Monthly Archives: November 2012

SE Quadangle

Check out the lines. It’s bizzare, love the looptail, love how the top tube connects to the bottom of the head tube.

Fluted seatpost is a nice touch, love the lightning bolt on the saddle too (can never have too many lightning bolts!).

The double down tubes are so cool. Awesome that they made a custom frame pad for it too.


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Sushi Train next door had a massive queue, as usual. But we were there for Mappen! People will catch on, eventually. It’s the best!

Could be a little intimidating at first, but grab a tray, order your meal and go along, adding whatever friend goodies, or side dishes you like. Grab a drink, pay then add your final condiments to your liking. When finished, kindly return your tray :)

Ontama tuna tataki bowl.

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Off to the framers

Finally getting the rest of the SIT prints framed! #excited!

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Keep It in the Family

Daniel Dittmar is off to Europe to live, what a legend! I wish him all the best, he’s gonna kill it!

As expected, bikes all over Dittmar’s house in Newtown.

All mine, needs a bit of a clean. Missing front brakes, rear rim is a little worn, rear tyre too but apart from that she’s just gorgeous!

I always knew I’d end up with an SE Quadangle one day. Yesterday I saw one rock up in my facebook feed and I knew right away it was Dittmar’s bike. Some dude had first dibs and I had 2nd, 2st dude fell through… sweeet the bike is mine! :)

Funny thing is I had eyes on it from the first time I met Dittmar in 2009 where he interviewed me for his magazine (the bike features in the article too), great thing about running a blog, check out the blog post here.

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Packing Field Trip Bags

Damien and I had a massive day packing tote bags today for Field Trip. Massive thanks to both Irnin and Bernice for helping us out today! 9 days to go, 200 tix left… we’re looking good!

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I love free shit…

…especially when it’s this quality! Free pressies from a new client of mine (it’s all in development at the moment, but think drift trikes!) who’s just returned from NZ. Justin Holden, you lovely man!

Also scored this rad T thanks to Blake! I love heather grey. Be sure to check out Sehr Gute!

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Our tent.

And the crowd went wild.

Kevin’s concours 964.

My fave car of the day. Saw this car on the road a few months ago. It was menacing in my rear view mirror, and when I let the guy overtake me the sound was just blood curdling. So awesome to see it up close. I gawked at it pretty hard, got to meet the owner too. Chilled out dude (funny thing is he remembers my EVO from the time I spotted him on the streets!).

Gorgeous Veloce.

Kevin’s Rocco. Hard not to like wrap when it looks this good.

Last night was Zi’s bucks. I tried my best not to get hammered, but damn I got hammered. Despite having a blast with the boys I had to peel away at 3am because of EUROFEST today. The last thing I wanted was to be hung over, in the sun at a car show… but damn it I did it again.

I was so hung over my head like it was split in half. I woke up in the city, managed to get back to Maroubra to get some shorts and thongs. Was feeling almost too queasy to drive the EVO so I borrowed Mums SLK (better suited the Euro theme!), to top it off it was perhaps the hottest day this year so far!

Amazing cars rocked up though, EUROFEST was such a massive success! I’ve uploaded my pics from the day to the new Zen Garage Blog. Check them out here.

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Streetkarnage Crew from QLD

Streetkarnage crew drove all the way from Queensland to Zen Garage on route to tomorrow’s ALL STARS EUROFEST. Massive effort (11hr drive!). All rides bar the Golf are static too. More pics:

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New Zen ‘Garage Life’ Blog

Just making more work for myself! Visit:

I’ve just launched a new blog for Zen Garage. The main site publishes features well, but sometimes there are some things that aren’t quite feature worthy. Take for example photos of customers cars, or what we had for lunch. There’s always stuff happening at Zen and rather than uploading this content to Facebook (and potentially losing it all one day) I figured that it would be best to start a blog to document the every day happenings at the Garage in Leichhardt. Visit:

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