Monthly Archives: April 2015

Photoshoot with Amber Tysoe





Amber was one of the most nervous and shy girls I’ve shot to date. So much so we ended up smoking a jay and hanging out rather than shooting (but I still managed to at least steal a few shots!).

Follow Amber: @ambertysoe View the few shots I did take here.

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Photoshoot with Lily Valentino




zen_hoodie_3 (1)

Definitely happiest when shooting on sunny Sydney days! Loved yesterday’s shoot with Lily Valentino, who’s gorgeous, is studying to be a makeup artist, has never shot before, was super nervous but in the end, she was (ad we had) a lot of fun!

Full set is up:

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Mini Bluetooth Keyboard with Power Bank



My iPhone 5S is dying. The power button is on it’s way out and batteries are running out faster than ever, so I was looking for a power bank that I could put in with my camera bag when I’m out and about, or leave in the glovebox of my car. I ended up with this mini bluetooth keyboard with 5000mAh power bank. It’s got a keyboard built into it which is great as I hate typing on the iPhone, especially on WhatsApp!

I bought it from MobileZap.

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JDM them all!

At myplates HQ. Shit is getting real!

Pushing JDM culture since 2005!!! Pretty happy that myplates have approved the development of Japanese style plates for NSW! I’ve got to work with crazy constraints due to plate recognition technology, so the end product won’t be exactly like a real Japanese plate, but hey! I still think it’s a win!

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New 35mm f/1.4 FE Zeiss Distagon – initial impressions

BOOM! It’s fucking HUGE. That’s it on the left next to the 55mm (which I thought was already quite massive).




So my favorite Mongolian Rosamina (jks, she’s the only Mongolian I know!) was running a little late today, that gave me enough motivation to get off my ass and drop in to visit Marcus at digiDIRECT Bondi Westfields (grrr fuck I hate that place!) and pick up my new 35mm lens.

I shot with it for the whole shoot and I’m already falling in love with it! Every time I’d step back to take the shot I realised I’d stepped way too far back! I’ve uploaded a few test shots above. Super happy with the purchase and quite sure this will be the only lens I end up using on this camera from now on.

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$2k for a lens, fuck…

You will be mine. 35mm f/1.4 FE Zeiss Distagon.

So I’m going to spend $2k on a lens for my camera today. The camera itself (a7S) has been the most expensive camera related purchase for me to date. I’ve hated this because I loved the fact that I got similar results with a $500 camera before this camera. There’s just something about being the underdog, and having people out there impressed that I was shooting with a toy camera as opposed to a pro camera. IE: They were crediting me for my skills, and not crediting me for the gear I use.

The main gripe I have with my current set-up is the 55mm lens. It’s awesome. I love it, BUT… it puts me too far away from the action. My style of photography is quite intimate, and with this set-up (in comparison to my old Micro 4/3rds GF1/6) I’m sometimes literally standing outside of my bedroom to get a full frame shot of a girl on my bed. IE: I’ve needed a 35mm but there was no native 35mm lens with a low f-stop… until now!

Enter the 35mm f/1.4 FE Zeiss Distagon. It’s late to the market IMHO (I bought the a7S in November last year and have been waiting ever since), but hey it’s here! And I hate to be a gear head when it comes to photography (I’d rather not), especially when goods cost so much (I could almost have started a nice cafe racer project with this money!), but you gotta do what you gotta do. Right?!

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Photoshoot with Hannah Norman









Before this hail storm (it’s insane right now!), there was sun, heaps of it, so Hannah and I made good use of the morning by shooting down by the rocks (and on a tree that’s fallen over in my backyard!).

Hannah was a great gal! Super smart, ambitious, young and passionate about Japanese food (brownie points for sure!).

Shoot fast, edit even faster (meh who needs to edit anyways?!). Full Set of Photos are now up on my folio:

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Build Threads

One of each, thanks!


Got some stickers in the mail from Build Threads, but as a bonus I got this amazing drawing of my GT-R, with a stack of new Toyo R888’s and myself in it too! SO COOL! Support Build Threads by buying some stickers off them here, they’re in it for the love!!!

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The Other Side of Darkness

Enjoy this left of field offering, the dark creation of a four way collaboration between NYC based Model and Artist Cacia Zoo, lustful Darlinghurst based luxuries store babylikestopony, myself and Videographer Scott Mitchell.

Shooting with the Katana in Chinatown was mad, breaking, entering and shooting at the cemetery was even more mad (security guards were legends!). Many thanks to all involved; babylikestopony for the sexy gear and bottomless Champagne glasses. Ella at Daniella’s Gelato Cafe for letting us take over her shop!

Model: Cacia Zoo –
Outfits: babylikestopony –
Photographer: Justin Fox –
Videographer: Scott Mitchell –

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Photoshoots with Mia and Jess

Mia on the couch with Mia!

Mia, not a fan of Louis Vuitton.

Jess in bed.


Yesterday I spent my grey lazy Sunday shooting 2 girls from out of town. First up was 32 year old Mia who’s originally from Brisbane. Super bubbly girl, smart, louder than life and a total tom boy. We clicked right away, and ended up chatting for ages before shooting. Shooting was like hanging out too. A bit of Grand Theft Auto and just general dagging about. We went for sushi afterwards and had to cut it short for my 2nd shoot which was with young Jess from Canberra. Also super bubbly, innocent, wide eyed and hungry to discover more about herself and business too.

Both shoots were in less than ideal lighting conditions, but I loved that they were back at home, in my comfort zone, with music up and great conversations.

You can view the full set of Mia pics here, and the full set of Jess pics here.

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