Monthly Archives: November 2016

Fallout 4 on PC with MODS

I’ve upgraded all the textures in the game with VIVID Textures, and God Daym! Look at it now!

I’ve got Ved’s PC back to play The Division, but SO many people have come back to play The Division due to the new SURVIVAL DLC being launched, that we can’t even load into a server to play a game (bad Massive, BAD!)! Ved and I then thought we’d try Watch Dogs 2 multi-player, only to find we couldn’t do the main story co-op (that would have been awesome!), and the multiplayer action just wasn’t engaging us in the same way that The Division does, primarily because the shooting mechanics just weren’t up to par in Watch Dogs 2.

I couldn’t resist buying Fallout 4 on the PC (through Steam). It was damn expensive for an old game, but I knew MODS would make it new again, and holy shit now I know what PS4 guys have been missing out on!

I’ve discovered Nexus, and using the Nexus Mod Manager makes modding the game crazy easy. I’m up to 80 mods now, each and every one of them are awesome, and have changed the game for the better (some small changes, some epic ones!). I’ve also completed a few new quests made by fans, a couple of which took hours to finish, and were just as good in quality as Bethesda’s own quests (blows my mind!).

I’m now contemplating buying the most modded game of all time, Skyrim for PC, because there’s so much more you can do with that, due to the HUGE modding community, than Fallout 4! Enjoy some of the screen grabs below.

Watching the awesome animation of getting into and out of Power Armour will never get old, it’s even better now when you command your naked companions to do it.

Everything looks amazing now, flying over to that bridge, etc, it’s all about discovery and the boost in graphics quality has upped the immersion, big time.


And yup, every item is lootable in Fallout 4. So cool, wish The Division did the same (such a shame to waste all that detail in the world!).

The textures change SO much. The roads especially. I’ve also added a whole lot of greenery to the entire world, not over the top like some mods, keeping within lore, just enough to make it feel like time has passed on and everything is starting to grow back.

Skyrim inspired Power Armour! You can mod it at the PA Station with the remains of animals you’ve slain. It also comes with a sword and battle axe.

Optimus Prime Power Armour, then there’s Batman, Superman. Yup, you can pretty much be whoever you want to be, do whatever you want to do with mods!

The Iron Man armour lets me fly, which has been the best way to re-discover The Commonwealth.

So much fun to be had! I’ve got a weed farm going on now.

If you’ve not played Fallout 4, or Skyrim, consider buying either one through Steam, then the Nexus Mod Manager and get busy modding! You might regret it?!

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Star and I are blazed as fuck and we’ve got what we think is an awesome start to a new track (but we’ll save judgement for when we’re sober tomorrow lol!). #mondayfundays

Have a listen:

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Fallout 4 PS4 MODS are here!


I downloaded a new update on the PS4 for Fallout 4 and it’s looking like Bethesda has made mods available in this update! The mods can be downloaded via the main menu in the game, there’s quite a few mods in there already (all clean as it’s PlayStation here, not PC), some look to be game breaking, but I’ll start with a few simple ones like visual mods for Piper, opening up more dialogue for Piper as well as a developer room which will give me access to every single item in the game all in the one cave close to home.

Check out the mods here:

PS: Man the music is just such a huge hook in this game for me. Hanging out for Fallout 5 more than any other game right now. In love with this game, in love with Bethesda!

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Watch Dogs 2 Review

Oh noes, not fist pumps! The cut scenes are a bit cheesey, but the characters are complex and likeable enough.

Watch Dogs 2 is a game about hacking, it’s got a really fresh young vibe going on, the game tackles current affairs and it’s overall been a really fun (not so serious, scary, or full of doom and gloom) game to play.

I’ve watched just about every hacking related movie and doco there is to watch. Ghost in the Shell, The Matrix, The Internet’s Own Boy (Aaron Swartz’s story on Netflix, must watch), so I was instantly curious about Watch Dogs 2; a game about hacking, and just how would the developers make hacking the primary part of the game (and how would they make it fun?).

Ubisoft has done an awesome job of re-creating San Francisco. I hope that one day Sydney will feature in an open world game of this quality.

Lots of graff all over the city.

Some worth taking a selfie with.

On loading, the game throws you into the deep end right away (Metal Gear Solid’esque action scenario), and the movie intro actually begins a fair bit later. Refreshing change from games which have much slower tutorial style intros. You’re Marcus, a chill dude who ends up hooking up with DedSec, a bunch of hacker mates. The enemy is tech company Blume and their ctOS computer system and the world is set in the Bay Area of California, which is absolutely huge, and looks amazing in game (I crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and was sold).

Meet the crew.

There’s a real fun, neon punk graphic design aesthetic which carries throughout the short videos which support and break up missions.

To me, Watch Dogs 2 instantly feels a little bit like The Division; familiar HUD graphics and action mechanisms, but graphics are even better in general, especially in regards to the main character’s detail and movement. The characters you meet are quite developed (more like characters in Fallout 4) and stealing cars, bikes and exploring the streets feels a lot like playing Grand Theft Auto V, which isn’t a bad thing, right?!

Cars are pretty cool in the game (I love the in car first person mode), hardly any traffic means you have much less to hit (and cars are super easy to control so driving is never frustrating).

All sorts of clothes shops to visit!

Marcus’ phone is his primary weapon and tool to launch apps which control all sorts of stuff like starting new missions, taking selfies and playing tunes (as you’d imagine). He’s also got an RC car and Quadcopter to play with (which is essential and super fun but also crazy expensive so you’ll have to do some driving side missions and hack people’s accounts in order to cash up to buy it). Marcus can also hack terminals, cameras, cars and more. Failing a mission a few times helps a lot in getting familiar with the hacking tools, which are an essential part of the game, but then there’s shooting too.

Selfies, gaining followers and making guns with the 3D printer. How very “now”!

Watch Dogs 2 primarily focuses on moving stealthily and hacking, but Marcus can use a 3D printer to create various guns. I’m not sure the game becomes more convincing when a hacker starts shooting his way through missions, but hey the option is there to play the game how you like, and that’s a good thing I think (as I really enjoy shooting games and running in guns blazing is always more my style).

PS: I got a pre-release retail PlayStation 4 copy of the game provided by Ubisoft. At the time of review the PlayStation 4 version of the game has a major multiplayer bug. Ubisoft are well aware of this bug and expects to have it fixed by the time the game launches for the public (it’s now available!). I’ll be buying the PC version of the game when it launches at the end of this month so I can test out the multuplayer with Ved!

For more info, visit:

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Soul Burger

Coconut shakes! Go the vanilla, it was awesome. I went for the straight coconut, which tasted super Asian, refreshing but conceptually I think the vanilla shake, which tasted just like a milk shake, was the way to go.

We went for both the green fries, and red fries, both with aioli, both good!

I went for the cheeseburger of-course! It actually tasted like a cheeseburger, not the best but definitely not the worse I’ve had!

We also shared a fish burger (beccause I’m a fan of fish burgers!). The relish was interesting, the fish looked like fish, or chicken… and it tasted like, um… chicken?!

Amanda went for the Sumo! You go girl!

Vegan, in in food heaven!

I’ve been to a handful of vegan restaurants and enjoyed them all (especially the buddhist temple feasts), but I’ve never been to a vegan restaurant quite like Soul Burger, which Amanda introduced me to today. Soul Burger is a plant-based burger shop and have shops in Glebe and Randwick. Randwick’s way closer to home, and a place I used to hang out at a lot during high school/uni years, so we made the call to eat there and we ordered up a feast!

Whilst I can’t say they were the best burgers I’ve ever had, these guys definitely push the notdog hotdog thing. IE: It looks like meat, it tastes like meat, but it’s not, and there was no doubt that what we were eating was healthier than any other burger I’ve eaten this year. Just seeing how happy Amanda was made me happy, and I hope that the commonality of the American fast food chain store concept makes it’s way to healthier/vegan fast food too.

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Watch Dogs 2

In the mail today.

Official game trailer.

Thanks Ubisoft! Super keen to give this a spin!

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Ghost in the Shell

OMFG THIS LOOKS AMAZING. Probably always going to love the original anime way more (there would be no MATRIX, my fave film of all time, if there wasn’t Ghost in the Shell first!), but it looks like they’ve really lovingly re-created some of the original scenes. Love the whole CG feel. I’m SO pumped!

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Jacks Newtown


The only thing I’m really missing about the US is the junk food. Jacks Newtown is Sydney’s answer to Shake Shack, in that they’ve ripped off the Shake Shack logo, and pretty much the entire concept right down to the small burger bun and crinkly fries.

Glenn (who took the above photo with an iPhone 6 Plus in portrait mode!) and Robbie have been hyping up this joint. We dropped past a week or so before the Vegas trip, they were shut (they close when they sell out and close often apparently!). Since then I’ve been to LA, and had Shake Shack (for the first time) twice, and I really rated it too, so with the Shake Shack taste fresh in my memory we hit Jacks last night and whoo! They were open!

So how did I rate it? The fries were bang on! Super crunchy, if anything I wish they had the option to have cheese on top (just like they do at Shake Shack). The burger itself was bang on too. They had the tiny bun thing happening, loved the taste of the tomato/pickle/sauce, perfecto, patty was good too but the patty was where all the difference was between a Jacks burger and a Shake Shack burger. That dirty meat flavour in the Shake Shack patty just makes the Jacks patty taste almost too clean, having said that, Jacks is probably serving the best burger in Sydney right now!

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Battlefield 1 vs Dishonored 2 vs Skyrim Special Edition

Released 5 years ago, now remastered, it’s amazing how Skyrim holds up to the other 2 brand new games below.

Dishonored 2, this story/action/adventure style of gameplay is more new to me than the other 2 games.

BF1’s first person shooter all the way, definitely gameplay I’m more familiar with.

I’ve spent a fair few hours on the games above since I’ve been back from LA but I’ve failed to get the bug with either of them. Out of the 3 I’ve spent more hours in Skyrim where I’ve followed the main quest and finished the main storyline. I felt I needed to at least give it that much, but I don’t have the urge to keep on exploring Skyrim’s huge open world mainly because I’m just not that into the world of Skyrim (LOTR/dragons/magic etc).

Having said that I’m actually not into the worlds of any of these games and that probably plays a huge factor here. Dishonored 2 has a gothic/magic/dark mystery adventure style gameplay that’s visually spectacular (the animation sequences where you’re actually murdering someone are pretty intense), but it also left me with the feeling of not really playing the game, like I was steering more than truly being immersed in the world and free to roam and discover.

Then there’s BF1. Yup EA know how to make a game with a really polished feel. Clean menus, clean type. I threw myself into a few campaign modes and hated being in the tank, and then in a plane. I then loaded up some multiplayer and found it super frustrating as I was being one-shotted for hours at a time. I went back to campaign play but stayed out of vehicles (I played Gallipoli) and saw what all the fuss was about. The Gallipoli campaign was fantastic, great character development considering how short the cut scenes were, great music, great combat too.

I’m quite sure I’m done with Skyrim, and I’m really not keen to keep on playing Dishonored 2 despite it being the prettiest world out of the 3 games above and also having the most interesting gameplay. If anything I’ll most likely just play a little BF1 multiplayer from time to time, but one thing’s for sure; playing all 3 of these games has really left me yearning for the release of Fallout 5! The boxes I now need ticking are: rpg, shooter, looter, open world, character development & storyline (yeah not that much to ask!).

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I’m almost back

No haul. Definitely not used to coming home empty from an overseas trip!

It’s nice to have a woman around the house again.

The struggle is real. Some girls love putting on makeup, Amanda hates it. I just love that I often get to watch the process!

Beautiful with, even more beautiful without (trying to convince a girl to shoot without makeup is another thing altogether though!).

I’m still without an iPhone, but I’ve got my bank cards in order, an interim drivers license and I’ve even managed to figure out how to instagram without a phone. Hilariously my internet went down over the weekend as I had an overdue bill on the previous credit card, which I then cancelled from Vegas, and Telstra figured I’d done the runner so they cut my internet, which almost killed me as getting that back on without a phone was pretty fucked up.

I shot with Amanda yesterday though. Photos from the session can be viewed here. She’s here for another week so I hope we stop talking, and shoot some more before she leaves!

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