Monthly Archives: March 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn

Official Trailer.

Entering a Cauldron. Cauldrons are very much like Skyrim’s massive underground caves.

Lara Croft moments actually got more and more enjoyable.

One skill lets you call a ride whenever you like. Riding beasts lets you travel large distances fairly quickly. It’s a lot like riding horses in Skyrim (you can even set your ride to auto pilot), great mechanics and I found myself riding around quite a lot.

You get to make choices in the game, but they don’t seem to have any consequences. I assume because it’s a much smaller game in reality than say Fallout 4 (where choices completely change the outcome of the game), but at least the choices you make let you play Aloy how you like (which is strangely satisfying).

The skill tree is super easy to max out (in comparison to Fallout 4 or Skyrim where some players still have yet to max out their skill trees years into the game). I went for all the convenience skills to begin with as usual and it played out nice.

Loved using the map (hate using crap maps in good games!). Fast travelling costs you, which is pretty cool, and end game you can buy yourself an unlimited fast travel pack (very clever as this further encourages you to discover the rest of the world).

Yup, had to do whatever it took to get the secret shield-weaver armour! I used the photo mode to capture all these shots too (nice feature with on the fly camera panning, depth of field adjustments and more).

Horizon Zero Dawn is Playstation’s latest “Hollywood Blockbuster”. The hype on this game is HUGE, with pretty much every single games reviewer out there (both big and small) giving it a near perfect rating.

I watched a fair few trailers a while back, didn’t do anything for me stylistically (even though I love robots!), and the gameplay footage of the main character Aloy climbing up a huge giraffe like robot (in reality it’s one of the more fun things to do in the game) just put me off as that kind of dynamic story telling puzzle solving Lara Croft stuff just isn’t my thing.

The game came out last week. I tried to hold it at bay for a few days as Ved and I have been playing Ghost Recon Wildlands, but the hype train got me so I pulled the trigger.

I’ve just finished the game over the weekend. I stuck to the main quests and have kept the side quests for end game play. The game is super slick, and smooth as, but felt more like an interactive movie than a true open world action RPG. Much of the praise has been on graphics, open world, gameplay and story. I never felt like I was truly in an open world, in fact I always felt like I was on a track (unlike Fallout 4’s huge open map, or Skyrim, or Ghost Recon Wildlands). And regarding RPG, it’s light, very light. I didn’t do much RNG at all and still finished the game just fine with low end gear. Regarding the action; killing various robots was pretty fun, but shooting arrows isn’t so fun. I love shooters, but with an arrow you’ve got to press the trigger to draw it back, then let go of the trigger to let the arrow go, which makes fast shooting of big robots feel really really silly (as you’re shooting every time you let go of the trigger) so I’ve ended up setting my character up to be much more of a melee warrior (it’s nice that you can).

All in all I enjoyed the game (and I’m still enjoying some end game activities like clearing out cauldrons, which are set in huge Skyrim like caves) and story (especially loved the ending scene). Lots of reviewers out there are comparing Horizon to Far Cry, but I feel it’s more like an easy/commercial version of Fallout 4 (especially with the secret suit above, it’s setting is pretty much exactly the same as the overpowered X-01 Quantum Power Armour in Nuka World DLC), except I didn’t get anywhere near as emotionally involved as Fallout (Fallout 4 really really got me, especially the soundtrack).

Graphically it’s just a huge let down as I’ve been playing games on the PC in ultra. Horizon is just full of super low res textures on the PS4 (yes the graphics are meant to be better on the PS4 Pro) and I just can’t get over that fact, but the cut scenes (typically where you talk to characters in the world) have got to be the best looking cut scenes I’ve ever seen in a game (many have complained about strange lip synching but I still think it’s some of the best), controls are great (crafting arrows on the fly mid battle actually ends up feeling 2nd nature), the detailed map, and using it (especially zoomed in) is great and the costume designs, and character designs in general were awesome (especially love how they use rope, string and leather materials to tie emblems in place).

My PC really is the “console killer” in that I just can’t look at console graphics as being anything but bad, jaggy and low res now. I’d LOVE to see what Horizon looks like on my new Sony HDR 4K TV with a PS4 Pro, but I’m not ready to buy a Pro just yet. Having said all that, Horizon is one super polished game. If you’ve got a PS4 you’ve pretty much got to buy this game. IE: If the PS4 only came with one game, this would be it!

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Awwww Betty!


Day made! Love love love Betty’s blog on the hangs we had a couple of weeks ago. Check it out! Visit:

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Nanami got invited to be an MTV IT Girl leading up to Curvy, SO RAD! She so deserves all these awesome opportunities she gets. As usual Nana was nervous and a little anxious (I’m no different despite how many times I do talks or have to get in front of the camera), so she asked me to come along for support, and to also take a few behind the scenes shots. Turns out one of the other IT Girls was Ainsley Hutchence of Sticks & Stones Agency who featured a Cacia Zoo x Jess shoot of mine a while back. Was super rad to meet her!

Was a horrible grey windy and rainy morning. Sydney’s turned, hard, over the past few days (no more beach!). We started at MTV Australia (nice offices!), where Nana was dressed in H&M gear, then got her hair & makeup done too. We had lunch, then headed to Nanami’s studio where MTV’s film crew did their thing (was great to watch them work and Nana killed it!).

Full Set:

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Chilli & Vanilla Sydney Box

Sexy as! Box was way bigger and heavier than expected!

Our design insert.

Design insert products page printed out real sexy, thankyou card too

Mia bomb!

This tea looks amazing!

Star and I got the first Chilli & Vanilla box delivered to us this week! Unboxing was super special for both of us, especially Star, who designed the insert inside the box.

Quality quality quality! We both just couldn’t get over the whole unboxing experience, it’s all just so cutely packaged and there was stuff in there that we had to break open right away, namely the marshmallows, which were awesome and the Pleasure chocolate bar which is sincerely other worldly, and definitely not something we would have found otherwise (likewise with every other product in the box).

For someone like me (the laziest busy person in the world), getting a box of amaze foodie goodies delivered to my door once a month would actually increase the quality of my life, both consuming the goods, and the goods looking great in my (empty) kitchen!

For more info on Chilli & Vanilla boxes, visit: http//

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Shoot with Bettina Banks




Gets to a stage where it’s years between seeing friends. I’ve not seen Betty in AGES but I’ve seen her on TV! Betty’s on My Kitchen Rules this year. That’s prime time TV! I’m SO proud of her. The girl just wants to be famous, and man, she’s there! She’s always been super driven, a strong self believer and she works her ass off on her self image, as well as representing her clients (check her blog for more).

Having been caught in corporate land before I knew she must have struggled with MKR. All the shit they would have told her to do, what she couldn’t do, etc. It’s easy for everyone on the outside watching the show to judge, but the community rarely gets to see what goes on behind the scenes on any of these projects. Knowing this I couldn’t wait to hear all the goss when Betty messaged to catch up and shoot.

Was a dark late afternoon hang and shoot. We caught up and shot (in my kitchen of-course!) at the same time. Was funny that we had no plans, but ended up shooting the same exact shoot we did the first time, with a vape in the lounge room, but instead of all black, noir, this time Betty was wearing all white.


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Destiny – All 3 characters at 400 light!




Using up my luck on gaming lately. RNG loves me. In the 3 years that Destiny has been around there are the more casual gamers and solo gamers who never got to light level 400, then there are a lot who have, but haven’t managed to do so for their other characters. I got to 400 in a week, and on the 8th day I got my other 2 characters to 400 light too! Next! (Destiny 2 here’s looking at you!).

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Happy B’Day Dad


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Destiny – 400 Light in a week

400 in a week, WHOO!

Find your Zen.

Top of the charts (a rare instance). Early on, in PVP I thought I was getting good, but in the end game I’m horrible! The other guys are just SO awesome (PS: it’s amazing how they’ve balanced PVP and PVE in this game).

Hanging out in orbit is a thing in Destiny. The loading screens are always sequences of your spaceship travelling to your destination. They’re great! Way better than a loading bar (if anything I wish they were slightly interactive like the spinning models are in Fallout 4’s loading screens).

My first Raid (I had no idea what was going on!!!).

Now onto my Titan! Couldn’t get the character looking like me at all… no facial hair in the future apparently.

He’s armoured up nice though!

I’ve heard that getting to light level 400 in Destiny isn’t easy. Over the past week I’ve met quite a few players online who have been playing Destiny for 3 years now and they’re still stuck on 399 (or less). I googled, and youtubed, and found so many frustrated players out there who just couldn’t get to the max light level.

All along I was quietly confident that I could get to 400 in a week (when I get into something I get into something!). I love the grind plus I’m also pretty lucky in general (great for RNG!) … it’s been an insane week but I got there in the end.

1 week 4 hours 58 minutes.

For Destiny players; I did this mostly solo. I had a friend help with raids and a few story missions (and advice! Here’s looking at you Tendy!), but none of that dropped anything I couldn’t have gotten through strike chests. I got all my drops from using skeleton keys, and that left the legs and chest which I had to get through exotic engrams (not easy). I had some heartbreaking RNG moments as expected, the last piece (chest) was the hardest to get. With everything else at 400 but the chest (397) I was convinced I’d have an exotic engram decrypt at 399, which would leave me stuck forever, but luckily I got a 400 chest piece today as an Iron Banner bounty (first day of the Iron Banner week too!)

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