Monthly Archives: August 2010

Aquarium Update


Middle section.

The water is “looking” VERY clean but as of today the Nitrate test still reads 50ppm (high!). I’ve posted up a call for help here:

There are a few great suggestions in there. I’ve just got to try to give some of them a go slowly and not all at once!

I really wanted to know what was under the rock work. The middle bommie is the smallest so I took the entire bommie apart (moved rocks to the side) and to my surprise there wasn’t THAT much crap under there. I siphoned the substrate clean and put the rocks back a little more centred than before to allow water flow behind the bommie.

PS: I did find some fleshy bits on some rock from corals which have long died off (their bases). I’ve removed these pieces of rock. I also did find 2 peppermint shrimp under the biggest rock at the base and one MASSIVE dark brown brittle starfish the size of my hand!

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Mia – Day 5

Freaky stretch!

Christina’s been sick for months now (since before she left for China). Initially the doctor diagnosed it as tonsillitis and after 2 courses of antibiotics we’re now waiting for a blood test to see if it’s perhaps glandular fever.

Mia’s been keeping her plenty busy though and spends most of her time walking all over Christina’s keyboard or resting in her lap. Day 5 and she’s been great! Such a good girl!

In other news: I’ve been invited to give an inspirational design talk this Friday at Kogarah Tafe. It’s been a while since I’ve done a talk so I’m pretty excited and will spend some time tomorrow putting together my presentation. I’ve been slugging away at Modern Pet Shop too which is looking pretty damn good I have to say (click here to see what it used to look like and click here to see what it currently looks like). I’ve got another fashion store to do for Tendy’s wife so hacking the matrix is really helping me get up to speed with shopping carts. I’ve also been hired to help get a new community off the ground (a secret for now), automotive and community related but it’s coming along nicely. I’ve been keeping up daily maintenance on the fish tank and last of all Peter from Bodyform (he’s arguably the best body kit manufacturer and fitter out there) has asked me to re-design his web site. Busy? Yup. Stressed out? Yup but it’s good stress and I’m loving everything I’m working on at the moment.

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Mia – Day 3

Mia playing.

We were a little worried that little Mia would cry all night (despite Russian Blue’s being quiet cats the breeders let us know that Mia was the most vocal of the bunch!). Amazingly she slept through the entire night, in the kitty room without making a sound (phew!).

Our little bundle of fluff, early in the morning, checking out the garden.

We couldn’t resist letting her out of her kitty room. She’s a good explorer though she cries when she’s exploring an area where she can’t see or hear us.

She’s tiny but she’s grown twice the size in just 3 weeks (since we first saw her at the breeders).

Later that day Jamie, Richie and Mum came over to play!

Mia’s getting lots and lots of pressies too (so funny).

Jamie (might as well call my sister ‘cat lady’!) played with Mia so much that she conked out early afternoon and pretty much stayed KO’d until bed time and once again she slept through the entire night without a meow. She’s so good!

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See-Saw – Opening Night

A good turnout!

I met Ravi. He’s deaf so we communicated via his iPhone. Highlight of the night for me!

Speeches (in which I was handed a bag of goodies and a bottle of wine!).

Our installation went off. I got so much great feedback on the night and people were actually playing with the 3D shapes which was great to see.

Despite feeling tired (my left eye is twitching uncontrollably!) I made it to the See-Saw opening night tonight. All the students I mentored were there, all the other students, mentors + friends and family too.

It’s been a really fun experience and I’m super happy with how it all went. The emails I got yesterday from my group thanking me for being involved made my day (it’s most important to me that they had fun!).

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Mia is home


Mia came home this morning. She’s settled into her kitty room nicely and right now she’s fast asleep! We’re pretty sure she’ll cry when she wakes up and realises we’re not still in the room with her though!

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Nick’s 21st

I’m feeling pretty seedy right now thanks to all the champagne I drank last night at my cousin Nicholas’ 21st.

Penis cake.

Nicholas’ girl Romina.

Yummy canapés were served all night.

Nick’s B’day cake. Nuts huh?! Like me Nicholas is super into robots, he’s even studying mechatronics at uni.

At one point Nicholas’ parents put on a video they had made on his 1st B’day. I had a memory of it as he was crying the whole night but seeing footage of it just blew my vague memory out of the water and seeing footage of my Dad almost made me fall over. He looked so good! Highlight of the night for me, for sure.

Nicholas’ speech (looks like amazing cakes have always been the way!). He’s such a good kid.

After the speeches the entire room became a dance floor. My aunty Helen (Mum’s youngest sister), her guy Michael and my Mum getting down!

Guest book signing.

I was pretty wasted at this stage. Random snap of my sister Jamie at the car park pay station.

Richie and Jess.

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Aquarium Update

Latest full tank shot.

I use a 4 stage reverse osmosis filter system to create freshwater for dehydration top-ups and I hadn’t changed the filters since buying the unit in 2007 (!). Today I received a filter replacement kit in the mail from PSI. You can see how yellow the old sediment filter had gotten over the years.

Unfortunately my nitrates are still sitting at 50ppm despite doing small daily water changes. I might have to do one huge water change somehow (buy a big tub?!).

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Fixed Up

Post See-Saw, Christina and I thought we’d duck into The Galleries Victoria for dinner and also into Kino to find my cousin a pressie for his B’day. I was stoked to see fixies still hanging up (I thought I’d missed the Fixed Up exhibit) and I was even more stoked to spot a BMU jersey from the 2nd floor. It was Felix!

Luckily I had my camera on me. Here are a few pics I rattled off:

You can view more here:

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See-Saw – Day 2

Today was the final day of the See-Saw project for my group (group 4, one to come). Time crept up on us but we got everything done and displayed by the deadline (Gaffa Gallery shuts at 6pm). It’s been a challenging and rewarding experience for myself and the students in my group too I’m sure.

Day 2. Ben and Yerevan hard at it.

Dave was meant to be the “invisible” photographer but it was hard to not notice the guy, he’s a giant! (PS: top guy too!).

Another killer lunch today.

Setting up our space looking in from Gallery 1.

Our massive golden mean sits on the right wall. Below it you can see the pieces which we cut out of the golden mean to form our letter shapes.

Our little room sits between Gallery 1 and Gallery 2 so we aptly named it Gallery 1.5 (our typeface in action!).

Visitors are encouraged to move the 3D shapes in front of them to form letters from our typeface on the far wall.

Be sure to drop into Gaffa Gallery this Saturday afternoon from 5-7pm for some drinks and to check out what all the groups have done.

For more information visit:

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Storm damage

The insane storm the other night was the worst one I’ve seen so far at Maroubra. It damaged one of the huge trees in our backyard. One huge branch has snapped clean and is now leaning on our roof and another branch has also snapped clean and is lying on the ground!

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