Monthly Archives: August 2010

FTS August 2010

Latest full tank shot. Click here for a larger image.

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Mia visits the Vet

Mia hated the car trip more than the vet!

Mia was due for her 2nd vaccination and despite suggestions from family to take her to a vet in Randwick we decided to take her to the Greencross Vet down the road instead. The vet (Dr Chris Godfrey) and staff were super friendly and Mia was so well behaved (a weigh in, stethoscope, thermometer up the bum, nail clipping and a shot too!).

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Live rock.

Freaky brittle star I found under one of the rocks (scared the shit out of me).

I’ve broken down the tank even more and have decided to a new aquascape. The above pic shows all the rock I’ve taken out of the tank. The massive rock wall I had going all these years created a lot of dead spots (no flow) and a lot of detritus settled in these dead spots, that’s been the cause of my high nitrate levels. More updates as they come.

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OK OK… last one for the weekend (lol)

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Ridiculous huh?

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Bikes Move Us – Runner up team fundraisers

Clifton came over the other day to give me this 2010 Woodford to Glenbrook Classic plaque and a letter from CareFlight. It turns out that Team BMU came in 2nd not only in the race but also in the fundraising with a healthy $1025 raised for CareFlight. I’m super proud of the guys, top effort!

You can view images of the ride here.

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Designer Disco

So INfront’s Designer Disco kicked ass last night. So great to see some of the old crew (designer veterans yo!) and meet some new faces too. I snapped a few pics but I did spot photographer Keith Saunders (who took shots of me for the BIG exhibit) rattling off a few shots too so I’m hoping Keith will send me some better shots soon.

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Designer Disco

We’re (Australian INfront) putting on Designer Disco tonight, the official after party for Sydney Design Festival. Kicking off at 10pm, we’ll be taking over the Civic Hotel so come along if you’re reading yeah? I’ll be there, with camera at hand and my dancing shoes on too!

More info here.

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I dropped in to check out BIG today at the Object Gallery Surry Hills (an exhibition I was featured in as part of Sydney Design 2010). It’s small but really fun, especially the slides on the lightbox that you have to close one eye and peek into. They’re damn amazing (so 3D!).

A few pics:

BIG – put together by designer Stephen Goddard and photographer Keith Saunders.

Screen on entry (BMU RPRSNT!).

The exhibition space. That’s me at the back left in the lightbox.

These photo slides were sooooo good and added a level of interaction which is always great at exhibitions (if it was me I’d have done the entire exhibition in this style!).

It’s the me!

My little blurb.

Nice to see the bike path in between the foot path and the road outside the gallery too, very cool and the way it should be!

The exhibit runs until the end of this month. More details here.

Christina and I thought we’d make the most of the great weather so we dropped into Paddington Markets to buy some bread and also to consume the best Belgian chocolate waffle we’ve ever had (sincerely, don’t ever remember a waffle tasting better than this!).

Random: real estate sign.

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Will work for Booze…

I was doing pretty regular design talks at various schools a few years back and Daniela, who used to teach at Shillington College, remembered me from a talk I once gave there. She’s been teaching design at Kogarah TAFE for the past few years and a few weeks ago she asked me if I’d be interested in talking to her students. Despite my initial hesitation (no matter how many talks I do I always cringe at the idea of getting nervous in front of a crowd) I said yes and today I headed in to talk.

I spotted this in the TAFE carpark. When I got to the lecture theatre I realised I needed to borrow a laptop to present with (!) and it turns out that the guy who owns this car was also the guy who lent me his laptop (I realised this because the desktop wallpaper on the laptop had this car on it!).

The room before students came in.

The students after the talk (I presented for about 1.5hrs).

The only catch was that there was no money to pay for my time but Daniela did promise to pay me with some good wines and that she did!

I’ve come full circle with talks. I used to focus on creative process but now I focus on getting to do the things I want to do through design (for me it’s cars, bikes, fish tanks or anything else I choose to be obsessive compulsive about!). It’s about being in the zone all the time because I want to be in the zone, not about forcing myself to be in the zone on something I’m not at all into.

As usual I walked away on a high. It’s rewarding to reflect on getting out of my comfort zone and hopefully I planted a few good seeds in the minds of the students too.

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