6 different drift techniques.

These days you’d be hard pressed to find any video content of that length for any one driver. Mad Mike? Most I’ve seen is a few clips only a few minutes long, Keiichi? He had a whole DVD to himself! That DVD was fucking amazing to us at the time (it will forever live on my shelf in the lounge room!).

I’ve created a mood board. Top half are grabs from the DVD. I love love love the cross design so I’m most likely going to work on that being a part of the T, if not the whole design for the T. At the bottom there’s a few previous T designs. I hate all the illustration/caricature designs as none of them look like him, and caricature’s are usually known for being ugly bastardisations of people in general so I’ll definitely be avoiding that.

I love the bottom right corner logo he used for Kei Office, might use part of that for the design, maybe even on the sleeve. Either way I’m pumped and can’t wait to knock this design out! More process/progress updates soon!

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Note to self.

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