Monthly Archives: May 2009

Deathtrap Project – update

Frame is back from a blast and powdercoat, the building begins!!!

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Inside Out

Yesterday I got a really nice email from a fellow designer:

Dear Justin,

Many years ago, I think circa 2002, I made contact with you asking for feedback on my work. You kindly made time for me, and generously invited me to your house to show you my work.

I asked you before I left “do you think I’ll make it” to which you replied , ‘yes’

Just wanted to let you know, I ‘made it’, I am a designer for Inside Out magazine, I have a small little blog going

And, I actually finished uni!

I’m writing to say, THANK YOU so much, thank you for instilling that bit of faith into me and for taking the time to help a young design student out from the start.

Many thanks,
grace lee designer INSIDEout Magazine

Grace’s email made my day. It’s stuff like this that define Kharma for me. Love her little blog too, some of her images made me smile, some made me giggle. Coincidentally I’ve been reading a lot of INSIDEout magazines (Mum has HEAPS of them!) and they’ve been a source of inspiration for the house rennovations. INSIDEout have a great little staff blog worth checking out too.

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My Mum has a nice garage door

My 2007 Giant Reign 1. If I could only keep one bike, this is the one I’d keep.

My 2008 Giant Anthem X0 XC race machine.

My Titanium 1×9 full rigid.

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My Perfect Wedding

OMG it has begun.

Christina made a bee-line for the wedding section at the newsagents this weekend, and yesterday we even checked out a church. A few minutes ago I got an msn message from her to check out an online booking and information page of that said church.

We’ve only been engaged for just under a month. Christina and her mum suggested the 8th of October 2011 but at a family dinner last week the Locks got excited.

Mr Lock would really like a traditional Chinese Wedding, like in the movies he says, with costumed hired help throwing petals… he’d also like us to get it over and done with, and says early next year would be a good date. Mrs Lock agrees, next year would be good. Her friend told her of a great Bollywood style wedding where dancers dragged guests up to dance and she too wants to see Christina wear a traditional Chinese wedding dress. Despite all these suggestions, they insisted that it’s our wedding.


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{ – The Deathtrap Project – }

The new project. Follow the build here.

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House updates

Check out these sexy drains for both my showers. They took 4 weeks to make, all aluminium, tig welded too.

Slatting is going on, sideways instead of the usual way you’d attach it. I’m pretty happy with how it’s turning out.

Nowhere near as heavy as you can see through it a lot more than the more traditional style of nailing the slatting on.

In bike news I’ve gone and bought a motor for a future deathtrap project, the Ti’s almost done:

Late at night in my man cave.

Wider KCNC bar, XT shifter, ESI grips.


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Silent movie

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Whoo hoo!

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Feelin better already :)

On Friday Suga took a day off work, we thought we’d head out to the Hunter for the day. McDonalds breakfast, an essential part of any road trip!

Our chariot.


The first vinyard we stopped at was Bimbadgen. We tasted a fair few wines and got pretty pissed. We also bought 12 bottles to take home.

Tree at Peppers Convent.

Home made bread. I was a bit Mr. Grumpy bum all day, the traffic on the way home didn’t make me feel any better, but I felt better once we got to my sisters house, her and Richie cooked us up a lovely dinner and we couched out for a bit.

I found this note on a car in the city (not mine), lovely, there are still some Sydney people who care.

The best Laksa in Sydney? Big call.

We stumbled into a crowd on Martin Place, turns out all the V8 supercar cars and stars were there, the star of the show for me, and many others, was this GTR pace car.

I was shocked to see the whole of Pitt St. under major construction, the city never stays familiar for long when you rarely visit it.

Later that afternoon Christina had a surprise B’day pressie for me (I hate surprises). Turns out it was a chopper flight!


Whoo hoo let’s go!

Can we go to Maroubra? Sure! Flying over our home.

Maroubra Beach.

Our pilot Christian.

Prime real estate: Waverly cemetary.


Our harbour.

So the flight: Taking off was THE best part, hovercraft describes it well, car of the future does too. Just awesome. I felt a bit queasy at some points but it wasn’t so bad. Another highlight was when Christina asked our pilot Christian whether he knew Vic Larusso (Channel 10’s traffic helicopter newsman), Laughs all round!

This morning I got up at 5.30AM and drove out to the mountains to join the BMU crew for a run on the Oaks trail. Our group was 13 large. Awesome!

Waiting for the train.

On the train. Was a great ride, always is! The drive home was a little long and tiring, but I’m satisfied, and happy (again). :) What a great weekend!

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OMFG I’m 34

I think I’m feeling…. depression. Mid life crisis coming on? Neck and shoulder pain, stress from all the house rennovation work, want Christina to move in (pronto), thinking of getting the GT-R back on the road, thinking of selling the Jazz as I’m sick of being bullied on the streets, banned off Farkin (again lol). Times are shit. I need to ride.

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