Same time as last time.
I signed up for the House of Stance track day late last year, it was held last Friday and to be honest it crept up so fast I was nowhere near ready, and had myself wondering why the fuck I even agreed to be on the track so early in the year (I feel like I’m still recovering from New Years!).
In typical fashion I rocked up late (stuff being at Wakefield at 8am!!!). I drove in to Zen to get my MX-5 and got to Wakefield by about 10.30/11AM.
Garages were completely full and there were no House of Stance guys to be seen, turns out it was a John Boston Track School Day, not a House of Stance track day. LAME! I was hoping for hilariousness! I saw a couple of the JDMST Forum guys who thankfully lent me a garage for the day (thanks Sam!). And it turns out all of us sharing a garage had similar speeds so a lot of fun was had out on the track each session.
The day was hot, lots of people were struggling with the heat and general consensus was cars were slower due to the heat (with lots of cars overheating on the day). I did shorter sessions so the MX-5’s clutch held in there (was slipping badly last time), car is still shit; understeer on the way in, oversteer only if provoked with braking whilst cornering. Front suspension is making knocking noises on hard turns now. I expect it’s the extremely worn bushings in the arms, or something.
A few good things:
– Got sideways and nailed a couple of corners drifting before the apex, always worth it!
– Harness + bucket seat were great, not so tired on the drive home, no body aches next day either.
– Going through turn 2 in 3rd gear much faster than ever.
– Car is still shit. Not neutral, steering feels way too light. Needs new bushings and alignment.
– Came off at the fish hook and damaged front guard (easy fix with a guard roller).
– Need harness strap pads as they’re so sharp they’re cutting into my shoulder.