Monthly Archives: January 2018

Photoshoot with Sophie




I’ve shot with Sophie a few times. We’ve done the boho thing, the hippy/fairy thing and it turns out most photographers expect that from her (she’s a bit over it too). I wanted to do something different and Sophie suggested that she bring her burlesque outfits, perfect!

We shot in low light (rainy day). I had a hard time focusing due to the low light, but I’m really happy with the mood of some of the shots. One thing’s for sure, we killed the pixie/hippy/fairy!!!

Full Gallery in my folio:

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RAWS from today’s shoot with SOPHIE.

Oh, yes, we killed the fairy pixie today.

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ZEN PODCAST #004: Console vs PC, Fake wheels vs Real, Get your priorities right

Progress is about constantly re-checking values and re-affirming that you’re worth it in order to get priorities right.

Console vs PC, fake wheels vs real wheels, mac vs pc; Sometimes people think I’m having a go at them for their personal choices, but in most cases you’ll find that I’m just trying to encourage people to lift their game.

Also on Soundcloud:
And iTunes:

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BTS: Australia Day Shoot

Australia Day Teaser.

Thanks to these 2 girls who made my day today. What a shoot! We’re gonna own Australia Day! #inbeforenotaussiebeer

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Photoshoot with @viv_x






Killer hangs with Viv yesterday. Have been meaning to meet up with this girl for a while now, so glad I finally have! More on her story soon (I’m thinking a podcast!). Check out the full set in my folio:

Follow Viv: @viv_x

PS: Really happy to be shooting again, and uploading shots with little to no editing the same day of the shoot just like I always have.

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I’m the Martyr


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So, how’s your day shaping up?


On a more serious note, I’ve spent the morning getting my head around uploading my podcasts to iTunes. Lewis suggested Squarespace to host the MP3 files, BAM! I’m already using Squarespace for my photography folio, so he sent me a bunch of info and links and I’ve managed to get past all the forms and formalities (I hate that shit as it just slows me down). My 1st podcast is in review. Fingers crossed it gets Apple’s tick of approval!

EDIT: It’s only been a few hours, DAMN Apple work fast!!!

Dear podcast owner,

Your podcast has been approved. You should expect to see it on the iTunes Store within the next few hours. When it’s available, you will be able to access it with the URL below.

You can find your podcast using iTunes Store search in the next two days.

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ZEN PODCAST #003 – Hitting the reset button

Listening to your own voice is one thing, but putting your head on video too? Fuck…

OK guys the 3rd ZEN Podcast is live. In it I go through the exact moment I hit the reset button on my life and got over a very long state of depression. Whilst I can’t quite explain HOW I got myself out of the dumps, I can pin point exactly WHEN I did. Let me know what you think!


PS: PLEASE subscribe! Also, the video didn’t turn out (it’s completely out of synch with the audio as I’ve edited the audio!). I’m comfy with editing audio, but not video. Call it laziness, but more a sincere urge to keep rolling with it. I’m sure I’ll get better with video as a medium as I go!

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