Monthly Archives: April 2012

JDMST – Why we meet

The Mighty Car Mods guys were at the JDMST meet the other night. Marty asked if it was alright if he intereviewed me and without hesitation I said “yes”. I then instantly started to regret agreeing as I hate being in front of the camera. I got nervous and felt like I mumbled a lot but after watching the video I think I did OK! Glad I didn’t say anything stupid!

Look out for Mark Pakula, Sergio and John in the video too! :)

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Earlier at Zen getting ready to pack up the shop.

We packed everything into the mini van. She did great!

Setting up our Zen Garage stall.

Our trade stand at the meet. We brought along all the new Illest gear (as well as some run-out specials).

Wing it!

Sergio’s S15.

RE kit on this FD was awesome, gold wheels definitely different!

Real deal Z-Tune.

Epic. The biggest JDMST Meet so far, no doubt.

Last night’s JDMST EOMM @ WSID Eastern Creek was massive. Cars were pouring in from 6PM and the queue went all the way out to the main road for hours. At it’s peak, around about 8PM the carpark was almost at full capacity (that’s a 2,000 space car park!). Due to the way cars were parked (spaced out in parts) I’d say we had about 1,200 cars on the night which makes it the largest JDMST Meet to date.

We had a Zen Garage stall on the night and we brought all the new Illest gear which we just took delivery of in the past few days (perfect timing!). We sold a lot of hoodies and crewnecks, no surprise as Sydney is getting cold about now!

Massive thanks to the guys at Top Secret Imports for making the venue happen for us. Massive thanks also to the Zen Garage team + Sergio, Claudio and Anton for helping us throughout the day and night.

All the above shots were taken by the talented photographers on JDMST. View many more images here:

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Fish Markets

Salt and Pepper Calamari + a Dozen AAA Grade Sydney Rock Oysters. So good!

And to bring home: Such a lovely cut of Tuna.

And Salmon!

Fresh, healthy, so awesome.

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Aussie Mum!

Mum has always had dual citizenship (2 passports) but she’s always wanted to be Australian. She decided to give up her Indonesian passport last week, she’s now officially an Aussie!

Mum & Miles @ the afterparty :)

PS: Her B’day happens to fall on Australia Day too, perfect!

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Automotive Photography Awards 2011


Check the spine. It’s a monster!

Love the non-gloss stock.

I was greeted by a massive load of boxes around my desk @ Zen Garage this morning. Turns out the APA books are back from the printers! It’s such a weighty book, love it and I’m so proud of it. Narada and I have done so well (personally I’ve never designed and printed a book before!).

Now we’ve got to get them out there to all the people who made the book happen! There will be very few books left over for purchase too. Check the APA web site to view all the entries:

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Field Trip Melbourne

Cheese! Nanami and I caught the same early flight out as Damien, my Aus Infront partner.

Nana and I on the plane, ready to go.

We scored a newer Qantas plane with personal screens. I selected The Pirelli Calendar Saga and was shocked that they didn’t edit out any of the tits and ass! Bit embarrassing and there were kids sitting behind us so I quickly changed channels.

Goodbye Sydney!

Aus Infront crew (Damien, myself and Zann). We headed straight to Lamington Drive to hook up with Zann and find out what our agenda was for the day.

There’s always something awesome on show at Lamington Drive.

Jeremy’s whippet.

And his mate :)

Zann had set up a temp office @ JW, he was in the Matrix working on the new Aus Infront web site (set to launch mid May).

We brought along more goodies for the Field Trip tote bags and the Jacky Winter Group team were quick to get cracking on getting the bags filled up.

The Music Issue – Desktop’s best issue yet (in my opinion). Find it at your local newsagent now.

We then headed direct to ACMI.

Zann and I in the theatre waiting for the tote bags to arrive.

All hands were on deck to offload 400+ tote bags.

Our Infront T’s (featuring our new logo) arrived too.

Nana and I hit up Degraves to grab some lunch. This Pizza from Lorca was perfect.

We then stayed off the main roads and went rummaging (best thing to do in Melbourne!) we came across a big bearded dude putting up photocopied signs on a door. He mentioned that Ferdydurke is a new bar (run by the guys at Section 8) opening up soon, the bar wasn’t ready but he invited us up to check it out (awesome right?!). Loved the decor, can’t wait to go back when it’s finished.

Bao hit to refuel us for more rummaging.

Later that night we braved the queue to dine at Mamasita’s.

Menu was in Mexican which made it a little hard to order, place was a bit pretentious but the food was alright.

DAY 2 – 7AM SHARP we were at ACMI setting up the theatre for Field Trip. First jon was to place all 400 tote bags on chairs!

Was more of a workout that we had imagined!

Next thing we knew it was 9AM and registration was open.

9.15AM and the theatre doors were opened.

The big screen above the stage.

Jeremy opened the show with some hilarious memes up on the big screen. This particular slide explained the process concept of Field Trip!

Charlotte’s been a massive help with Field Trip and being her Birthday, Jeremy got everyone to sing Happy Birthday for her (very sweet).

I found it near impossible to take shots of the presentations, but here’s a before and during shot of Illustrator Travis Price’s presentation to give you an idea of what the conference was all about.

Seeing everyone on stage creating artwork was too much for Nanami, who found it too hard to resist scribbling in her sketchpad.

Tin & Ed on the stage.

Jeremy wrapping up the event.

DAY 3 – The view from the Grand Hyatt.

We spotted a massive queue outside a tiny dumpling shop on Little Bourke St. so we decided to join in on the action.

The pan friend pork dumplings were awesome!

More rummaging led us to La Belle Miette, a shop that sold nothing but macarons (my favorite!).


Pistachio + Raspberry!

That night we hit St Kilda to dine at Cicciolina’s. There was a 2hr wait (!) but luckily they have a fantastic back bar and we ordered this amazing antipasto plate to tide us in until dinner (which was very late, but great!).

DAY 4 – On a tip from Desktop Magazine’s Editor Brendan McKnight, we hit Manchester Press for brunch.

We had to wait for a table, loved how they wrote our names on the brick outside.

Nanami’s coffee! So cute! Best coffee consumed on this trip, by far.

Happy Nana.

They’re known for their bagels. This one’s the Chorizo Bagel.

And this was the Salmon Bagel. The shop fit-out was awesome too. Lovely recycled feel was spot on.

We managed to squeeze in cocktails and a snack @ Chin Chin before heading to the airport.

Just got back (last night) from Field Trip Creative Conference in Melbourne. Happy to say it was a great success! Official shots from the event should be up soon. In the meantime you can check the tweets.

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Zen Garage Post Easter Sale

Our Post Easter Sale went down a treat last Saturday thanks to our friends who helped us get the word out on their Facebook Pages. Sydney turned on the weather (we’ve been blessed!) and punters snapped up heavily discounted goods.

Initially I was a little upset to be working on such a nice day. When asked how I was going by a customer I replied “I’d rather be at the beach!” to which they replied “no way we’d rather be here!”. That took me by surprise, and very quickly snapped me out of my downer mood. Better yet is this snippet from Fitment Freaks:

Days like this are what we live for. A big thanks to the staff at Zen Garage for today!

Sweet right? The above photos were snapped by Fitment Freaks. Check out more images here.

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Up in the sky

Snapped these snappers today, hehe :)

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The new MCA

Looks a lot better in real life than the 3D renderings I’d seen months ago.

Looks like a great meeting spot right? So great to see the facade being used already.

The 4th floor is dedicated to a sculpture space and cafe/bar. Small, but nice.


This little installation had people lying on the floor and gazing up at the roof. Very cool, more of this (interactive art) please.

Perhaps the most confronting piece on show today. Definitely the most photographed.

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