Mia – Day 3

Mia playing.

We were a little worried that little Mia would cry all night (despite Russian Blue’s being quiet cats the breeders let us know that Mia was the most vocal of the bunch!). Amazingly she slept through the entire night, in the kitty room without making a sound (phew!).

Our little bundle of fluff, early in the morning, checking out the garden.

We couldn’t resist letting her out of her kitty room. She’s a good explorer though she cries when she’s exploring an area where she can’t see or hear us.

She’s tiny but she’s grown twice the size in just 3 weeks (since we first saw her at the breeders).

Later that day Jamie, Richie and Mum came over to play!

Mia’s getting lots and lots of pressies too (so funny).

Jamie (might as well call my sister ‘cat lady’!) played with Mia so much that she conked out early afternoon and pretty much stayed KO’d until bed time and once again she slept through the entire night without a meow. She’s so good!

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2 Responses to Mia – Day 3

  1. Paul says:


    p.s. i liked header left aligned! lol

  2. Justin Fox says:

    Haha I am with you Paul. I’ve had a bit of play with this WP Theme but just can’t get it looking “right”. I’ll have a better go ASAP!

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