Monthly Archives: April 2013

All Stars Gold Coast Video

All Stars ‘East Coast Tour QLD’ from JRH Media on Vimeo.

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All Stars Gold Coast

The Holy Grail.

The boss’ toy. Spotted this in the garage next door to the Subway.

Nature Boner.

The last stop, we’re almost there.

Our house from the outside.

Awesome by night, even better in the morning (despite having a huge one on our first night).

Pimp kitchen.

Pool table went off all weekend.

We had our own private jetty too (shame I didn’t bring the rods!).

Hitting the strip was hilarious. The Maloo turns so many heads on looks alone, then my car confuses with it’s loud supercharger whine, then Dom’s intense GT-R just completes the diverse 3.

Back at the house, double apple sesh.

Love a rental house with nice things in it.

Hey Iris. The only (brave) girl bunking in the house.


Paul and Glenny Boy.

Glenn trying to sneak up on a sting ray.

Media station.

Dat ass again.

Our Zen stand at All Stars Gold Coast.

Epic day was epic. The show from above.

Sergio’s catch.

Farewell group shot.

Waiting out front for the Acquired Taste boys.

On the long road home I got excited every time we came across tunnels.


Late lunch at Coffs.

That sunset.

Last Thursday morning the Zen Garage/All Stars Crew + Acquired Taste boys hit the road to Queensland for All Stars on the Gold Coast. The trip up was awesome, much classic karaoke was had and our convoy of car porn really made the epic trek feel a little easier.

The pimp house which greeted us was icing on the cake. Fantastic kitchen, a swimming pool, a pool table too. We partied hard that night (and every night after that).

QLD really turned on the weather, every single day was perfect. On the Sunday we set up early and our jaws dropped at the quality of the cars rolling in. The day was epic, the vibe was electric. The venue was so classy and the people were too. No hoons, perfect behaviour from everyone in attendance, even the cops who were doing laps in their buggy loved the show.

There will be a billion and one photos from the event popping up in the internet over the next few weeks (I missed a LOT of the action). In the meantime click here to check out some photos from the Downshift crew.

Posted in Cars, Travel, Zen Garage | Leave a comment

MKVR32 Studio Shoot

So yesterday I got a call from Ryan at Hot4s Magazine. He had a studio shoot booked, but the guys who owned the car refused to have a girl shot with their car for religious reasons. That meant he had a babe booked for the day but no car to shoot her with. He asked if I’d be willing to bring the Golf in. I had a busy day lined up but after a few calls I managed to buy some time, grab some lunch then I hit the car wash on the way down.

Was great to meet the team at Hot4’s and Performance Garage. Like minded people. I’m hoping we’ll be working together more in future!

PS: Shots by Sergio (except the 2 colour ones by me!).

Posted in Bike, Cars | 2 Comments


From the outside.

I asked for something completely different to the crispy beers I usually drink. I got it.

Fried Chicken was delicious.

Soft Shell Tacos were yummy too.

Caught up with Felix and Di last Saturday night (been way too long!). We dined at Mexico in Surry Hills. Food and atmosphere were great, company was even better!

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Dent Hero Dent Removal Day #6

Another very successful Dent Hero dent removal day at Zen Garage. John the technician blew minds once again, and the boys even brought in a bonnet and tools for everyone to have a go on. The heavy rain didn’t stop the beautiful people dropping in to hang out too.

More pics here.

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Clowning around with Bree

Hilarious late night shoot at Zen last night. The girl’s a lot of fun! Visit her page:

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13 Rooms

Human revolving door was a lot of fun to walk through.


Hirst’s trippy piece was the first room, and damn it was a great way to get into the show.

Caught up with an old College Of Fine Arts friend Carla yesterday and we checked out 13 Rooms which brings together 13 big name Artists (Marina Abramović and Damien Hirst to name a few) and more than 100 performers to present a group exhibition of ‘living sculpture’ within 13 purpose-built rooms.

Interactive. I love this kind of art! Having to walk through a door, and not knowing what you’re going to get on the other side of it. Brilliant and totally immersive.

It’s free, and it ends this weekend so get in there before you miss it. More details:

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The Outdoor Social

I’m a sucker for hand made stuff and this gear reminds me of leather working class in high school. Good vibes were had from the minute I saw the package in the mail box (love the little leather touch on the actual package itself) and then smelling the goods once I carefully opened the bag.


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Winning’s, Winning

Photo by Triple6pix.

I felt pretty tired after the plane trip back to Sydney yesterday. I’d just gotten in bed to take a power nap when I a message form Sergio who was worried that if I had a nap I’d not be able to get up and get to the “Winning’s, Winning” The Fast and the Furious Movie Night hosted at Enmore’s awesome “The Projects” by Zen Garage.

I decided he was probably right, so I got to Enmore, had some good grub and lots of beers. Tired I was, but hey it was chill. At 6pm we put the movie on and unfortunately the sound was a little too soft. Didn’t stop Alain and Glenn yelling out lines though (haha) THEN the DVD froze… a few of us went back to Zen, which got pretty rowdy. I made the call to come home rather than sleep on the couch at work. Wise?!

EDIT: Many more photos here.

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Field Trip Melbourne 2013

Long story short, but I was the first to get in and I didn’t have a key, and the guy on the phone at Quest didn’t have my booking. I sat outside and had to wait for him to let me in. Once I was in I ducked out to buy some beer and a bottle of red. I just popped the red, started to relax and I got a call from the Quest guy saying I’m in the wrong room and that a party of 6 were in the lobby trying to get in (they couldn’t as I took the key in the security key deposit out on the street). Zann then rocks up, and luckily for us they had another room to put us in for the night.

Damien got in the next day and along with some volunteers we spent the afternoon packing the Field Trip tote bags with all sorts of goodies form our sponsors. Late that night back at the apartment Zann got his ticket scanning gear sorted.

6am we were at ACMI Fed Square setting up.

A tote bag on every seat in the house! Seriously sweaty work!

8.30am and the doors were open for registration.

3 speakers in and it was lunch time. Charlotte from the Jacky Winter Group killed it with this amazing lunch box for us. Love eating in Melbourne, so good!

Typographer Luke Lucas was a standout. Love his work. Also, Mimi Leung blew my mind, her process is so fresh.

Panel discussion with all speakers.

An enso on the wall at the apartment, was meant to be! :)

Damien left super early on Saturday morning, then there were 2 again. A Garry Trinh inspired shot of Zann and I.

Hosier Lane is always worth the visit.

Spotted a Low Bicycle. Love the look of these.

Heard good things about the Meatball & Wine Bar. An hour wait, but we were all up for it!

Right into the wine (I’ve forgotten what I ordered, but damn it was smooth).

Sliders were delicious!

Meatballs! The pork meatball with pesto sauce on smashed potato was such a killer combo.

Happy Zann.

Mei and Colin were in town too, so good to catch up with these guys again so soon (after Easter break).

The amazing Todd Proctor in the house.

We hit numerous pubs and in search of more food towards the end of the night we hit Chin Chin.

Chin Chin was shut upstairs, so we settled for their bar downstairs where we found a DJ spinning some pretty awesome tunes.

Paul Kotz, Zann and Todd. Both Paul and Todd run Small Studio, be sure to check them out.

Home, so beautiful.

Had an epic weekend in Melbourne for Field Trip which was a sold out event and went really really well. So glad that Zann organised for both him and I to have that once extra night just to come back down to Earth post event.

I’m exhausted, didn’t help that I went straight to an event in Sydney once I got off the plane! More on that event soon. Right now I’ve got to crash.

EDIT: We had a pro shooter on the day, some of his (amazing) pics are up here.

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