Monthly Archives: December 2011

Watto Bay

Cold Plate.

Hot Plate. 4th Fish & Chips for me this week, out of control…

Ah Sydney.

As the sun went down I grabbed my GF1 only to realise I’d run out of batteries. NOOOO! A DSLR without batteries is like a broken down car. Useless! I took this shot with my iPhone 3GS, so upset I couldn’t use the GF1 though.

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27sqm – my first solo show

Nanami, Sean and Sarah.

Title and price list.

You can view all the pieces in Sean’s show here.

I bought the piece on the right “As we all try to escape” – Sydney traffic looks beautiful through Sean’s eyes!

In a bold, and very left of field move, my buddy Sean Torstensson and his flatmate Sokquon Tran have converted their Broadway apartment into an art gallery. What used to be a very comfortable lounge room is now an art space, even the kitchen has been hidden from sight.

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My 2nd DC2R

The Golf was sold last week. I’ve been driving my Mum’s SLK for a week (looking very homosexual indeed). I was VERY close to buying an EVO TME (again) but didn’t trust any of the cars on carsales (all of which had 40,000kms, yeah right). I was also very close to buying Zi’s Jazz, which would have been my 4th Honda Jazz, but luckily I stepped sideways and bought Papz’s crazy clean DC2R. It’s done a lot of km’s, but hey, it’s a Honda! I love the black seats especially (red ones never did it for me). All paid for. I pick her up next week!

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ADVAN Neova Cup Awards Night @ Zen Garage

Since May this year, ADVAN have sent out an open invite to all Australian track whores to crack the fastest lap time they could on street legal ADVAN Neova road tyres and last night we wrapped it all up by hosting the ADVAN Neova Cup Awards Night at Zen Garage.

With directional spots and dynamic LED’s in place our space was seen in a completely different light (pun intended). Kuriosity Killz were spinning killer tunes all night, our guests were fed, cold bevvies were served, chins were wagging and winners of each class were awarded a trophy.

Full feature now on Zen Garage:

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How cute is he huh?!?!

Miles isn’t so scared of Uncle Justin anymore now! We’ve made a connection, yay! :) PS: He’s SO heavy!

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Bettina Banks photoshoot @ Zen Garage

The shoot is live! For the whole set, visit:

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Zen Garage Grand Opening Video

Video by the amazing Tith Brothers!

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Speedhunters Street Car of the Year Awards

Arguably the largest automotive blog in the world, Speedhunters are conducting their 2011 Street Car of the year awards. So awesome to see some Aussie cars being nominated, amazingly my GT-R made the cut! Vote for me?!


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Hell of a life

Illest shoot @ Zen Garage went down today with professional piercer, model and gogo dancer Bettina Banks + Photographer Alain Sihaphone from BLOW&TREES. Bettina was a champ, her energy was awesome. What a gal!


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Zen Garage Photowall

Photowall fun from last Saturday’s Zen Garage Grand Opening, more photos here:

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