China – Day 3

So the EXPO the day before was so full on that we thought we’d avoid it altogether on day 3. Mr and Mrs Lock saw a Chinese bridge on an episode of MegaStructures on the National Geographic Channel and thought it would be a good idea to go and check it out (?!).

We hopped in the hired mini bus (which had no seat belts) and hit the highway for 2 hours to get there.

Turns out the Sutong Bridge was pretty damn long. Amazing? Not really but hey it was either an air conditioned bus for 2 hours or 3 hour queues at the EXPO.

We dropped into these lovely gardens (unfortunately I didn’t catch the name, will do so ASAP).

The Locks.

After the gardens we checked out a restaurant which had it’s entire menu on display.

They had a whole lot of strange live seafood to choose from.

WTF that?

Live octopus.

Saddened me to see these gorgeous live muddy mud skippers.

Giant electric bikes being used for KFC deliveries.

The drive home was long and tiring. We didn’t do much but damn we were tired (I put it down to the heat which was scorching hot and humid to boot). We settled for a simple local dinner (kinda like a make your own noodle soup fast food joint). We had a little walk down the city’s main shopping strip where I spotted this piece of fantastic Engrish.

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