
Nelson in digital camo.

Nelson number 2 (yes 2 Nelsons!).

Nelson did great on all the gradual uphills (he’s pretty into his road riding so his fitness was up).

Zi chose to ride a hardtail, his ass was raped for it.

Me, back at the car park post ride. I felt great, surprisingly!

Better shot of Nelson’s camo!

I really wanted to hit McDonalds on the way home for a cold Coke and a new Lamb Burger but Nelson being the chong that he is wanted to eat some hardcore Hong Kong style cafe food. Check this french toast out, it was so so so hardcore.

Zi twisted my arm to join him and a few guys at Loftus on Sunday. I didn’t want to go, but I knew I had to because I’ve done nothing in relation to fitness for so long.

Surprisingly I did AOK. I didn’t make it up the big hill, but I didn’t feel out of breath, nor down on energy. The lap took us 2hrs. That’s twice as long as what we used to do it in, but I’m chuffed I did alright. Looking forward to riding again (the weather was perfect!).

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  1. Pingback: Return to Loftus (again) | SPAMVENTDOCUMENT

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