Monthly Archives: January 2015

Photoshoot by Boudist for LYNX






A man of style, apparently! Photos by the amazing Dan Boud. My style interview for LYNX here:

Posted in Cars, Photography, Zen Garage | 2 Comments

Photoshoot with Emily Bellerose


Met Emily at the meet the other night (EOMM) and shot her yesterday. Not sure if I talked her ear off, or whether she talked my ear off more… either way, we talked about some whack shit and got along like a house on fire! I’m really happy with some of the shots.

Full set here:

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Kitsune Mask


I just got this awesome hand made Kitsune mask in the mail. I bought it on eBay (no two were the same, so nice), the mask was made in Iwate, Japan by a process called “hariko-zaiku” (ie: paper mache!). The artists’ name is Hanjirou Sawafuzi.

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Australia Day

Hey Leo.

Happy Australia Day!


Miles doing his rendition of Billie Jean on the keyboard, with vocals even, amazing!

Cheeky Monkey and B’Day girl.

Miles’ painting, framed! So good.

And his B’Day card for Mum.

Opening pressies time!

Cats doing what cats do best on rainy days!

Haha Leo!

Teach’em young!

The Wholesome Pod, my sisters new business. She’s been dealing her amazing goods to the family for some time now, it’s all going to hit the market this year!

Despite the rain, Richie got the BBQ fired up and cracked out these amazing prawns.

Feast on!

Celebrated Mums B’Day (again!) & Australia Day today at my sisters house with her kiddies. I’m drunk on champagne and so full I feel like I’m about to explode.

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EZY Slider Trike






I’m helping the EZY Slider guys out with a photoshoot soon and today I built up one of their trikes that had been sitting in my man cave for a couple of weeks.

It’s a simple thing. Gravity trike so no pedals, heavy steel frame, a mechanical disc brake set-up on the front wheel and EZY Slider wheels. I love it that it’s a blank canvas.

Part of me wants to go nuts on it and have some fun with it. Even if it was with the parts I have lying around from my billion bike builds of old. I’ve got a few ideas for the shoot in mind, and I’m one step closer to finalising a concept now that I’ve built the trike and have it in my lounge room to perv at when I’m lounging about.

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Happy Australia Day Mum!

Ooh, hipster!

Cronuts at the buffet?! Fark! Hip$ter!

Champagne? Please.

Macarons at the buffet.

Teeee hee hehehe. Happy B’Day Mum! X

Celebrated Mum’s B’Day today (Australia Day every year, albeit one day earlier this year). We’ve not done the hotel/buffet thing in ages. We tried out the re-vamped InterContinental at Double Bay. Not amazing, not terrible either, it is what it is. I actually enjoyed just being at a hotel buffet haha! I love hotel buffets, especially breakfast!

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Photoshoot with Mika


You know you’re in trouble when you ask your model to see what she brought to wear for the shoot and all she whips out is a vitamin box full of Wicked Weasel micro bikinis.

View the full set (NSFW nudity warning!) here:

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I’ve found a name for my work. KITSUNE, which means FOX in Japanese (thanks Seven Seas X). The tales of foxes being shape shifting into women really suit my girls. I’m feeling conceptually content!

Visit (NSFW):

Posted in Photography | 1 Comment

Mika x Domo






Domo’s been a naughty naughty boy! Fun shoot earlier today with Japanese model Mika, yet another girl who’s domo crazy! View the rest of the set on my folio site (nudity warning!):

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InFocus Australasia







I’ve been meaning to check out my interview in the latest issue of InFocus Australasia for ages now. I finally found my first gen i-Pad, charged it up, found InFocus in iTunes and bam! My i-Pad is just too old to run the latest issue of InFocus! Haha! Sydney based Photographer Sam Law of 300C-PO has come to the rescue though, with these screen grabs of the feature (cheers Sam!).

Download the latest issue of InFocus Australasia here:

Interview as follows:

What sparked your first interest in photography?
A university assignment which required us to use a manual camera. A few years after I went digital and picked up a Nikon 990, it’s twist body and great image taking capabilities made it a much loved camera/toy of many designers at the time. Mine eventually broke and I dropped the ball for many years until the Panasonic GF1 came out in 2009.

What was your first camera?
My Mum handed me down her 1966 Canon FT QL (quite a brick of a camera!) which I used for photography related assignments when I was studying Design at the University of New South Wales College of Fine Arts. That camera got me into shooting friends. It has a sweet 55mm lens on it, and at the time I was developing Ilford film at 1hr colour photo labs for unexpected colour results.

What do you particularly love to shoot?
Moments. I love shooting for my blog. Blogging has always been a therapeutic thing for me. I find taking photos, and publishing them therapeutic (and of-course, in many ways rewarding).

What kind of shooting/subjects do you find the most challenging?
I’ve done all the behind the scenes shoots of models wearing Zen Garage gear for the past 3 years, but for the past 6 months I’ve been shooting the girls myself, and I’ve found that shooting people you aren’t already friends with, and trying to make them feel comfortable as quickly as possible, to be quite challenging (and the positive feedback post shoot really rewarding). I’ve developed a few tricks to help with shoots, the process is constantly developing and getting better each time.

What gear would you take out if you wanted to travel light without a plan, but be ready for anything?
My every day is just the GF6 with the compact 20mm lens, but even when I’m all loaded up I have both cameras, multiple lenses, my macbook and more in my Chrome Niko Pack (which I love wearing/using).

What bit of gear do you currently covet (desire/want)?
I love my GF1 and GF6 Micro Four Thirds cameras and I’m proud that I was on board since they were first released many years ago, but I’m ALWAYS wondering what if… what if I upgraded to a 5D Mark III? Would I take better shots? Etc.

Which other photographers are your biggest inspirations?
My friend, Matthew Mead, who captures light like no other and Van Styles for his style and passion. Terry Richardson for being a game changer (I’ve been a fan of his work since he did a shoot for Sisley with Josie Maran many years ago).

What drives your ongoing photographic evolution?
For me it’s always publishing, in my case blogging. So long as I’m documenting my life then I’ll always need a camera, and when one starts to die, it’s always an excuse to upgrade!

Panasonic Lumix GF6
Panasonic Lumix GF1

Panasonic Leica 25mm f/1.4
Panasonic 20mm f/1.7

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