Monthly Archives: November 2009

No internet… again!

My internet has been down for 3 days (again). This time the Telstra guy found the problem, some sort of interference from someone elses’s ADASL line, somehow. He assures me it’s fixed though (here’s hoping!).

A few pics from the weekend:

Poker and Karaoke madness at Sonny’s place.

Fung on the left is a poker manager at Star City Casino. He basically ran the night and it was quite impressive to watch him deal.

Sonny’s pretty crazy about Transformers as well, he collects these rare mini transformers.

Hotrod cost him $100 on his recent trip to Japan.

I got pretty plastered on the JD.

Sonny’s foose table!

Andy singing some sexy 80’s tunes.

Never gonna give you up!

3am Karaoke, the neighbours have got to love that.

The next day Suga took me to get a facial (?!). Her family has been getting facials from the same lady since she was 6.

This is what we saw when we walked in the door, crazy huh? So Asian. Straight out of Hong Kong!!!

That’ll be me. Yup, it was interesting. I liken it to doing an amazing detail on your car. So many products layered on then removed, layered on then removed, it was AOK actually!

We bought our forst tree (nyaw).

Any my Mum surprised us with an easy Xmas gift.

What I cook when I’m lazy. This was a killer spag bol though if I do say so myself, they get better every time!!!

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Container unloading

Yesterday I dropped in to visit Yonas and Zi at JDMyard hoping to try out a few of their plastic front lips on my ED Civic. When I got there, a huge truck had just left this in front of the shop:

It’s so huge it blocks the shop next door too.


Yonas in the container (which was hot like an oven and smelly). 2 hours in and this is all we had got to.

Late afternoon. We unloaded non-stop. David, Yonas, myself, Zi and 2 other guys came to help out later in the day.

Dave and the towing boxes of wheels, all sorted.

OG OG-San.

OG OG-San.

OG Oldskool.

OG Oldskool.

OG Banzai.


I also spotted this Seibon carbon bonnet for my ED Civic (ED/EF, same thing). Why so tempting!!!

Nice to see my logo design on a gearknob!

When we finally finished up it was dinner time and the Boss treated us good. Tingtao is a great Chinese beer, crispy, just how I love my beers.

We had dinner in a packed out, award winning Chinese restaurant in Hursville. They served up some traditional dishes that I’d never tried before. Duck with Taro and this soupy dish with salted egg, thousand year old egg and spinach.

Tasty chicken and Basil hotpot dish.

I didn’t get to try any of the lips for the ED, but I got carried away with the unloading and really got into it. Good thing as I hadn’t ridden my bike lately and I needed a workout!

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Ribs and rumps!

Last night Christina and I caught up with our good mate Steve who suggested we pig out at Ribs and Rumps in Homebush.

Ribs and Rumps.

Stevey waited a while as Suga and I were super late (my fault I was so busy installing the carpet in the ED I forgot what time it was!).

I spotted a beer on the list I hadn’t tried. One swig and I was sold, it’s so sweet, almost like drinking mango juice!

The meat looked better than it tasted. My steak was overcooked and the ribs were nowhere near as good as either Hurricanes or Kelly’s.

We then dropped into the JDMST/Circuit Club meet around the corner.

Narada organised the meet and had invited a whole fleet of S2K owners.

Narada + Movember + JDMST T = Win

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New carpet for the ED Civic

The old carpet was dead, thin in many parts, damp and smelly so I’ve replaced it with new carpet which I bought off eBay.

How the carpet comes.

I laid the old carpet over the new carpet to mark out all the holes and went at it with a sharp blade.

Fitting the carpet was a pain, but I got there eventually.

The end result.

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A weekend in Melbourne

Spent the weekend in Melbourne with Suga, Felix, Dianne, my sister Jamie and Richie. It was epic! I’m very much in love with Melbourne again (didn’t have a great time last trip), loved the food, the sights and most of all the company.

Train crossing on the way to the airport.

It’s a tradition to eat McDonalds at the airport, always highly satisfying for some reason.

My T-Shirt :P

The lady pilot hammered our plane into the ground, one of the hardest landings I’ve felt in a long time. We stayed at the Quest on Collins St. in the CBD and we were pleasantly surprised at how huge and clean our apartment was.

The girls wanted to shop so we hit Chapel Street straight away. Dianne runs a food blog and so she’s always taking photos of everyone’s meals before we’re allowed to eat (haha).

The girls were pretty much walking into every single fashion store. Felix and I had done the whole street by the time they had done only one block! We checked out the Knog store though and had a chat with the cool cats inside.

They sell Swobos at the shop, these ones are customised by the infamous Shifter Bikes.

John and Jamie at Knog. Cool guys, they gave me a load of sweet Knog stickers to put on the counter at MCC.

Bikes are absolutely everywhere in Melbourne. So many riders.

Fixie boys outside of the Town Hall.


Felix and I dropped into the Blue Bar on Chapel St. for a cold one.

My lady.

We hooked up with Richie and Jamie and had dinner at The Point on Saturday night. Check the lit up fridge. I love a place that displays their meat!!!

The foodie at work! Mixed reviews on this restaurant. My steak was damn perfect but others were either too raw or overcooked. Shame really as they pride themselves on serving the best steak in the whole of Australia.

The next day we got up early, killed an amazing brekky then picked up our Tarago hire car to hit the Great Ocean Road. Unfortunately it was pissing down.

We stopped off at this cute little cottage cafe.

They served up some killer scones with jam and cream.

We loved the jam so much we bought some to take home.

At this point it started pouring rain and we all got pretty wet, we forged on though!

Just another pitt stop.

Fish and Chips for lunch, we’re almost there!

“AW SHIT!” – Our Tarago had mad plates.

Amazingly the sun came out when we got to the apostles!!!

Felix and Dianne, the wind was so strong which just made it all the more amazing.

Richie and Jamie.

Wow, what a view.



The trusty Tarago was impressive. No power but it could steer! Suga absolutely caned the thing through the twisties!

Cityscape at sunset ended our epic road trip on a high.

We met up with some Melbourne crew for drinks. Shiri and a few Club ITR guys.

We had some Japanese then Shiri took us to “Cookie” which was a totally rad bar.

Di and Felix @ Cookie.

Art @ Cookie.

Jamie @ Cookie.

Suga @ Cookie.

Shiri @ Cookie.

The next morning we hit centre lane again for brekky, which again, blew us away.

Middle Eastern brekky of meatballs and baked eggs!

Spotted outside, lovely.

We also checked out some awesome graff.






We managed to squeeze in Brunswick St. too where Christina once again went on a manic shopping spree (she did well!). This Polyester sign used to be painted large on their shop front, someone was so offended that they threw a brick through the window so now it lives on a much smaller sign outside.

On the tarmac.

It’s home time.

Home, safe and sound in Sydney.

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Wardrobes are done

Hallway linen closet.


Our wardrobes are finally finished!

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Hanging out with the Locks

Met a great family last night, friends of the Locks since way back. Both of them met whilst gliding and their daughter is double jointed. Haha.

Pre-dinner drinks at the Locks. Great conversation, wine, champagne, all in good taste as always.

Steff’s party trick.

We went to Excellent Chinese Seafood Restaurant where Mr Lock gets to order things not on the menu. These desserts are amazing. In the bowl is some sort of almond soupy stuff, it smells so good. The fried ball is gooey and has red bean inside, so good.

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The look on Suga’s face says it all.

Wide much?

Fussy sharp tail lights might take some getting used to but they scream “current model”.

Yes automatic unfortunately. The shifters on the wheel have both up and down gears on both sides, which is totally confusing so I didn’t even bother. There were 2 sports modes though and the 2nd one was damn aggressive and made the car come to life.

Howzers dropped in yesterday afternoon with his new 911 and I got to give it a bit of a fang!

The car feels so solid and firm yet it’s super comfy and handles the bumps so well. The steering is weighted perfectly, the front of the car feels super light which makes it playful when turning into corners.

I mashed the accelerator pedal to the floor my adrenaline levels went through the roof!!! I was laughing out loud, lifting off and hitting it again. Damn this thing accelerates. The response is insane and the noise it makes is meaty and raw.

I loved it! I was on a high for 30 minutes after driving it (and that was only around the block!).

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ED Civic update

The drivers side HID was blinking (badly) so I got rid of them and have gone back to bulbs (Old Skool FTW!).

I ducked into Super Cheap Auto and bought a whole lot of trim screws + some no logo black floor matts.

Today I visited Peter who has a great DIY build thread (on an ED Civic of-course!) on OzHonda. I drove the Civic out West (freaky shit. I’m rarely outside of the East! Hahaha). He was an old guy, used to race an EG Civic, is now a Web manager by trade but loves playing with cars. His backyard was a workshop/junkyard/pain shop all in one. There were cars and parts absolutely everywhere, most of which had JDMST stickers too (luckily I brought along a JDMST T-Shirt for the guy!).

I had a list of things I needed for my Civic. Fuel cap lever, rear window lever, various plastic covers and panels and Peter had the lot and then some! He gave it all to me super cheap too, what a guy.

One of Peters (many) project cars (his inspiring DIY build thread here).

All the bits I needed. The airbox is a B16A airbox with an HKS panel filter but unfortunately I couldn’t get it to fit as my battery is in the way. Might bother with it some other time.

Speaker covers yay.

I fixed the rear latch which opens and closes the rear window. It was a damn bitch to install but I got there eventually.

New rear floor which goes over the spare wheel.

Peter gave me the panel above the front bumper. Installing it was fiddly work but I got there eventually. I still need to replace the front bumper bar (if I could be bothered).

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House update

Kozyndan framed
Our singed Kozyndan prints are now framed, and up on the walls too. So good!

Our HUGE hardwood outdoor setting came, we built it up and oiled it. It seats 10 very comfortably. All we need now is a BBQ!!!

Christina loves the cute Alessi stuff.

Our King couch came in this morning, our old couch was so dark and heavy, this new couch really opens up the room a lot more.

Christina chose the material and it looks great!

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