Monthly Archives: December 2010

Albert Namatjira inspired Australian aquarium landscape update

Laying down the aquasoil.

Mr Lock shaping the soil.

Me, deep in thought.

The girls chucked these guys in for some much needed comic relief! Great for sense of scale too!

Lights on and it was time to go for dinner.

Spent the whole day at the Locks today helping Tony out with his tank. So much more work than I thought as the tank is just so huge and the rocks were so heavy to move around. All in all we’re happy with how much we got done in one day. The scape isn’t perfect but we’ve got time to get it right. I’ve got to begin the hunt for a huge tree trunk for the left side (meant to be the foreground).

Anyways, last update for the year. I’ll be at Harbour Party tomorrow night, off my tits for a few days I expect! Happy New Years all, have a great one, more blogging (I’m really enjoying it!) in the new year :)

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Kazuhiko “Smoky” Nagata. Photo by Linhbergh.

I was only just made aware of this through facebook but apparently I’m a nominee for the ‘2010 Speedhunters Personality of the Year’ award. I clicked a link and when I saw the people nominated I almost fell over! I suspect Charles had something to do with this (naughty Charles!).

As if my already humongous ego needed more! I’m chuffed and obviously not after the win!!!

To check out the nominees visit:

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Centennial Park ride

8am light.

Brendan (who just bought my Azzurri).

Shida (who after riding Brendan’s Azzurri is now planing to buy one to replace her flat-bar roadie).



Nath’s here! Ready to ride!

Love the 80’s. Love the Paino.

Got together with some car and bike friends today for an early morning Centennial Park ride. Super chilled, really nice just hanging out post ride too. Especially funny seeing how into it Nath is. Just half a year ago he was one of those cyclist hating drivers, now he’s very much converted…in fact, more than that, he’s onto his 3rd bike already and I can’t see him slowing down any time soon!

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A Very Lock Christmas!

HAHA! How cute is this?! :)

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Papz’s Full Moon B’day Party

Vodka infused drink station + full moon buckets on the right.

Mr. Papz picking out some fresh herbs from his impressive herb garden.


Mr Papz working the woodfire pizza oven.

The spit! Lamb on the left, pork on the right.

The feast!

Super hot today. Christina and I both took advantage of Papz’s pool.

The poolside DJ’s were busy scratch’n over chilled out summer beats.

Papz’s Pug.

Papz – B’day boy.

Charles & Anna.




The eating and drinking continued yesterday with a B’day bash at Papz’s place in Cecil Hills. Papz set a Thai style full moon festival theme complete with buckets for booze. His Dad’s a butcher and the feast served up was awesome. The pork and lamb on a spit did it for me big time (I’m craving it as I type!).

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Christmas 2010

View from my Uncle’s place.

My sister + Mum.

Myself, Mum + brother-in-law Richie.

Simone + Maja.

Richie’s home brew is awesome. Reminds me of a Squire beer, great summer flavor.


For a moment, we’re all kids again. Opening pressies + saying thanks is always a highlight for us each year.

Of-course all the pets got gifts from our shop too :)

I went to mass last night with the Locks and saw what Tony had cooking for his family Christmas today. Eggs stuffed into a quail which is then stuffed into a chicken which is then stuffed into a duck which is then shoved into a massive turkey!!!I Got to admit I was tempted to drop in for the feast but I spent Christmas with my family instead this year and Christina spent it with hers (we usually get to both but this year we thought we’d just chill with our own families).

Booze, food, family, pressies and even some pong action thrown in for good measure. Merry Xmas all! :)

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Aquarium update

Last FTS for the year. Everything is going well! Click here for high res.

Florescent green leather coral is going nuts.

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Goodbye Azzurri

Azzurri Uno Race

Sold the Azzurri tonight for half of what it’s worth to car friends Brendan and Shida. Great guys so I was more than happy to see it go to a good home. The money will go straight into paying my huge $9k credit card debt (not much of a dint unfortunately). *Looks around to see what else can I sell?!*

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I freaked out for a second as I forgot to bring a bottle opener, but then I remembered that there’s one built into the centre console of the MKV Golf, haha, how awesome!

Little bit of dish on a Golf. Jayd’s new DPE wheels.

Mr Churrasco was on the BBQ.

MK1’s and 2’s MIA.

We had our last meet for the year yesterday at Centennial Park. The rain held out which was awesome, company was great (as always!) and the food was awesome too.

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See that bent motherfather? Yeah that’s right $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Fuuuuu!

See that crack motherfather? Yeah that’s right $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Fuuuuu!

Bad month, credit card is mega minus, all my US cheques converted to less Aussie dollar instead of more and now my car has decided it needs some new parts for Christmas.

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